Energy Exchange

The Spotlight Shines On Natural Gas

You may have seen the many articles that came out this week on a new peer-reviewed paper in the Journal of Climatic Change by Professor Bob Howarth and others at Cornell.  The paper compares the carbon footprints of natural gas and coal and concludes that natural gas contributes to global warming as much as coal, or even more, when assessed on a life-cycle basis.

Though we have questions about Professor Howarth’s paper’s emissions estimates, it nevertheless highlights the critical importance of obtaining and sharing better data so that we can accurately characterize air pollution from natural gas development — including the short-term climate impacts of methane.  Because of methane’s powerful heat-trapping ability during its roughly decade-long atmospheric residence time, or life span, reducing methane emissions from production increases the chances of meeting critical climate targets, such as limiting global warming to a two degree Celsius temperature increase. 

Professor Howarth’s research should also help focus attention on the methane leakage issue.  EDF has been concerned for some time that methane leakage in the natural gas development process could significantly diminish its inherent low-carbon advantage relative to other fossil fuels.  There is consensus that a methane leak rate during production, processing, and transportation of 5% (of total gas production) is the approximate break-even point at which natural gas and coal used to generate electricity have similar climate impacts on a 20-year time horizon.  Examining the warming potential of natural gas over a 20-year timeframe is important, rather than the customary 100-year timeframe, given the need to reduce global warming in coming decades.  What we don’t fully know is whether the leakage rate today is lower than that break-even point, though the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) most recent assessment estimates the leakage to be between 2 to 3%.    

Bottom line: We need better data on methane leakage from natural gas production and transport.  The natural gas industry, which touts itself as providing the “low-carbon” fossil fuel, should drop its lawsuits against EPA to require disclosure of its global warming pollution and take aggressive steps to both curb the loss of its product into the atmosphere and maximize the greenhouse gas benefits of natural gas.  Numerous cost effective opportunities exist to capture leaking gas and turn it into increased fuel sales.  And less natural gas leakage will mean healthier air for communities, since raw natural gas contains both cancer-causing and smog-forming pollutants.  

If the industry wants people to trust that natural gas is a clean alternative, it would do well to spend less time fighting pollution disclosure requirements and more time addressing environmental and public health concerns.  EDF is eager to work cooperatively with the natural gas industry to accomplish this.

Posted in Natural Gas / Read 1 Response

New York City’s Split Incentive “Trifecta”

By: Elizabeth Stein, EDF Attorney

Today, New York City is pioneering a new solution to the long-studied problem of the “split incentive” that prevents commercial landlords and office tenants from saving money and cutting pollution with energy efficiency.   This is not just an academic exercise – the solution will be rolled out in the heart of Manhattan, at the Gold LEED-certified 7 World Trade Center site, and modeled in the government’s own leases across the city.  This can be a game-changer for energy efficiency nationally.

Energy efficiency is the fastest, most cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States. Americans waste an extraordinary amount of energy in inefficient buildings – and that means we’re wasting money too. In New York City, buildings account for a staggering 80% of the city’s carbon emissions and $15 billion in energy costs.  Applying today’s technology, many buildings could cut energy use by between 20 and 40% through investments that have the potential to pay for themselves.  Investments in energy efficiency will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, lower energy costs, and create jobs when we need them most.

Today’s commercial leases, however, stand in the way of unleashing that savings stream –  hence the split incentive conundrum.  Why would a landlord upgrade a building’s energy systems if the cost savings accrue only to the tenant?  Something as simple as the way a lease is drafted can block access to the cheapest and fastest way to solve air and climate pollution.

To solve this problem,  Mayor Bloomberg’s administration teamed up with EDF, NRDC, NYSERDA, real estate consultants HR&A and Cycle-7, and senior real estate attorney, Marc Rauch, among others, to reinvent the commercial lease in a way that lines up the incentives so that landlords and tenants will want to upgrade their buildings and cut waste.  The new lease language is simple, straightforward, and can be used by any commercial building, anywhere.

The basic idea is to realign the business deal on energy costs, so that both landlords and tenants are motivated to stop wasting energy.  Under the new lease announced today, part of the cost savings from energy efficiencies are made available to pay for upgrades to cleaner technology.  Tenants save money and buildings end up with newer lighting and heating and air conditioning systems that cost less to operate.  The new lease also solves a tough measurement and verification challenge by applying an easy-to-understand discount to the upfront cost-savings projections obtained by a landlord’s engineer, in order to protect against variances between cost savings projections and realities over time.

By changing the business deal between landlord and tenant, the lease structure announced today creates a way to save money, cut pollution, and modernize building systems.  It’s the ultimate win-win for New York City’s commercial landlords, tenants – and for any of us who breathe the air in a city with lots of power plants.  I think of this as a split incentive “trifecta:” it’s being adopted by the private sector in a true market transaction at the World Trade Center site, the City itself is committing to use the approach in leases where it is a tenant, and the Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY), New York City’s leading real estate trade association, is speaking favorably about the solution.

This is a great example of what can happen when government, advocates, and the private sector roll up their sleeves together to solve a problem.  This forward-thinking business deal serves as a model for every commercial building in the country.  Help us spread the word, and let’s see if we can use this to open up the marketplace for energy efficiency globally.

For more information, please see the City’s Energy Aligned Lease fact sheet and model language.

Posted in Energy Efficiency, New York / Comments are closed

Thinking Long Term On America’s Energy Future

On Wednesday, President Obama, speaking at Georgetown University, set out a multi-pronged approach to boosting America’s energy security.  We agree that America “cannot keep going from shock to trance on the issue of energy security, rushing to propose action when gas prices rise, then hitting the snooze button when they fall again.”  President Obama’s goals to leverage alternative fuels, increase efficiency, and invest in smart grid technology, advanced vehicles, high speed rail, and public transit are critical steps toward a truly clean energy economy.

The core objectives of our Energy Program are to help accelerate the deployment of large-scale, clean technologies into the nation’s energy system and remake the market for efficiency and innovation.  Our goal is to reduce the environmental impact of energy production, delivery, and use.  Why?  Because investments in clean technology will bring about the clean energy revolution we need by greatly reducing our use of dirty fuels and improving air quality and, thus, the health of millions of Americans – especially children and the elderly. 

We can improve our energy independence and end the economic hardships imposed on American families by spiking energy costs while preserving our air, land, and water for future generations.

As important as the energy, environmental, and public health outcomes are, this revolution also benefits our economy and creates jobs.  American workers have tremendous opportunities related to energy efficient and clean technologies, which are creating well-paying jobs and helping companies compete in the global market.  

One of EDF’s main areas of focus is on smart grid technology.  President Obama’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) funds projects that will help modernize our antiquated electricity system.  A smarter grid can adjust demand, reducing the need to build costly, new power plants.  It will enable extensive new wind and solar energy to integrate into an upgraded grid so that we can rely far more on clean, renewable, home-grown energy.  The result:  less environmental damage, more jobs, and a more efficient, reliable, and resilient electricity system.  A smart grid will also facilitate the switch to electric vehicles, making it possible to “smart charge” them at night so they can be ready the next morning for commuters who will no longer be paying for gasoline.

Another key point that the President made was on responsible development practices for natural gas.  Natural gas can play a significant role in achieving our clean energy future – but it needs to be developed safely and in an environmentally sound manner.  Protecting citizens’ health and the environment will require that we “get it right from the start.”  That means putting rules in place to guarantee that our water and land are protected from contamination and ensuring that leakage of harmful air pollution is minimized.

The President’s call for increased transparency in the use of hydraulic fracturing chemicals is a necessity.  The natural gas industry is engaged in a public perception war that it is not winning.  Participating in the development of transparency within the industry is the first step necessary in attempting to rebuild public trust.  A balance between creating a sustainable market for business and ensuring the health and safety of the public should not be a source of division, but instead our common ground. 

While Congress is negotiating the federal budget, members would do well to recognize the essential need to make long-term investments in a 21st century clean energy economy that will reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil and put Americans back to work.

EDF commends the President for his willingness to look to the future.  If we can do that, we will all benefit from a stronger economy, energy security, and a cleaner environment that protects our public health and maintains our quality of life.

Posted in Climate, Energy Efficiency, Grid Modernization, Natural Gas, Renewable Energy, Washington, DC / Read 1 Response

Start Me Up: The first Climate Corps fellow takes his knowledge to a startup

By: Jeff Crystal, COO of Voltaic Systems

In 2007, EDF Climate Corps helped launch me into my career at the intersection of business and the environment. When the opportunity came to work with Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) on an innovative new program called Climate Corps, I jumped at the chance. The team at the time was small, and the program wasn’t yet clearly defined yet, just filled with unknowns. Having been at four startups prior, this felt just like home to me.

As the unofficial first Climate Corps fellow, I spent that summer working on a financial model, while running EDF’s own energy audit and implementing changes to reduce the NGO’s energy consumption.

The next summer, EDF brought 7 official Climate Corps fellows on board to search for energy efficiency opportunities at leading companies on the West coast. Now here we are, three years later, and the program has expanded seven-fold – with more than 80 total Climate Corps fellows working at Fortune 1000’s around the country to identify projects that could avoid more than 557,000 metric tons of GHG emissions. Though it’s seen its share of tweaks, the financial model I developed that first summer has been used to analyze all of these projects along the way.

Climate Corps confirmed my love for “hands dirty” operational work, and almost immediately after I completed my fellowship, I joined a startup that focuses on producing small scale energy systems, Voltaic Systems. Voltaic designssolar chargers and solar backpacks for powering electronics from cell phones to laptops and will soon introduce solar lighting.

Longer term, the Climate Corps experience has opened up a network of technical resources, a framework for thinking about sustainability and the knowledge to talk intelligently about this topic with a broad range of people in the industry. This fellowship has also given me a whole new vocabulary supported by a background of training and hands-on experience. I love being able to talk about the need for proper ballast settings on a T5 bulb or about the payback period of an HVAC tuning session.

The appreciation I maintain for sustainability is evident, not only in my company’s end-products but in all aspects of our business. Voltaic is constantly looking at ways to make our products more environmental friendly. We try to use fabrics and materials that use less energy to produce and require fewer (or no) toxic materials in their production process. I’ve kept in touch with former colleagues at EDF who have advised me on packaging providers that are doing interesting things with recycled PET, the limits of a Material Safety Data Sheet and emerging standards on phthalates.

When discussing my job opportunity with Voltaic, one question  that came up was whether that team could have a big enough environmental impact. EDF’s staff tends to think in terms of policies and programs that can remove millions of tons of carbon. Could a startup producing solar products make a dent? When we think about introducing new products that could have a negative carbon impact and potential ways to pressure our suppliers to use more recycled materials, EDF is in the back of my head, urging me to do more.

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Smart Meters. An Integral Piece To The Smart Grid Pie.

As you may have heard, the roll out of smart grid technology in California has raised some health concerns over the safety of smart meter use.  As a result, the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) has ordered Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) to develop an alternative to wireless meters.

The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) is following this issue closely.  Our organization offers a unique perspective given our proven track record of enabling markets and innovation to gain environmental benefits.  Our national organization is working across the country to advance smart grid deployment in a way that ensures maximum consumer, economic, and environmental benefits.  To do so, we are working with public utilities and regulatory commissions on smart grid policy and advancing smart grid pilots such as Austin’s world-renowned Pecan Street Project.

Deploying an effective smart grid throughout the country is a national priority supported by multiple stakeholders: from companies like GE, Cisco and Google, who see it as key to the future of their businesses, America’s global competitiveness, and job growth, to Chambers of Commerce, who see the huge economic development and security benefits in making more energy at home and keeping energy dollars at home, to consumer groups like the Citizens Utility Board, our partner in Illinois, who see it as the only way to keep electric bills from climbing steeply in the years to come.  Right now, our outdated energy grid wastes approximately 10% of generated electricity just in transmission and distribution, costing the consumer roughly $25 billion a year.  We lose another estimated $100b in black-outs, which a smart grid will help us avoid.

Digital “smart” meters, capable of two-way communication between customers and electric utilities, are key to realizing the multiple benefits of a smart grid.

A properly designed smart grid will help households and businesses reap many economic and environmental benefits. It will allow us to greatly reduce our use of dirty energy, improving air quality and the health of millions of Americans now hurt by dangerous air pollution.  With easy-to-use tools, such as online updates on how much energy they’re using and what it’s costing, consumers will be able to make choices that lower their bills.  Businesses will be able to pinpoint the most valuable opportunities to make their buildings and operations more energy efficient, saving money. Utilities will be able to provide customers with more reliable service.

Smart meters allow information to flow between meters and utilities by utilizing radio frequencies (RF) such as those currently used by AM/FM radios, baby monitors and cell phones.  Studies (such as research by the California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) and the Electric Power Research Institute) have found no evidence that these radio frequencies pose risks to human health.  In fact, the CCST report released earlier this year found that even if smart meters were on 100% of the time, an individual’s exposure would be a very low (4 uW/cm3).  To put this number into perspective, the average exposure to RFs from using a cell phone is between 1,000 and 5,000 uW/cm3 or 250 – 1, 250 times that from a smart meter.

A well-designed smart grid will be a boon to public health.  It will improve our quality of life, grow our economy, and drive the clean energy revolution we need.

For more information regarding the benefits of a smart grid, please view EDF’s fact sheet here.

Posted in California, Grid Modernization / Read 2 Responses

Energy Efficiency Standards Save Texas Schools Money

Alder Creek Middle School in Truckee California: A Demonstration project for Collaborative for High Performance Schools

On March 16 the Texas House Energy Resources Committee heard testimony on HB 775 from Rep. Rafael Anchia.  HB 775 would further enable school districts to reduce energy and water consumption, which saves money and improves the air quality of Texas schools.  As public schools are facing grim budget decisions saving money on energy means more teachers in classrooms and a better education for Texas children.

Investing in energy efficiency measures saves school districts and taxpayers money in the long run because energy efficiency lowers electricity bills.  Stated differently, failing to improve efficiency means school districts are wasting energy and needlessly straining tight budgets.  Also, energy efficiency is one of the few measures that will reduce air pollution at the same time that it saves money.  Many energy efficiency measures will require some upfront costs.  However, school districts have several options for offsetting or avoiding those costs all together, including Texas LoanSTAR, performance contracts, and utility incentive programs. (You can read further explanations of these options/programs in my full testimony to the committee)

Specific School District Examples

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, an energy-efficient school district with 4,000 students could save as much as $160,000 a year in energy costs, with savings reaching $1.6 million over ten years.  Texas schools that have initiated energy conservation programs have already begun to realize savings with some relatively easy investments.  The table below shows Texas school districts that have received funds from the LoanSTAR program for energy efficient measures and the estimated costs and savings. 

School DistrictEnergy Conservation Measures (ECM) Total Estimated ECM costsAnnual Energy Cost SavingsPayback (years)
ArlingtonReplace lighting, correct power factor, upgrade mechanical system$4,655,086$649, 8807.2
HollidayReplace lighting and HVAC systems$188,169$20,1209.4
Red OakReplace lighting, install occupancy sensors and EMS, institute payment and performance bonds$2,214,305$311,8877.1

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