June 30th, 2010 – The voices of a new clean energy future

The Huffington Post “Climate Backslide! As Public Opinion Moves One Way, Politicians Go the Other”

By Brendan DeMelle, freelance writer and researcher

“Yet there is still reason for hope. In the wake of G20 inaction, visionary leadership is being found at the local level. Increasingly, municipal and state leaders, institutions, individual citizens, and even progressive corporations who have long since been convinced of the need for action are getting to work to lower their carbon impact.”

“People around the world will not tolerate further inaction, as demonstrated by the outrage over BP’s Deepwater disaster and other blatant symptoms of global fossil fuel addiction. And while many are taking matters into their own hands, we still need leaders to lead.”

Indystar.com “We’re paying for our oil dependence”

By Indiana Congressman Andre Carson

“No longer is the focus solely on future projections or abstract scientific models. The consequences of our addiction to oil are immediate. They’re real, and they’re on full display with the devastation being wrought by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.”

“This ongoing disaster in the Gulf should be our call to action. It is time to finally enact comprehensive clean energy legislation that will end our dangerous addiction to oil, develop alternative energy sources and kick-start a green economy that will drive job growth and investment.”

The Voices of a New Clean Energy Future is a series from individuals who understand the importance of passing comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation – business leaders, politicians, policy experts, and concerned citizens like you. EDF is proud to highlight their voices and contributions to the climate and energy debate.

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