The Head of Pokmaswas Jaya Bahari Abadi (right) receives the award from the Indonesian Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (center, light blue shirt), alongside the Head of the Lampung Marine and Fisheries Agency (left).
By: Meutia Isty Wulandari
The “Jaya Bahari Abadi” Community Surveillance Group (Kelompok Masyarakat Pengawas/Pokmaswas) has won third place in the 2024 Adibakti Mina Bahari Award. This prestigious award is given by the Indonesian’s Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries to stakeholders who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in the marine and fisheries sector. The award was presented on Friday, September 26 by the Minister to the head of Pokmaswas Jaya Bahari Abadi in front of 10,000 attendees.