
Seaweed to heal the planet

Seaweed forests and algal beds cover about 3.5 million square km of our planet — only about 1% of the ocean’s surface — but these amazing ecosystems generate benefits to people and nature far out of proportion to their size. Read More »

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As the Blue Economy blossoms, the fishing industry is being left behind. What can we do about it?

By Julia Rose and Christopher Cusack

The generation of goods and services on or for the oceans has been growing exponentially in recent years. Industries such as shipping, marine tourism, aquaculture and renewable energy contribute to a “Blue Economy” that employed 2.3 million Americans and generated $373 billion for the U.S. economy in 2018. Read More »

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The Silver Anniversary of Sustainable Fisheries

Unsustainable fishing remains among the planet’s most serious and elusive environmental challenges. When it comes to the ocean, scientists agree that while reducing and mitigating climate risks is the biggest long-term threat, getting fishing intensity right is the biggest near-term need. Read More »

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Aquatic/Blue Foods: The Missing Ingredient for a Sustainable Future

By Jim Leape, Kristian Teleki, Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted and Thomas V. Grasso, Co-chairs, Blue Food Cluster for the U.N. Food Systems Summit 2021

This op-ed was first published in ECO Magazine’s Autumn 2021 edition. View it here.

Our food systems are fragile and worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. Conventional food systems, already stretched, have been undermined by outdated supply chains and exposed as vulnerable to climate change. Add to this:

  • Global malnutrition is on the rise and hunger continues to plague far too many people.
  • Global population is projected to be 10 billion by 2050.
  • With just under a decade left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, no country is currently on track to do so.

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Maximizing benefits: considerations for oceans technology applications 

By Trudie Grattan and Melissa Mahoney

When you hear the phrase “oceans technology,” what comes to mind? Do you picture a futuristic device that’s cleaning up the Pacific Garbage Patch? Smart cameras to see a fishing vessel’s activity, fishing location and more? Read More »

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Sustainable fisheries management experiences from China

Marine fisheries provide protein for more than 3 billion people worldwide, provide employment opportunities for more than 200 million people, and make significant contributions to people’s livelihoods, food security and well-being. However, due to climate change, overfishing, habitat destruction, marine environmental pollution and eutrophication, global fishery resources — including Chinese fisheries — are facing a serious decline. Read More »

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