Energy Exchange

No Need for New Conventional Coal Plants

Jim MarstonA New York Times Green Inc. article yesterday — “Big Utilities Pull Back on Coal Plant Plans” — stated that many Southwest utilities were shifting away from coal-generated power and moving toward renewables and energy efficiency. Many plants that were planned are now canceled or on hold.

So my question for all Texans is, “Why would we foolishly try to build even one more conventional coal plant?”

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Just the facts: PUC summit panel one

On September 22, 2009, the Texas Public Utility Commission plans a climate change summit asking the question, “Is Waxman-Markey Good for Texas?” After review of the topics and panelists invited, Environmental Defense Fund offers without editorial comment, the following facts on those representatives speaking in the first panel, “Academic/Not for Profit/Think Tank”: 

  • The Heritage Foundation has received more than $57 Million from oil and chemical related foundations, including the Scaife Family Foundations, the John M. Olin Foundation and the Koch Family Foundations, as well as more than $500,000 from ExxonMobil. –, 
  • Read More »
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An Open Letter to Texas Leaders on ACESA Joint Meeting

Clean Energy TexasYesterday I sent out this open letter about a joint meeting on the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACESA) being proposed by the Public Utility Commission, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the Railroad Commission’s Chairmen.

Let me know what you think. See the formal version here.


Dear Chairman Smitherman, Chairman Shaw, and Chairman Carillo,

I am glad to hear about your proposed joint meeting on the American Clean Energy and Security Act (ACESA) and that you are interested in hearing from all parties. I would like to add my voice to those legislators around the state such as Senators Rodney Ellis and Kirk Watson, and Representatives Rafael Anchia and Mark Strama who are asking that this joint meeting be a fair review of the facts regarding the bill and the economic impacts of climate change on Texas.  I would also like to see this joint meeting rise above the recent politically motivated press releases and op-eds by some Texas politicians, which relied on so-called “studies” that admittedly and intentionally did not analyze the job and economic benefits of the ACESA.  Read More »

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Let’s Get Real

It sounds like our Texas Senators have been reading forged constituent letters from the coal industry more than they’ve been listening to what Texas citizens are really saying. In July, Senator Cornyn claimed that Texans “are growing concerned that they will be significantly impacted by higher energy and farm input costs.”  Meanwhile, Senator Hutchison seems to think that the bill passed by the House “disproportionately attacks energy-producing states like Texas.”  Well, that’s not what real Texans are thinking.

National and statewide polls tell the real story: Texans agree with the rest of the country on the need for strong federal action on climate Read More »

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Pay low costs for greenhouse gasses today or pay in human lives later

The United States Military is perhaps the most advanced scientific entity in the world, and can tout advances such as the internet, “smart” armor using nanotechnology and sophisticated “war game” computer simulations to develop strategic plans. 

The military has used scientific theories throughout history to ensure a strong sense of national security in a world filled with international upheaval.  They have used the theory of gravity to develop bullet trajectories and the science of aeronautics to land a man on the Moon.  So it should be some comfort to Texans that our Senators have historically deferred to the military on such issues as the preeminent experts in keeping our nation and resources secure.

All the more reason that it seems strange that Texas’ Senators Hutchison and Cornyn are trying to play political football with an issue that both our public and our nation’s best military minds see as a grave threat to our national security. 

We now know that the climate change and the national security threats arising from it have been a focus of National Defense University and military intelligence analysts for years.  They find that the costs of inaction will be serious, and not just in terms of direct impacts to our farmland and coastline.  Read More »

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Comptroller Column: Another Red Herring

Texas Jim MarstonComptroller Susan Combs in an op-ed today panders to the flat earth society with another phony study supposedly about the legislation to alleviate global warming, saying that it will wreck the Texas economy. The study is phony because it uses discredited numbers from ideological groups that receive large contributions from polluting industries and their allies. Even worse, it is phony because it doesn’t acknowledge any of the huge benefits cap-and-trade will bring to Texas. 

In Combs’s op-ed, she cites her agency’s “initial look at the cap-and-trade provisions” in the Waxman-Markey bill now pending in Congress and proceeds to lay out a worst-case scenario based on the most negative analyses from known opponents of a cap-and-trade program. Upon a close reading of this “initial look” (released as an official report), you’ll discover that the comptroller’s office openly admits that it made NO ATTEMPT to quantify any of the benefits of cap-and-trade legislation even though every neutral study on the issue Read More »

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