New England Fishery Management Council Member Supports Catch Shares

Julie Wormser, NE Regional Director of EDF Oceans ProgramBy Julie Wormser, New England Regional Director – Environmental Defense Fund Oceans Program.

I want to share Dave Preble’s terrific op-ed that was just published in the New Bedford Standard-Times, Prosperity for New England Fishermen.  He wrote it just as groundfish fishermen in New England are preparing to fish under “sectors,” a fishing cooperative based form of catch shares. 
I first met Dave at a New England Fishery Management Council meeting last summer.  He sits on the Council and is one of the most thoughtful voices on that body.  Born into a fishing family, Dave has been involved in both commercial and recreational fishing and fishery management for over 45 years.  He has taught me quite a lot about how public policy decisions affect both fish and the fishing communities that depend on them.

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