
Nature News Reports on Catch Shares

Earlier this week Nature News published an informative article on the many noted benefits of well-designed catch shares, and fairly covers the hesitations some have about the innovative fisheries management system. Specifically covering the transition to ‘sector’ catch share mangement in the New England groundfish fishery, the article makes it clear that ‘days at sea’ management hasn’t worked to the benefit of fish populations and fishermen. Through effective program design, catch shares do just that.

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Cuba’s Marine Life and Coastal Communities at Risk from BP Oil Disaster

Surface Horitzonal Current - NOAA/National Weather Service May 23rd

Surface Horizontal Current - NOAA/National Weather Service May 23rd

This week, federal regulators increased the size of the Gulf fishery closure to 37% percent of federal waters.  As the disaster continues, concerns are spreading across international boundaries, including to Cuba where the U.S. closure already abuts 250 miles of that nation’s waters. 

Most at risk is the ecologically rich northwest coast of Cuba, home to coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangrove forests.  These ecosystems are breeding, nursery and feeding grounds for fish, sea turtles, sharks and manatees.  At the same time, these systems protect coastal communities from hurricanes and storm surges.  Like the U.S., this disaster threatens important economic activity and livelihoods from commercial fishing to eco-tourism.

EDF’s Cuba program is sharing information with Cuban officials, scientists, and conservationists, helping the country keep a watchful eye on the path of the oil.   Unfortunately, the political differences between the U.S. and Cuba means there are no official mechanisms to communicate and cooperate on the crisis. 

I recently spoke at the New America Foundation in Washington, D.C., calling on the Obama Administration to work with Cuba.  EDF also supports similar recommendations in a report from the Brookings Institution entitled, Coping with the Next Spill: Why U.S.-Cuba Environmental Cooperation is Critical. 

For half a century, a political gulf has divided our two countries.  Finding ways to collaborate to respond to the BP oil disaster is in our mutual interest—to help Cuba prepare and respond to the worst, and to develop a strong foundation for the future to protect our shared environment.  It is time for a pragmatic approach.

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Iceland’s ITQ Fisheries Management Demonstrates the Benefits of Well Designed Catch Shares

Icelandic Fishing Boat - FutureAtlas.com

Icelandic Fishing Boat - Source: FutureAtlas.com

While the world has been recently transfixed with the awe, beauty and power of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajokull, we at EDFish have been thinking about the other wonders of Iceland, namely what occurs under the vast ocean surrounding the island nation.  Located on some of the most historically productive fishing banks in the world, Iceland has long been a nation based on fishing, and this is reflected in their aim “to ensure the sustainability of the fisheries while emphasizing the economic benefits of the fisheries sector.”  

In fact, Iceland’s annual marine catch has average 1.1 million metric tons; almost 2% of the global marine harvest.  This catch is directly responsible for 8% of Iceland’s gross domestic product. Up to 1/5 of the nation’s GDP is directly and indirectly attributable to the fishing industry!  At the same time the industry has been very profitable in recent years. Clearly the entire nation benefits from the fishing sector. But, this hasn’t always been the case. 

Profitability of the Icelandic fishing industry was poor and declining until the implementation of Individual Transferable Quota systems, a form of catch shares.  Iceland first implemented ITQs in the herring fishing in 1976.  The program was expanded to demersal fisheries in 1984, to nearly all fisheries in 1991, and in 2004 to incorporate all commercial vessels into the system.  The catch share system is “the cornerstone of the fisheries management system.”   The value of the ITQs has increased greatly since 1984 (from about US $25 million to around US$4 billion) due to introduction of more species and sectors into the system and higher unit value of ITQs.

The ITQs haven’t just improved the value of the fisheries; they have been a key ingredient for successful resource management.  In fact, Iceland stands out as a global example: while fisheries around the world are declining, no stocks have collapsed in Iceland since the implementation of ITQs decades ago, and several have substantially improved including herring and haddock.

Effective management has made the difference. Dr. Ragnar Arnason, Professor of fisheries economics at University of Iceland, reports

“There is evidence of substantially improved resource stewardship under the ITQ system.  First, TACs are now generally adhered to.  Second, and more importantly, there are pretty clear indications that the fishing industry, i.e. the holders of ITQs, are much more willing now than before to accept and even support radical reduction in TACs in order to rebuild fish stocks.”  

For a nation largely dependent on fishing, this is critical to their prosperity.

Icelandic Fishing Boats - FreeFoto.com

Icelandic Fishing Boats - Source: FreeFoto.com

In 2008, Iceland came under international scrutiny as the financial system crumbled on the world’s stage. The collapse of the three biggest banks in Iceland left the country with a crippling national debt.  Despite the difficulty from the financial meltdown fisheries have continued to provide stability and strength to the Icelandic economy. 

In an atmosphere where the national stock market lost 97% of its value and more than 780 companies have been bankrupted, Iceland fishing companies have remained stable. In fact, the largest fishing company in Iceland, HB Grandi hf, kept all 650 employees on the payroll during the financial crisis and some even received a raise. 

In 2009, Iceland’s export production of marine products increased by 10.9%, in addition to a 21.4% increase in product value.  Under the catch share program, fishing fleets increased in size by 53 vessels, compared to 2008, while staying within the catch limit.  Every year since 2001 profits in the fishing industry has exceeded 5% of revenues.  Clearly in a time of significant economic upheaval, Iceland’s sustainable management of fisheries has bolstered the nation.

The wealth of Iceland’s fishing grounds is one of the main sources of debate in the Iceland’s application to become a full member of the EU.  The country is concerned about the potential impact to their fisheries. As a member of the EU, fishing resources would be managed under Europe’s Common Fisheries Policy and foreign fleets could potentially have access to Iceland’s fish stocks. Fishermen and fishing companies are not keen to open their well managed fisheries to exploitation by other countries.  Icelandic fishing companies are required by law to be controlled by Icelandic entities and not to exceed 25% ownership by foreign entities.

Design is critical to all catch share systems and Iceland has designed their system to meet their goal of responsible fisheries, specifically focusing on resource sustainability and economic benefits.  Iceland uses an individual-based approach with certain stipulations on limiting concentration and, to a certain extent, trading to meet specific goals.  For example, no fishing entity (individual, company or group of companies) can hold more than 12% of the value of ITQ fisheries and a there is a separate small boat quota system for boats less than 15 gross tons in which the quota can only be transferred with other small boats in the system. 

The ITQ system in Iceland’s fisheries provides a window into the environmental, economic, and other broader public benefits that well-designed catch shares can provide.

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As oil-related fishery closures quickly grow, EDF supports Senator Nelson’s Florida fishery disaster designation request

NOAA 6/2/10 Fishery Closure Map

Click the map to learn more about the current fishery closure covering 37% of the Gulf (6/2/10).

Yesterday, U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) requested a fishery disaster designation for the state of Florida to assist fishermen, their families, and associated businesses who are feeling the impacts of the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Today, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced a closure of 37% of federal fishing waters, many along the coast of Florida. Just yesterday, 31% of the Gulf was closed and on Monday 26% was closed. These extensive and growing closures are already impacting the Gulf’s multi-billion dollar fishing and tourist industries.

EDF supports Senator Nelson’s request, which will provide federal assistance to affected Florida fishermen and communities, and encourages U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke to make this designation.

On May 24, the Department of Commerce made a disaster designation for Gulf of Mexico fisheries in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

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Senate Approves Help for Fisheries Impacted by BP Oil Spill

Although the oil spill in the Gulf continues to worsen, there’s a bit of good news for Gulf fishermen and fishing-related businesses.  The Senate last night approved an amendment by Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) that would devote $26 million to support fishermen and to improve fisheries science because of the spill. 

The House still has to vote on the measure, so more critical funding could be added before its finalized and sent to the President. Earlier this week EDF signed a letter to Congress and the President with the Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders’ Alliance and the Gulf Fishermen’s Association that advocated for at least $100 million in funding for direct assistance to adversely affected commercial and recreational fishermen and fishing communities, to improve fisheries science, and to make fisheries more resilient to harm caused by human activities.  Because of the size of this disaster, we see this as just a good start, and we are working to expand the scope and increase the amount over the long-term. 

 The amendment includes $15 million for fisheries disaster assistance, $10 million for stock assessments, and $1 million for a study on the impacts from the spill on the Gulf ecosystem.  Here’s the specific language.

 (1) FISHERIES DISASTER RELIEF.–For an additional amount, in addition to other amounts provided in this Act for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, $15,000,000 to be available to provide fisheries disaster relief under section 312 of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1861a) related to a commercial fishery failure due to a fishery resource disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that resulted from the Deepwater Horizon oil discharge.

 (2) EXPANDED STOCK ASSESSMENT OF FISHERIES.–For an additional amount, in addition to other amounts provided in this Act for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, $10,000,000 to conduct an expanded stock assessment of the fisheries of the Gulf of Mexico. Such expanded stock assessment shall include an assessment of the commercial and recreational catch and biological sampling, observer programs, data management and processing activities, the conduct of assessments, and follow-up evaluations of such fisheries.

 (3) ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IMPACTS STUDY.–For an additional amount, in addition to other amounts provided for the Department of Commerce, $1,000,000 to be available for the National Academy of Sciences to conduct a study of the long-term ecosystem service impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil discharge. Such study shall assess long-term costs to the public of lost water filtration, hunting, and fishing (commercial and recreational), and other ecosystem services associated with the Gulf of Mexico.

 IN GENERAL.–Of the amounts appropriated or made available under Division B, Title I of Public Law 111-117 that remain unobligated as of the date of the enactment of this Act under Procurement, Acquisition, and Construction for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, $26,000,000 of the amounts appropriated are hereby rescinded.

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Sportfishing, Conservation Groups Suggest Oil Spill Spending Priorities for Administration and Congress

Thirteen groups signed letters today to both the Administration and Congressional Appropriators in response to the British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  The letters present fishery management and economic-related recommendations for broadening the scope of and increasing the amount of funding in the spending package proposed on May 12 by President Obama.

The groups’ recommendations cover fishery management, including stock assessments, improvements to fishery data collection and monitoring, and cooperative research, so that fishery managers will have the most accurate and timely information to assess the impacts of the spill. The groups also recommend direct economic relief for recreational fishing businesses and other fishing-related businesses.

Sign-on letter participants:

  • American Sportfishing Association
  • Berkley Conservation Institute
  • The Billfish Foundation
  • Bonefish and Tarpon Trust
  • Center for Coastal Conservation
  • Coastal Conservation Association
  • Environmental Defense Fund
  • International Game Fish Association
  • National Marine Manufacturers Association
  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • The Ocean Conservancy
  • Oceana
  • Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership

EDF made a complementary request to Congress and the President earlier this week for at least $100 million to help fishing communities recover from the spill.

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