Energy Exchange

Shutting Down Dirty Coal

Source: Cleanwater

EDF helped write another chapter in the history book on polluting coal generation this week.   Along with our partners, we announced a settlement with North Carolina-based Duke Energy that will legally require the utility to retire more than 1,600 megawatts of coal-fired generation.

The retiring plants represent about 4.5 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), 30,000 tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and over 5,000 tons of nitrogen dioxide (NOx) annually.  People who live near or downwind of one of those plants have reason to celebrate.

Retiring the oldest, dirtiest and least efficient facilities requires Duke Energy to head toward cleaner generation and modernization of its fleet.  That’s good news for everyone, considering Duke’s proposed merger with Progress Energy will create the largest utility in the country.

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Getting ‘Smart’ About Your Energy Use Just Got Easier

This commentary was originally posted on the EDF California Dream 2.0 Blog.

Source: Green Button

On Wednesday, I attended a presentation of the Green Button at EMC2, hosted by Silicon Valley Leadership Group, OSIsoft and SolarCity, and moderated by Aneesh Chopra, U.S. Chief Tech Officer and Advisor to the President.  

In essence, Green Button is literally a green button on utility customer interface websites that customers can click to instantly download their historical energy use data in a simple, standardized electronic format.  Customers can then upload the data into software applications, or give it to consultants that provide services such as identifying how to save money by using less energy. 

All of the big California utilities – SCE, SDG&E and PG&E – have embraced the concept and will offer the Green Button to their millions of customers. There is a hope that utilities across the country will also adopt it.

One presenter observed that Americans, on average, waste 20% of the energy that they purchase. This creates a huge opportunity to save money on energy and help to protect the environment by avoiding demand for energy generated by dirty sources, including coal-fired power plants.

Yesterday’s event revealed what can be accomplished when software innovators, government leaders and utilities focus on a common goal. Chopra is widely recognized as an IT innovator in government and he challenged the utility industry to develop access to consumer data in September 2011. Now Green Button is a fully operational, widely embraced standard that will provide a buffet of energy use data for hungry software application developers. 

Testimonials were provided by up-and-coming CEOs in the energy sector, including oPower, Tendril, Lucid Design Group and Simple Energy.  Each company demonstrated how Green Button will drive innovations in energy use software applications.  For example, Tendril announced that its platform, Tendril Connect, will “connect utilities and energy service providers, consumers and app developers to achieve smarter energy usage.”

One question I was left with was, “just how green is the Green Button?” Currently, only the color pallet is green; no pollution information (such as greenhouse gas emissions) is associated with the energy use data. 

While Dr. David Wollman, Deputy Director of Smart Grid & Cyber-Physical Systems, and Manager, Smart Grid Standards and Research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), indicated that the Green Button standards do have accommodations for emissions information, there will need to be positive pressure to fully develop that piece of the button. 

And that’s where EDF and you can come in.  We need to encourage efforts to rigorously link emissions information with energy use, in both time and place.      

As part of EDF’s smart grid work, we are working with utilities, regulatory agencies and third parties in California and across the country to ensure that innovators have access to an emerging and competitive utility market.  Access to standardized energy use data is an essential piece.  Why?  So they can provide consumers with new tools that help them better understand and manage their energy use, which can save money, cut pollution and help protect the planet.

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EDF Honored As An Innovative Leader Actively Making A Difference In The Clean Energy Sector

EDF got thrilling news today from Abu Dhabi (home to Masdar, one of the world’s first smart grid pilots): Zayed Future Energy Prize announced that Environmental Defense Fund received its $500,000 second runner-up award in the Small-to-Medium Size Enterprises (SME) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) category for our impact, long-term vision, leadership and innovation in renewable energy and sustainability.  Carbon Disclosure Project received the $1.5 million prize in the NGO/SME category and Orb Energy received the $1 million first runner-up award.

Source: Zayed Future Energy Prize

Power generation is the source of 40% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions.  Over the next two decades, the U.S. will invest two trillion dollars to replace our aging, inefficient electricity infrastructure — but there is no guarantee that this investment will move ahead in ways that maximize environmental benefit and secure the clean, low-carbon energy system we need to avoid a climate catastrophe.  Indeed, a recent International Energy Agency report warns that “without a bold change of policy direction [in the next five years], the world will lock itself into an insecure, inefficient and high-carbon energy system.”

Decisions being made now on energy and infrastructure investments will make — or break — the path to climate stability, meaning we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity right now to revolutionize how we generate, distribute and use electricity. 

This award will help us ensure that the smart grid will also be a green grid, one that increases efficiencies across the entire system, is open to innovation and new market entrants and intelligent enough to enable far greater penetration of clean energy and electric vehicles in the U.S., and ultimately throughout the world.  It will also accelerate our work in energy efficiency to create a vibrant market for energy savings by tearing down barriers to private capital investment and showing companies how they can improve their bottom line by reducing energy waste.

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Demand Response: A Key Component In Texas’ Electricity Market. Why Isn’t The State Taking Advantage Of It?

On Monday, the Texas Senate Business and Commerce Committee took up the critical issue of the impact of extreme drought conditions on electric generation capacity and state officials’ plans to respond to those risks.   A number of important issues and policy solutions were raised, from on-bill financing of energy efficiency to renewable energy to send the right ‘market signals’ to incentivize the construction of new power plants.  Public Utility Commission (PUC) Chair Donna Nelson singled out, in particular, the state’s energy efficiency and renewable energy goals.  These policies have helped reduce pollution, saved customers money and have the added benefit of reducing our dependence on water for electricity production.

Another important part of the solution discussed was raised by a number of panelists: demand response (aka load management).  The ability of end-use customers to reduce their use of electricity in response to power grid needs or economic signals has helped the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) avoid rolling blackouts and, in other regions of the country, it has helped markets avoid the need for new capacity.  As ERCOT CEO Trip Doggett and PUC Chair Nelson pointed out in their testimony, demand response is a market competitive resource that uses no water and, as such, it may prove to be a valuable resource in view of the state’s record drought. 

The Texas Capacity Crunch – Obstacles and Opportunities
The historic drought of 2010-2011 has put Texas’ conventional power plants at risk, threatening a return of the rolling blackouts caused by extreme winter conditions just a year ago.  State Climatologist, Perry appointee John Nielsen-Gammon says, “Statistically we are more likely to see a third year of drought.” 

At the same time, ERCOT faces a challenging capacity crunch caused largely by “low natural gas prices, an influx of low marginal cost wind power, increased wholesale market efficiencies, low wholesale power prices, tight credit markets” and other issues according to TXU Energy.  With limited ability to invest new capital given the current market conditions, and over 11,000 MW of power dependent on water sources at historically low levels, Texas needs to tap into resources that can be deployed rapidly and require less capital and much less water.

Demand Response – Low Cost, Zero Water Resource
Fortunately Texas has ample resources to meet these needs with demand response.  If allowed to participate fully in Texas’ energy markets as it does in other regions, demand response can benefit customers and increase grid reliability.  Unfortunately Texas continues to lag behind other states and regions, which have seen market-competitive demand response grow rapidly as market barriers have been removed. 

    • The definition of “demand response” is “end-use customers reducing their use of electricity in response to power grid needs or economic signals from a competitive wholesale market.”
    • The potential for cost competitive demand response is tremendous – according to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Texas could add as much as 19 GW in capacity by 2019 if we open up our electric market to allow customers to compete alongside generators.

Texas currently is among the lowest states in terms of load management, despite having the highest potential by far according to FERC and the Brattle Group. 

Source: FERC

Why Does Texas Lag the Nation in Demand Response?

  • In 2011, demand response amounted to 9% of the PJM’s (a grid operator in the Mid-Atlantic/Midwest) system peak demand, greatly benefitting customers and improving reliability. 
  • At ERCOT, despite great potential, demand response only amounted to just over 2% of peak demand, limited by unnecessary market barriers. 
  • Texas leads the nation in smart meter deployment, intended by the legislature to “facilitate demand response initiatives.”  Why is ERCOT so far behind?

Market Barriers Prevent Customers from Competing in ERCOT

  • ERCOT’s legacy demand response program is capped at 1150 MW and is effectively limited to large industrials within ancillary services markets.
  • ERCOT’s Emergency Reliability Service is the only program in the market that allows any customer to participate if they qualify.  The program is limited in scope (it can only be called on twice per year) and to date has been unable to reach the original goal of 500 MW.  Despite these limitations, the program helped avoid rolling blackouts last summer.

Source: NERC

Regulators are Focused on Building New Power Plants

  • Instead of looking to all possible solutions, regulators seem focused only on how to get new power plants built.
  • Other grid operators have successfully created programs for smaller commercial and residential customers to compete through aggregation.  In Texas, residential and small commercial customers have been put on the back burner.
  • Despite the PUC’s reluctance to act on other clean energy opportunities, such as the 500 MW non-wind RPS or increasing the energy efficiency standards, it is clear that these programs have been successful in creating clean, “water-proof” power.
  • In the midst of a capacity crunch caused by extreme drought and market structure problems, demand response provides an opportunity to address both by enabling cheaper, water-free capacity by simply opening markets to customers.
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In Defense of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard

In late December, a federal court district judge in Fresno ruled that California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) was unconstitutional because it violates the limits imposed on states by the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution. The ruling halted its enforcement pending appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

The suit was filed by refiners, truckers, and fuel production companies – most of which have the bulk of their operations out of state and would rather litigate than innovate, putting profits before people. It is yet another industry attack on the state’s landmark climate and energy law, AB 32, which consists of measures such as the LCFS that will be used to reduce California’s greenhouse gas pollution to 1990 levels by 2020.

California’s LCFS is a scientifically credible standard that was carefully designed to cut climate change pollution, protect and improve public health and drive innovation that delivers economic benefits. These are among the key reasons why Environmental Defense Fund joined California and three other environmental organizations in an appeal of the suit asking to keep the LCFS intact.

Cutting climate pollution

As designed, the LCFS reduces the amount of carbon released during the production, shipping and use of transportation fuels sold in California by 10% between now and 2020. This “lifecycle” approach to managing emissions from fuels was pioneered by Argonne National Labs and is the accepted standard used by the federal EPA and other states and nations.

Improving air quality

California has some of the worst air quality in the country. In addition to fighting climate change, the LCFS cuts pollution that poisons our air and water and results in respiratory ailments and diseases that cost us tens of billions of dollars a year in health care costs. By facilitating newer, less polluting transportation fuels, the LCFS can help California finally achieve attainment of federal health standards for air quality.

Driving innovation

The standard would deliver significant benefits to the state and national economy. California is home to the world’s most advanced biofuel and electric car companies, hydrogen infrastructure, and transportation fuel research institutions. These entities operate here because California has created an environment where scientific enterprises can prosper, and in the case of the LCFS, earn a return on investment by reducing pollution cheaply and quickly. Over the next decade, the standard provides new opportunity for innovators in and out of California to reap the rewards of developing cheap and lasting alternatives to gasoline.

The deep-pocketed oil industry can easily afford to protect its profits. Yet, as The New York Times recently noted in an editorial under the headline, ‘California’s Persistence,’ the industry is up against a state that ‘has a long and productive history as a leader in environmental policy, requiring cleaner cars and power plants and more energy-efficient appliances.’

We are confident that this standard will be restored on appeal, enabling California to continue doing what it excels at: driving advances in energy that grow the economy and protect our environment.

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New Report Helps Set The Stage For A Much-Needed Increase In Energy Efficiency Lending

Source: Deutsche Bank

In their groundbreaking study released today, The Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation and Living Cities have made a terrific contribution to a critically important enterprise: addressing prospective lenders’ uncertainty about energy efficiency projects.  The study, which was carried out by Steve Winter Associates and HR&A Advisors, systematically evaluated the results of energy efficiency projects in about 231 multifamily residential buildings (primarily affordable housing) containing over 21,000 dwelling units in New York City.  Their finding?  Portfolio-wide, the building modifications saved 19% in fuel costs and 7% in electricity.  Furthermore, the projects contributed to the economic well-being of the communities in which they were located, by creating jobs locally while simultaneously making housing more affordable.

Deutsche Bank and Living Cities’ contribution is especially vital because they have provided a clear path from their findings to lenders’ efforts to evaluate new opportunities.  In addition to proving that savings were real, the study demonstrated correlations between results and upfront projections – giving lenders a basis for relying on engineers’ upfront projections in projects where the predicted savings are key to loan repayment.  Among the important contributions arising from this study is a lender tool – an approach to “capping” high fuel savings projections – that gives prospective lenders a means to discount projections that are higher than what is typically achieved in similar projects to bring the projections in line with typical results, while leaving lowball projections as they are.  The study found that such a “capping” methodology greatly improved fuel realization rates (actual energy savings compared to projections) and portfolio performance, without needlessly shrinking the market (which would be the result if all projections were discounted, rather than only those that are above the trend line).

The study’s successes also shed light on where further work is needed.  For example, as appealing as it is to focus on the top-line finding that energy efficiency work really does save energy and money in a predictable manner, a robust data set comparing projections and results in affordable multifamily buildings in New York should leave the market hungry for similar data about other building types/regions.  In addition, the “capping” tool, while likely very helpful to lenders given the state of the world today, does not begin to make sense of the diversity of approaches used by today’s energy auditors even where some approaches may be demonstrably more or less reliable than others.  Even with the “capping” methodology limiting the damage that might be done by very high outliers, considerably variation in realization rates persists. 

Here at EDF, our Investor Confidence Project, currently underway, brings together engineers, prospective lenders, and investor parties to get inside the black box that is the engineering analysis of a building – from modeling of the status quo, to retrofit recommendations and savings projections, to monitoring, verifying and assuring efficiencies post-retrofit – to identify best practices, as well as ways of thinking about atypical methodologies and how they should affect lender confidence (for better or for worse).  That project begins with energy efficiency in office buildings market, but this disconnect between building science perspectives and lender needs will need to be broached for all common building types throughout the marketplace.  By emphasizing the need for methodological consensus and rigorously evaluating the effectiveness of actual practice, projects such as our ICP project and the comprehensive analysis of multifamily projects performed by DB/Living Cities set the stage for the increase in energy efficiency lending that is needed for building owners and occupants to stop the waste and jump-start the GHG reductions we all need.

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