This post is part 5 of EDF’s Tech for Change series, which aims to spotlight the way pollution-sensing technology can protect public health and the environment in California. Watch part 4.
Pollution from oil and gas production can pose serious health risks to nearby communities. In Los Angeles, nearly 600,000 people live within ½ mile of an active oil well. That’s why a combination of smart policy and smart technology is needed to safeguard the region’s public health.
The good news is that California is already a national leader on environmental issues – and it must continue to be one as it listens to and cares for communities near urban oilfields. These communities are standing up and demanding clear air and the accurate, real-time pollution monitoring that can make it a reality.
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A combination of advanced pollution monitoring technology, engaged communities, willing public servants, and responsible industry partners will be what ultimately solves the problem of urban oilfield emissions. We’re optimistic that soon, no one living in California will have to worry about the air they, their children, and their neighbors are breathing because of nearby oil and gas wells.