Climate 411

Supreme Court Reverberations

Last week’s Supreme Court ruling on Massachusetts versus EPA was a landmark victory for Planet Earth, but there’s still much work to be done. The ruling doesn’t demand any specific action – it just sets the stage for future rulings. Case in point: California’s petition to EPA to use its own, stricter emissions standards rather than federal emissions standards.

In light of this ruling, will the EPA grant California’s petition? On April 5th, a couple of news outlets reported that EPA had approved California’s request. Unfortunately, they got it wrong. EPA simply agreed to take the next to step in considering the California waiver – holding public hearings. We won’t know for months how EPA will rule.

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Also posted in Greenhouse Gas Emissions / Read 4 Responses

Two Supreme Court Victories

Planet Earth won a major victory in the Supreme Court today. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had maintained that regulation of greenhouse gases was beyond its authority. Today in a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court disagreed. For background on the case, see our article “Supreme Court Hears Global Warming Case” or the full text of the decision [PDF]. Environmental Defense was one of the petitioners in this case.

And that wasn’t the only Supreme Court victory today. The United States and Environmental Defense filed suit against Duke Energy for violating Clear Air Act rules when it renovated its plants, and today the Supreme Court agreed. For background on the case, see our article “Pivotal Clean Air Case Before Supreme Court” or the full text of the decision [PDF].
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Posted in Cars and Pollution / Read 3 Responses

Tips for Cleaner Driving

Okay, you drive a car – you have to drive a car. You also care about climate change, and want to do something about it. You could buy a more fuel efficient car, but you like the car you have and you’re not planning on car shopping soon. Is there anything you can do? You bet! Smart driving and maintenance of your existing car can have a bigger impact than you might think – and also can save you money.

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Posted in Cars and Pollution / Read 3 Responses