Energy Exchange

Pay low costs for greenhouse gasses today or pay in human lives later

The United States Military is perhaps the most advanced scientific entity in the world, and can tout advances such as the internet, “smart” armor using nanotechnology and sophisticated “war game” computer simulations to develop strategic plans. 

The military has used scientific theories throughout history to ensure a strong sense of national security in a world filled with international upheaval.  They have used the theory of gravity to develop bullet trajectories and the science of aeronautics to land a man on the Moon.  So it should be some comfort to Texans that our Senators have historically deferred to the military on such issues as the preeminent experts in keeping our nation and resources secure.

All the more reason that it seems strange that Texas’ Senators Hutchison and Cornyn are trying to play political football with an issue that both our public and our nation’s best military minds see as a grave threat to our national security. 

We now know that the climate change and the national security threats arising from it have been a focus of National Defense University and military intelligence analysts for years.  They find that the costs of inaction will be serious, and not just in terms of direct impacts to our farmland and coastline.  Read More »

Posted in Climate, Texas / Read 28 Responses

The Sun Shines on Senate Bill

TX SenateToday, Senator Watson led the Senate in passing its most important renewable energy bill this session: SB541. The bill is an expansion of the incredibly successful Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) that has been the flagship policy for renewables in our state for the last 10 years. 

Ten years ago, Texas was ranked 4th in the nation for wind energy and only had 7 percent of the nations wind capacity.  Now, we are the nation’s leader with 28 percent of the wind market, and at a net benefit to Texas electric consumers. If Texas were a country (since some seem to want it that way) we would be ranked 6th in the world in wind power—behind the rest of the US, Germany, Spain, India and China. Now, with the Senate passage of this 1,500 MW renewable energy bill, industry insiders agree we are poised to have exactly the same success with solar power.

The truth is, almost everyone supports this bill and the few who don’t are referencing outdated information and misrepresented data to support their contention that renewable energy would cost Texans too much without acknowledging any of the proven benefits. The PUC has shown that large amounts of “free fuel” renewable energy, reduces electric market prices in Texas. Additionally, the Texas General Land Office estimates more than $209 million could go to the Permanent School Fund from renewable energy, more if this RPS is passed.  These benefits, along with the savings from reduced CO2, NOx and SO2 emissions, add up to a big bonus for Texas consumers. Did I mention the estimated 123,000 jobs this policy will help bring to Texas?

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Posted in Renewable Energy, Texas / Read 27 Responses