Climate 411

An Extensive Showing of Support for the American Power Act

Today the American Power Act, the comprehensive climate and clean energy bill, was released to the public and if the broadly attended press conference and the blogosphere can be any indications, the reception has been decidedly positive.

Joining Senators Kerry and Lieberman at the press conference this afternoon were leaders from the manufacturing and utilities sectors as well as from the faith, military and environmental communities.

Duke Energy, Dow Corning, Honeywell, the Edison Electric Institute, A123 Systems, Northland Ministries, Environmental Defense Fund and National Wildlife Federation are just a few of the heavy hitters who came out to support the American Power Act.

The Environmental Defense Fund also released a statement of support for the American Power Act where President Fred Krupp explained that the Senators’ plan:

“has the support of the key stakeholders because it strikes a balance…They’re offering more domestic energy production with environmental safeguards, strong environmental goals for the climate with more flexibility, and better economic protections.”

Read what others are saying:

On E2, President Obama enthusiastically applauded the American Power Act.

“This legislation will put America on the path to a clean energy economy that will create American jobs building the solar panels, wind blades and the car batteries of the future,” Obama said.

Also on E2, Senator Nelson of Florida commends Kerry and Lieberman for their effort on the American Power Act.

“I’m glad the climate bill includes my proposal for a moratorium on any new drilling, until we know what happened aboard the Deepwater Horizon,” he said in a statement. “Also, they had their eye on expanding drilling into new areas of the Gulf of Mexico near Florida, and I told them to stay out of it. And I’m glad they listened.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada also chimes in on E2 with his support of the process.

“I applaud the efforts of Senators Kerry and Lieberman to develop a proposal that deserves careful consideration by all Senators and the public.  The recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico demonstrates the urgent need to free our nation from its heavy dependence on oil and to create new clean energy industries and technologies. All Americans would benefit from a comprehensive national energy plan that creates millions of clean energy jobs, improves our national security and reduces pollution. Already in Nevada, we have seen how critical investments in solar, geothermal and wind energy, as well as energy efficiency, creates reliable jobs that can never be outsourced and diversifies our state’s economy.

The Wonk Room provides a comprehensive break-down of the comprehensive climate bill which details how:

“The Kerry-Lieberman legislation has a 15-year transition period that supports state-level renewable and energy efficiency initiatives (which will create millions of jobs), invests in smart transportation, and rebuilds American manufacturing,much like Waxman-Markey, but with new support for nuclear energy and natural gas that reflects the interests of large blocs of senators.”

Climate Progress explains how the American Power Act will benefit Americans by creating jobs, cleaning up vehicles, cutting pollution among others.

“It is truly an “all of the above” bill that would reduce oil use, cut carbon pollution, invest in efficiency, and clean energy technologies that create jobs and protect consumers’ wallets. “

The New Republic acknowledges the bill as a compromise but still casts the America Power Act as an imperative first step forward.

“Once even a modest price on CO2 is in place, companies will start finding ways to save energy and cut emissions and find that it’s remarkably cheap and easy to do so.”

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Leading Environmental Groups Show Their Support for Comprehensive Climate and Clean Energy Policy

Today 22 leading environmental groups released the following statement in support of moving forward on comprehensive clean energy and climate policy. The groups are urging both congress and the President to lead our nation into a clean energy future.

“Today’s action by Senators John Kerry (Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (Conn.) jumpstarts the Senate debate over America’s energy future.  Their unwavering leadership has been critical to the progress made thus far.   It is time for America’s leaders to get serious about a comprehensive clean energy and climate policy that will reduce our oil dependence, enhance our security, revitalize our economy and protect our environment.

Every day the Senate fails to pass comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation we put our economy, our national security and our environment at greater risk.  Americans overwhelmingly support action on clean energy and climate. Inaction is too costly, and the challenge is too urgent.  The Gulf Coast oil catastrophe is yet another reminder that the United States must reduce its dependence on oil to protect our security, economy and environment.

The millions of Americans we represent demand a Senate vote on comprehensive clean energy and climate legislation.  President Obama and leaders of both parties in Congress must provide the leadership necessary to develop a clean energy and climate solution that becomes law this year.”

Alliance for Climate Protection


Center for American Progress Action Fund


Climate Solutions

Defenders of Wildlife

ENE (Environment Northeast)

Environment America

Environmental Defense Fund

Environmental Law and Policy Center

Fresh Energy

Green For All

League of Conservation Voters

National Tribal Environmental Council

National Wildlife Federation

Natural Resources Defense Council

Oxfam America

Sierra Club

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy

The Wilderness Society

Union of Concerned Scientists

World Wildlife Fund

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Yesterday’s blog highlights

Grist breaks down the current climate bill situation and is even cautiously optimistic about Kerry and Lieberman’s abilities to attract some Republican support.

“There are, however, some Republicans who are expected to vote for the bill if it goes to the floor.”

An editorial in the L.A. Times that makes the case for climate legislation is lauded on Climate Progress. The editorial concludes with this poignant message:

“Lawmakers today aren’t seeing the forest for the trees; that will change when the forest has burned or been destroyed by bark beetles, but by then it will be too late.”

E2 explains how the new climate bill will contain a “compromise on offshore drilling” though still maintains targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent by 2020.

Treehugger goes over the offshore oil drilling veto provision in the Kerry-Lieberman climate bill set to be released to the public today. The full details are forthcoming but so far we do know that:

  • It requires an Interior Department study to determine which states could be economically and environmentally affected by a spill.
  • Those affected states would then be able to veto drilling by passing a law.
  • Those states that are able to go ahead with drilling will retain 37 percent of the federal revenue generated by that activity.
  • Any state will be allowed to opt out of drilling that would occur in waters within 75 miles of its shore.”
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Yesterday’s blog highlights

Grist walks us through the new CBO analysis “How Policies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Could Affect Employment” and explains how the analysis falls short “in capturing the upside potential” of a smart climate and energy policy.

Climate Progress has Senators Kerry and Lieberman’s joint statement on the release of the climate bill this Wednesday. In the statement they say:

“Our optimism is bolstered because there is a growing and unprecedented bi-partisan coalition from the business, national security, faith and environmental communities that supports our legislation and is energized to work hard and get it passed.”

On The New York Times Room for Debate blog, key thought leaders and journalists covering climate debate whether the climate bill actually has a chance at passage this year. There is a fair amount of optimism in the crowd.

“Environmental disasters have historically served as the inspiration for landmark legislation.” Kate Shepard of Mother

I am optimistic about decarbonization. Despite conventional wisdom to the contrary, reducing emissions will be relatively fast and inexpensive. There are huge opportunities for low-cost (or negative-cost) emission reductions just waiting to be exploited.” David Roberts of

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In the wake of the Gulf oil tragedy, voters are more likely to support a climate bill

A new poll shows that voters across the nation are now even more likely to support a climate bill due to the tragic events unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. Past polls have shown that there is strong public support for a climate bill however there had been speculation in the media that the Gulf oil spill would make passing a climate bill this year more difficult. This poll proves just the opposite. Americans are more ready that ever to end their dependence on fossil fuels and starting moving towards a clean energy future. Fence-sitting Senators should take note.

  • 61% of voters polled support a climate bill “that will limit pollution, invest in domestic energy sources and encourage companies to use and develop clean energy. It would do this in part by charging energy companies for carbon pollution in electricity or fuels like oil.”
  • 54% would be more likely to re-elect their Senator if he or she voted for the bill
  • 51% would be less likely to re-elect their Senator if he or she voted against the bill
  • 59% of voters agree that “Now is the time for Senators to take action. Oil companies and lobbyists have fought energy reform for decades to protect their profits. Our dependence on oil hurts our economy, helps our enemies and puts our security at risk. It’s time to put America back in control – with clean energy that’s made in America and works for America.”
  • 39% of voters now say they are even “more likely to support a climate bill in the wake of the oil spill.”

The poll findings are a result of 650 telephone interviews conducted May 4th and 5th, 2010 nationwide with a sampling of registered voters who are likely to vote in the 2010 Congressional elections. Read these poll highlights and commentary on the The New Republic.

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Blog highlights from the past few days

Climate Progress highlights Tom Friedman’s New York Times column “No Fooling Mother Nature” where Tom describes how

“There is only one meaningful response to the horrific oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and that is for America to stop messing around when it comes to designing its energy and environmental future. The only meaningful response to this man-made disaster is a man-made energy bill that would finally put in place an American clean-energy infrastructure that would set our country on a real, long-term path to ending our addiction to oil.”

The New Republic showcases a new report by the Energy Information Administration which shows that CO2 emissions in the United States are down 10% from 2005 levels.

On E2, Kerry and Lieberman say they are set to unveil the climate bill on Wednesday.

The Financial Times poses the question that is in the back of everyone’s minds:  “If we can fix the ozone layer, why do we struggle in tackling climate change?”

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