
Putting blue food on the menu at COP28

By Karly Kelso (EDF), Dr. Michelle Tigchelaar (Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions), and Dr. Malin Jonell (Stockholm Resilience Center)

This piece was originally published in Swedish here

The last few years have wrought havoc on the food supply, particularly for the people trapped in the cycle of poverty. COVID, climate change and conflict have disrupted supply chains, curtailed harvests and increased hunger. In 2022, 735 million people went hungry.

We need to step up the pace and the financing for blue foods to protect the future of our food supply and our planet.

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Investing in life below water is an investment in all sustainable development goals

This piece is now available on Mongabay.

During New York Climate Week, climate leaders will gather together to make essential decisions to mitigate the effects of climate change. It is critical that our oceans are a priority.

The ocean is profoundly underfunded, and yet it is absolutely vital to billions of lives around the world and climate resilience. Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14, “Life Below Water,” is the least funded of the SDGs — despite the fact that it can support all of the other Sustainable Development Goals. Without serious investment in our oceans, we risk missing the mark overall.

Read about the critical need to achieve this goal to ensure the health of our oceans on Mongabay now.

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Science to Action: a ten-year review of California’s MPA Network

Marine protected areas (MPA) are a conservation tool that sets aside part of the ocean to protect it for long-term conservation, similar to the way a state or national park functions on land. These MPAs are an effective way to preserve biodiversity by protecting ecosystems. But how are they utilized by people, and do they support human engagement? And, while conservation alone is important, will MPAs build climate resilience?

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UN Food Systems Summit: Why we need more ambition and more action

Jose Luis Chicoma reflects on what needs to happen to create a sustainable food system.

By Jose Luis Chicoma and Karly Kelso

Last week, global leaders gathered in Rome for the UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) +2 Stocktaking Moment, a follow-up event to evaluate commitments to transforming their food systems and progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) made in 2021. In short, it was a time to gather and take stock of where we are – and where we should go next.

How did it shape up?

In this interview, Jose Luis Chicoma, former Peru Minister of Production, Yale World Fellow and Senior Advisor to EDF Climate-Resilient Food Systems, who was present in Rome, shares personal reflections and his insights, concerns and hopes for the future. Food systems and ocean health go hand in hand, and reflections on aquatic blue food in concert with terrestrial food systems are key.

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EDF’s Tour of GreenWave Highlights Aquaculture’s Potential 

Nonprofit GreenWave supports training and innovation in ocean farming.

By Ruth Driscoll-Lovejoy and Amy Folkerts

Ocean farmers are making a splash in the sustainable seafood market — and they don’t need state-of-the-art facilities to do it. 

Thimble Island Ocean Farm in Connecticut is a commercial seaweed and shellfish farm and serves as an innovation hub for GreenWave, a nonprofit replicating and scaling regenerative aquaculture. On a recent EDF visit, our team saw first-hand how GreenWave is expanding marine aquaculture while training and supporting ocean farmers. According to GreenWave, for aquaculture to be sustainable and profitable, farmers need access to the right tools and community support.   

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SmartPass and Smartphones: An Innovative Approach to Small-Scale Fisheries Monitoring in Lampung Province, Indonesia

Photo credit: Wahyu Mulyono/EDF

By Harlisa and Dustin Colson Leaning

In Lampung province, Indonesia, a few smartphones and three well-placed cameras are revolutionizing the way that small-scale fisheries are monitored. In a previous blog post, we introduced how smartphone-based catch reporting and the SmartPass camera system could have the potential to play a fundamental role in sustaining small-scale fisheries. A few years later, these two technologies have been implemented to generate reliable estimates of total effort and total catch in Lampung’s blue swimming crab fishery – metrics often hard to come by in a small-scale fishery characterized by limited resources and many fishers. Read More »

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