Blog highlights from the past few days

Climate Progress highlights Tom Friedman’s New York Times column “No Fooling Mother Nature” where Tom describes how

“There is only one meaningful response to the horrific oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and that is for America to stop messing around when it comes to designing its energy and environmental future. The only meaningful response to this man-made disaster is a man-made energy bill that would finally put in place an American clean-energy infrastructure that would set our country on a real, long-term path to ending our addiction to oil.”

The New Republic showcases a new report by the Energy Information Administration which shows that CO2 emissions in the United States are down 10% from 2005 levels.

On E2, Kerry and Lieberman say they are set to unveil the climate bill on Wednesday.

The Financial Times poses the question that is in the back of everyone’s minds:  “If we can fix the ozone layer, why do we struggle in tackling climate change?”

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One Comment

  1. Posted May 23, 2010 at 8:29 am | Permalink

    All I can say is keep it up. Some professional bloggers post three or four times a day on their blogs, simply because this constant addition of new content helps them to get regular readers.