Climate 411

How ports can use the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to protect public health and act on climate

Aerial view of business port with Shore crane loading containers in freight ship.

Most Americans hadn’t thought about the importance of ports until pandemic-driven disruptions in the global supply chain created delays and uncertainty about the delivery of the goods we count on in our homes, schools, businesses and beyond. But people who live in the communities near ports, where last century’s fossil fuel-powered equipment belches out harmful air pollution, know better. They’ve been burdened with the very real costs of infrastructure that’s stuck in the past.

President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law represents an unprecedented investment in the future. The deal advances something for everyone, promising to deliver clean, reliable energy, create good manufacturing jobs, expand public transit, and provide a national network of chargers for electric vehicles. And of course it specifically sets aside $17 billion to improve ports, with $450 million dedicated to replacing the outdated equipment that often creates the largest emissions harming our climate and our health. The Biden administration, including Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeg and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan, has consistently committed to taking the necessary action on climate change and environmental injustice, prioritizing equity for those communities denied the full protections of our clean air and water laws.

Ports are poised to reimagine vital parts of our infrastructure and position themselves as solutions-oriented leaders. Here’s how they can do it.

Ports can do their part to meet our shared climate goals

The latest report from expert scientists with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows that many of the harms caused by the pollution warming our atmosphere are already here. Worse, more warming makes it more likely that we will suffer more frequently from severe weather events. Recovery will cost more, and it will be more unequal. Our health, safety, and livelihoods stand to be threatened by more floods, droughts, wildfires, diseases, crop failures, and the collapse of ecosystems. We must not only do all we can to eliminate climate pollution, but adapt our systems to a new reality.

That includes how we move goods around the globe. Diesel-fueled cargo ships are responsible for a billion tons of climate pollution every year. When these ships arrive at ports, their containers are transported between terminals, warehouses, and railyards with other diesel-fueled equipment that creates even more carbon dioxide, as well as PM 2.5, NOx, and other harmful pollutants. Our transportation system is the largest source of the pollution changing our climate; 90 percent of ships, trucks, trains, and other vehicles are powered by fossil fuels.

Ports have influence here, with the ability to accelerate the retirement of these less-efficient ships, drayage trucks, switcher trains, dredges, and other diesel-powered cargo-handling equipment in favor of zero-emissions ones on their way to full electrification. The shorter distances and fixed routes that trucks and trains travel make them ideal to electrify, for one. Such older equipment represents the largest sources of the emissions at Port Houston, for another, underscoring just how significant the benefit that replacing it would have. Port Houston and the country’s 19 other largest ports should commit to moving 100 percent of container traffic along zero-emissions supply routes by 2035.

Ports can rebuild their relationships with nearby communities

It’s not only about eliminating climate pollution. Ports’ emissions and environmental impacts have been hard to track. Ports must now commit to being good neighbors — and that starts with protecting public health.

Investing in zero-emissions supply routes would create near- and long-term benefits for the health and safety of people who live, work, and go to school in portside communities, many of which are overburdened with disproportionate amounts of pollution. Children living within two miles of the Houston Ship Channel, for example, are 56 percent more likely to develop a kind of leukemia than children living 10 miles away. Cancer rates in Manchester, a portside community in the city’s East End, are 22 percent higher than the city overall.

Infrastructure doesn’t have to divide us. Repairing it must mean more than expanding freeways or dredging waterways; it means improving outcomes for people in communities with equity disparities. With ports, this could mean making funding contingent on increased local enforcement of anti-idling regulations, for example. Listening to the specific aspirations of nearby communities, port leadership should work to redraw truck routes, redesign intersections for safety, and relocate their parking lots away from people’s homes.

Ports can change how they make decisions and commit to a solutions-oriented public engagement process that brings many stakeholders — both industry and community — to the table. Together, with state and federal departments of transportation, ports can retool their decision-making process to ensure that 40 percent of the new infrastructure funds, promised in the Biden administration’s Justice 40 initiative, create benefits for the communities that have been overlooked historically.

Ports must see themselves as parts of our cities

For too long, ports have been thought of as the delivery entrances to our cities, but they are the front doors in a global economy. I saw this firsthand. In late February 2022, I gathered with shipping and logistics experts at the Trans-Pacific Maritime Conference in Long Beach, California. It was an invigorated, spirited atmosphere. The nearby Port of Long Beach had approved a Clean Air Plan with a pledge to get to the zero-emissions movement of goods by 2035. The neighboring Port of Los Angeles has the same goal. The Port of San Diego intends to approve a plan this summer to guide their transition to a fleet of zero-emissions trucks by 2030. I’ve since returned home to Texas, where the Port of Corpus Christi and Port Houston on the 50-mile-long Ship Channel talk publicly and proudly about their ambitions to expand. With the Biden administration’s investment, they have the opportunity to join forward-looking peers and steer themselves – and all of us, too – toward a cleaner, healthier future.

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Western Climate Initiative kicks off 2022 with strong results – and high hopes for greater ambition

This was was co-authored with Caroline Jones, Analyst for U.S. Climate.

Wind farm in California.

PC: Tom Brewster Photography for the Bureau of Land Management.

The results of the Western Climate Initiative’s February auction were released today, and all current vintage allowances sold at a record-high price – raising over $970 million for the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund.

These results arrive alongside major opportunities for California to bolster its climate leadership. The state’s Climate Change Scoping Plan update, which intends to chart a pathway to achieving California’s 2030 and 2045 greenhouse gas reduction goals, is well underway with preliminary modeling results expected this spring. And recently, a group of experts released a report highlighting ways California can strengthen its cap-and-trade program and make the most of its Scoping plan.

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Mercury pollution from coal plants is still a danger to Americans. We need stronger standards to protect us.

Mercury pollution from coal-fired power plants is extremely dangerous — it causes brain damage in babies and is associated with heart disease and many other serious health issues.

Fortunately, mercury pollution has fallen significantly since EPA finalized the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards in 2012. However, despite the success of the standards in reducing pollution as a significantly lower than projected cost, many power plants continue to emit mercury and other dangerous air pollutants in large quantities. That means stronger safeguards are needed to protect the health of Americans across the country.

The top 30 power plants for mercury pollution

Coal-fired power plants continue to be the largest source of mercury pollution in the United States, accounting for approximately 8,800 pounds of mercury emissions in 2017 alone. Mercury is emitted in the combustion process of coal and other fossil fuels. Coal has much higher mercury concentrations than other fossil fuels, which explains why coal-fired power plants often emit larger quantities of mercury pollution than do power plants that burn other fossil fuels.

Mercury pollution from coal plants is particularly severe in certain parts of the country. EDF just published the above map, based on estimates calculated using publicly available data from 2020. It shows the top 30 power plants emitting the highest amount of mercury pollution in the country.

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Posted in Cities and states, Clean Air Act, Health, News, Policy / Comments are closed

New study shows federal agencies must consider climate risk in environmental reviews under NEPA

(This post was co-authored by Romany Webb of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School and EDF’s Michael Panfil. It is also posted on the Sabin Center’s website.)

From pipelines destabilized by melting permafrost to powerline-sparked wildfires exacerbated by drought, the impacts of climate change are affecting infrastructure across the U.S. and heightening the risks posed to the environment and communities.

A new study, undertaken jointly by Environmental Defense Fund and Columbia Law School’s Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, finds that federal agencies are not adequately considering climate change impacts in energy project reviews conducted under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

The finding stands at odds with NEPA’s requirement that federal agencies take a “hard look” at the environmental effects of proposed actions, including considering ways to mitigate adverse effects and alternative courses of action, before proceeding.

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Posted in Clean Air Act, Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, News, Partners for Change, Policy / Comments are closed

Protective pollution safeguards can dramatically increase deployment of zero-emission freight trucks and buses

Photo: Scharfsinn86

A new study developed by Roush Industries for EDF shows rapidly declining costs for zero-emission freight trucks and buses, underscoring the feasibility of rapidly deploying these vehicles that will help us save money, have healthier air, and address the climate crisis.

The study, Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electrification Cost Evaluation, analyzes the cost of electrifying vehicles in several medium and heavy-duty market segments, including transit and school buses, shuttle and delivery vehicles, and garbage trucks – vehicles that typically operate in cities where average trip distances are short and the health and pollution effects of transportation pollution are of particular concern. It projects the upfront costs of buying an electric vehicle instead of a diesel vehicle, and the total cost of ownership for electric vehicles in model years 2027 to 2030.

The study finds that a rapid transition to electric freight trucks and buses makes economic sense when considering both the upfront purchase cost and the total cost of ownership.

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Posted in Cars and Pollution, Cities and states, Clean Air Act, Economics, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Health, News, Policy / Comments are closed

The Clean Future Act: New Mexico’s biggest opportunity to lead on climate

New Mexico mountains

Photo credit: Pixabay

Last year, New Mexico was hit by three different billion-dollar weather disasters: a devastating wildfire season, severe summer storms that included destructive hail, and persistent drought throughout the year across the West. At one point in 2021, over half of the state was in “exceptional drought” (the most severe category of drought), which put immense pressure on farmers, ranchers and even towns to find ways to conserve water.

As these costly, climate change-fueled events become more severe and frequent, communities across the state are looking to the Roundhouse for strong leadership. That is why it was critical when Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced in October that she would push a bill this legislative session to ensure New Mexico does its part to reduce emissions.

This session, New Mexico state leaders can act on the Clean Future Act (House Bill 6), a bill that will reduce harmful climate pollution and build a cleaner, healthier economy for all New Mexicans. This bill puts statutory limits on pollution from all major sources of greenhouse gases across the state, requiring pollution reductions of 50% below 2005 levels by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, including a 90 percent reduction in direct emissions by that date.

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