Energy Exchange

California PUC Previews Statewide On-Bill Repayment Program

This commentary was originally posted on the EDF California Dream 2.0 Blog

Low-Cost Financing for Energy Efficiency Upgrades

At a hearing yesterday chaired by California State Senator Kevin de Leon that explored ways to expand energy efficient retrofit activity, Jeanne Clinton, Special Advisor for Energy Efficiency at the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC), announced that her agency is working with Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) to establish the first statewide on-bill repayment (OBR) program for energy efficiency and renewable energy upgrades to be financed entirely by third parties. The CPUC/EDF proposal is expected to be released later this month.

EDF applauds the CPUC for its vision in taking this first step forward. A well-designed OBR program present the opportunity to take energy efficiency to scale—in the billions of dollars—on all types of buildings without using taxpayer or ratepayer funds.

OBR is an innovative, cost-effective approach that will lead to a robust marketplace for energy efficiency lending, save energy users money, put people to work and avoid greenhouse gas pollution.

Here’s how it would work: banks and other investors would be allowed to provide loans to building owners and renters to fund energy efficiency upgrades and renewable electricity generation projects. The program can work for single-family, multi-family and commercial buildings and include a wide variety of financing techniques including loans, Energy Service Agreements, leases and Power Purchase Agreements. If all goes as planned, California’s OBR program is set to commence in early 2013.

Here are some of the key program features:

  • Residential projects will have to promise savings in excess of the loan repayments so participating customers see a net decline in utility bills.
  • Investments will be funded by third-parties such as banks and other financial institutions. Given that loans are repaid through utility bills, low interest rates and attractive terms are expected to be available from a variety of lending institutions, from local credit unions for residential upgrades to million-dollar bank loans for commercial building overhauls.
  • Utilities will benefit from fees paid by lenders for billing services and improved results from existing energy efficiency programs.

EDF has been building a coalition of environmental groups, financial institutions, contractors and project developers to support and/or participate in on-bill repayment programs. The feedback so far has been encouraging for many reasons. EDF believes this program could spur investments in the range of $3 billion per year, creating more than 20,000 jobs.  Having the program in place for only five years would decrease annual CO2 emissions by about 7 million metric tons, the equivalent of taking more than 4 million cars off the road.

Stay tuned for the CPUC announcement later this month.

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New York City Housing Authority Works With Environmental Defense Fund, Finds $56 Million In Cost Savings With New Technology

 This commentary was originally posted on the EDF Business Blog by Rory Christian, Director, Energy Department, New York City Housing Authority.

Though the first official day of winter isn’t until December 22, New York City is already well into heating season. And with over 178,000 apartments to keep warm, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) knows all too well that cranking up the heat means drastic spikes in energy bills. However, that is not the case for one of our Bronx developments.

This year NYCHA installed a new technology known as Wireless Energy Modules in the 14 buildings that make up Castle Hill Houses. This technology allows NYCHA to provide consistent, comfortable temperatures to our residents in the 2,023 Castle Hill apartments throughout the year, while actually saving money and energy. NYCHA worked with Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) on this effort. EDF is a national organization widely recognized for innovative solutions to tough problems, such as increasing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions.

With the help of EDF Climate Corps, NYCHA analyzed the potential of installing Wireless Energy Modules across our entire portfolio. We found that NYCHA could save $31 million in annual heating costs and up to $25 million in annual electric costs and avoid 177,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions each year. Check out this two-minute video about the project and its savings potential.

What is even more exciting than the impressive savings opportunities is the power of scale the technology offers. The benefits of Wireless Energy Modules aren’t unique to NYCHA and can be realized by public housing authorities and private landlords across the nation. The ability to measure temperature at the apartment level and to heat buildings more consistently provides immense savings potential, as well as greater comfort for residents. 

At NYCHA we are eager to share what we’ve learned with our contacts across the country. This includes national and regional public housing authority associations, as well as our network of private landlords in our Section 8 program.  And you can help spread the word too. Please share the video  with public and private landlords who are interested in cutting their energy costs, avoiding CO2 emissions and keeping their residents comfortable during heating season.

If NYCHA can save $56 million and avoid tons of emissions each year  in New York City alone,  just think of the savings that would result from a national commitment from housing authorities and private landlords to improve energy efficiency.  Now that’s a New Year’s resolution worth making, and keeping!

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$4 Billion Of Private Investment In Energy Efficiency Projects Announced Today

Source: Shutterstock

In an era of fiscal austerity, government’s options to create change are frequently limited.  The Obama administration did not let this roadblock slow them down today when they announced $4 billion of private sector investment in energy efficiency projects as part of their Better Buildings Challenge.  This builds on a $500 million financing commitment made in June by Abundant Power, Citi, Green Campus Partners, Metrus Energy, Renewable Funding and Transcend Equity.  The Clinton Global Initiative also played a key role in corralling these commitments.

Half of the $4 billion of investment will be in federal buildings using performance contracts.  Under the standard terms of a performance contract, an energy services company (“ESCO”) designs and executes an energy efficiency upgrade for a building.  The ESCO then provides a guarantee that this upgrade will reduce energy consumption by a certain amount per year and the building owner signs a long-term lease for the project where the annual lease payments are less than or equal to the guaranteed savings.  At the end of the lease, the building owner gets all of the future savings.  This is a win-win-win solution for taxpayers, our economy and the environment.

The remaining $2 billion commitment is divided between the six financial firms from the June announcement as well as several new participants.  These firms are using a wide variety of innovative financial techniques to infuse capital into attractive projects (I highly recommend reading the full White House press release). EDF is working closely with many of these firms to develop new innovations and we’ve been very impressed with the talent, energy and financial commitment currently focused on this issue.

Posted in Energy Efficiency, Washington, DC / Read 1 Response

EDF Supports The SAVE Act

The SAVE (Sensible Accounting to Value Energy) Act is a reasonable, cost-effective approach to improving mortgage lending and promoting energy efficiency. The act would instruct federal loan agencies to assess a borrower’s expected energy costs when financing a house, which will enable better, more transparent mortgage underwriting, reduce homeowners’ utility bills and hopefully prompt the creation of new jobs in the housing industry.

The Bill Explained

For too long, lack of information about a household’s energy use has resulted in many homeowners miscalculating the true cost of living. The cost of living in a house should be viewed not just as the mortgage or rent payment, but that specific payment plus the utility costs. When homeowners are given a true sense of what utility costs amount to for a particular home, and are armed with the knowledge of what energy actually costs, they will be better able to take control to reduce costs. Not only will homeowners be able to save money, but their actions will also result in environmental benefits such as reducing stress on the electric grid, and therefore harmful greenhouse gas emissions, and improving energy security.

EDF In Full Support

EDF is in full support of this legislation because the information available due to the passage of this bill would make mortgage lending more transparent and actually more accurate since it would depict the true cost of living. On top of these benefits, this bill would reduce America’s energy dependence and thus promote economic growth in the construction and manufacturing sectors.

For more information, please see the SAVE Act fact sheet.

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Freight Sustainability Future Depends On Strong EPA SmartWay Program

This commentary was originally posted on the EDF Business Blog by Jason Mathers, EDF’s Corporate Partnerships Project Manager.

Source: EPA SmartWay

On the train back north from the U. S. Freight Sustainability Summit this past Friday, two thoughts kept circling around in my mind:

  • First, the U. S. EPA SmartWay program has created a powerful coalition working on freight sustainability, and its efforts have produced significant benefits for the environment, economy and energy security.
  • Second, the gulf in scale of action between where we are today and where we need to be is enormous.

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), the American Trucking Associations (ATA) and the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) co-hosted the freight summit.

Since its inception, EPA SmartWay has injected $6.1 billion dollars into the U. S. economy by reducing fuel consumption from the nation’s freight system– producing a heck of a return for the small investment that taxpayers have made into this program.  In the process, it has cut over 16 million metric tons of carbon pollution.  It’s a great start.

However, 16 million metric tons is a small percentage of the overall emissions attributed to the freight sector – over half-a-billion metric tons a year in the U. S. alone. And, as we heard again and again at the Freight Sustainability Summit, demand for goods movement is expected to grow significantly over the coming years.   So, we simply need to do more.

There were many reasons for optimism at the summit. Top among these is the collective focus of industry, advocacy groups and government agencies on working collaboratively to further this effort. There is universal recognition that we must radically increase the efficiency of freight movement in order to meet the challenge of increasing levels of freight demand while still facing a tighter fuel market, an aging and overextend infrastructure and an environmental mandate to cut carbon.

We also heard scores of success stories from some of the largest and most sophisticated companies in the world. Lowes has reduced a million tons of carbon already from its fleet. Conway told the group how it cut fuel consumption by six million gallons simply by reducing the top speed for its trucks (now 62mph for less-than-truck load and 65mph for truckload applications). Swift shared some impressive results from its pilot of a new aerodynamic fairing that is bolted on underneath a trailer. Michelin told us about real-world studies demonstrating a 9% improvement in fuel economy for tractor-trailer combinations that use new generation wide base tires. My personal favorite was from Home Depot, which was able to cut its domestic supply chain freight emission by 13% in one year – largely from operational improvements.

It’s not just the Fortune 500 group of companies that are acting. Smaller companies shared their stories too. Vic LaRosa, the president of Total Transportation Services, spoke about how his company is helping reduce air pollution around some of the nation’s busiest ports by leveraging alternative fuels and advance vehicle technologies. Several speakers mentioned how small firms and owner-operators will benefit from increases in truck fuel efficiency.

These stories and other sparked by the leadership of the EPA SmartWay program make very good business sense too.  Walmart alone has cut its fuel costs by half-a-billion dollars a year since 2005 from improved logistics.

Clearly, progress is being made and more – much more – is possible.

Consider for a second that—based on the SmartWay data points of $6.1 billion saved and 16 million metric tons carbon reduced – the average cost of a ton of carbon reduced under this program is negative $381. That is every ton reduced was accompanied by a nearly $400 dollar savings for the company. We’re not dealing with the low-hanging fruit of cutting freight emissions.  We are largely dealing with the apples already on the ground.

Given these massive cost savings still available and the fact that the best science tells us that we need to cut our emissions on the order of 80% over the next 40 years, it is imperative to move freight sustainability well beyond 16 million metric tons that the program has achieved over seven years in fact, we need five to six times these reductions each year going forward.

How do we do this?

First and foremost, we need the EPA SmartWay to remain a strong program. Given its track record of financial returns for society and the urgency of the freight sustainability challenges we face, the program, frankly, should be greatly expanded. SmartWay provides incredibly useful forums for sharing lessons learned. This new generation of tools are performance-based; they enable shippers to track and manage their emissions footprint, while giving carriers a platform where they can compete on environmental performance. Companies that use the services of this vital program should make sure policymakers understand the value it provides.

Next, shippers – the companies that consumer goods movement services – need to step up to the plate and join the program in much larger numbers. As they are the primary customers in the freight economy, shippers play a critical role in rewarding superior environmental performance of carriers. If your company purchases goods movement services and you are not sure if it is a member of SmartWay, you can check here.  If it turns out that your company has been on the sidelines of this effort, you can  join SmartWay here.

We all need to redouble effort to share lessons learned. As Randy Mullet if Conway noted, like safety and security, companies should freely share their advancements on sustainability. The journey is too long and the challenge too steep for all of us to have to figure out the answers individually

Finally, the freight community needs to aim higher.  Significant progress has been made over the last seven years of the SmartWay program. The buy-in from diverse stakeholders, case studies from partners and new generation of tools has created a foundation upon which we all need to build a new freight future; one that measures success against an ever larger scale.

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New EPA/DOT Vehicle Standards – The Reality Behind The ‘Job Killing’ Sound Bite

Last week, I wrote about energy efficiency’s role in greenhouse gas standards for power plants and the reality behind the “Job killing EPA regulations” sound-bite.  The recently announced new fuel economy and greenhouse gas standards for light vehicles provides further evidence that the reality of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations is job creation, not job destruction.

According to the government, the “proposed program for model year 2017-2025 passenger cars and trucks is expected catalyze demand for currently-available, innovative technologies including advanced gasoline engines and transmissions, vehicle weight reduction, lower tire rolling resistance, improvements in aerodynamics, diesel engines, more efficient accessories, and improvements in air conditioning systems. The standards should also spur manufacturers to increasingly explore electric technologies such as start/stop, hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and electric vehicles [and] … includes a number of incentive programs to encourage early adoption and introduction of “game changing” advanced technologies, such as hybridization for pickup trucks.”

U.S. auto companies are already investing in these new technologies as the best bet to gain market share in the world economy.  The Energy Department’s battery program (an investment of $2.4 billion in 48 advanced battery and electric drive projects) is ensuring that the U.S. supply chain is ready so that we don’t just buy batteries from Japan and others.  According to the Department of Energy (DOE), the United States is on track to achieve a 40% share of global capacity to produce lithium-ion batteries for vehicles by 2015.  An assessment of the battery value chain by Duke University shows at least 50 U.S.-based firms are involved to date, with 119 locations in 27 states performing manufacturing and research and development (R&D). 

We have leading material science experts in Dow, Dupont and 3M that can help design new composite materials to help meet the need for less weight.  The 70,000 tire workers would love to have a chance to make the most efficient, low rolling resistant tires- and then sell those tires to the rest of the world.  A second value chain assessment of hybrid vehicle technology shows U.S. firms dominating the hybrid market for medium and heavy-duty trucks, putting the U.S. in a great position to develop hybrid light duty pick-up trucks. 

At every turn, there are job creation possibilities.  What the EPA and Department of Transportation (DOT) proposal does is ensure that the market for efficient vehicles is a strong and vibrant market, one that grows jobs at every turn.  Furthermore, ensuring that U.S. firms have enough customers today – the key ingredient to growing a healthy business – is the only way to compete in the global markets of tomorrow.   EPA regulations maintain auto jobs and create new jobs in sectors such as battery manufacturing.  Now, the new battery plant by A123 Systems lithium ion in Livonia, Michigan won’t have to fire the 300 new workers it just hired. 

For consumers, these improvements would save an average of up to $6,600 in fuel costs over the lifetime of a model year 2025 vehicle for a net lifetime savings of $4,400 after factoring in related increases in vehicle cost. Overall, the net benefit to society from this rule would total more than $420 billion over the lifetime of the vehicles sold in model year 2017-2025.  No lost jobs here.

In sum, this is what “job killing EPA regulations” look like in the real-world.

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