Growing Returns

Selected tag(s): farm finance

Without financing solutions, farmers have to leave money — and environmental benefits — on the table

This op-ed was originally published in Hoard’s Dairyman. Since its initial publication, the financial uncertainty for farmers engaging in conservation practices has grown substantially. Ongoing trade negotiations, tariffs and blocked funding for existing U.S. Department of Agriculture contracts for conservation expenses and the uncertainty of future funding for conservation programs intensify the financial challenges faced by dairy farmers.

Dairy farmers are already part of a high-risk industry — the experience shared below shows how difficult it can be to align funding opportunities with farms’ financial needs. Now, farmers are being left to absorb that risk with less support. To continue producing food for their communities and responsibly stewarding natural resources, farmers will need more flexibility from financial institutions and greater investments from stakeholders advancing sustainable agriculture.

By Alice Crothers

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The Regenerative Agriculture Financing Program expands in its second year

A large field of soybean crop.

A large field of soybean crop.

The Regenerative Agriculture Finance Program, also known as RAF, was launched in January 2022 by Farmers Business Network in collaboration with Environmental Defense Fund. The pilot year of the RAF program included 48 corn, wheat and soybean farmers seeking access to lower interest rates on operating loans by achieving standards for soil health and nitrogen fertilizer management practices.

When launched, the RAF program quickly became Farmers Business Network’s fastest selling financial product ever. Of the participating growers who completed data collection, 83% met the environmental standards and received a rebate payment equal to 0.5% of their loan interest rate.

The success of the pilot year of the RAF encouraged Farmers Business Network to expand the program. Learn more about the 2023 program results, as well as new opportunities and challenges for the RAF.

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A new resource hub empowers crop insurers and farmers to boost financial resilience to extreme weather

A farmer stands in a field of soybean crop and corn residue, facing a glowing sunset.

A farmer stands in a field of soybean crop and corn residue, facing a glowing sunset.

From extensive droughts across the Great Plains and back-to-back hurricanes damaging vegetable and citrus crops in the Southeast, the last two production seasons have demonstrated the intensifying damage of extreme weather on America’s farms. In 2023 alone, natural disasters caused nearly $22 billion in crop and rangeland losses. While crop insurance is a critical safety net for farmers, the growing impact of climate change underscores the need for proactive resilience strategies on the farm.

Recognizing this, Chubb and its crop insurance division Rain & Hail — the largest crop and agriculture insurance provider in the U.S. — has launched a new resource hub designed to equip farmers and crop insurance agents with essential tools, insights and advisors to increase on-farm resilience. Environmental Defense Fund Climate Corps fellow Carter Purcell led the development of the hub during her time at Chubb.

The new resource hub highlights the increasing need for comprehensive risk management solutions that not only protect farms financially in the short term, but also support long-term resilience.

Learn more about the relationship between crop insurance and resilience to extreme weather, and why it’s critical to provide solutions that support farmers’ short- and long-term financial resilience.

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To feed a growing population, farmers need quality financing to flow

Farmers harvesting coffee in the countryside of Brazil.

Agriculture is both a driver of climate change and on the frontlines of climate impacts. A variety of farming practices, technologies and system changes can reduce emissions to help stabilize the climate and build resilience to help protect global food production. However, a lack of access to fit-for-purpose finance keeps farmers from transitioning to climate-smart farming practices.

This year at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, countries will gather to set a new global climate finance goal, known as the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG), for how much money high-income countries will provide to low-income countries for climate action.

This negotiation presents an opportunity to elevate farmers’ needs in financing the climate transition in agriculture.

Agriculture needs significantly more climate financing

Increasing access to and availability of climate finance for farmers and agricultural value chains is vital for fostering resilience, food security and sustainable agriculture globally in the face of climate change. Yet, less than 5% of climate finance today — around $28.5 billion USD annually — goes to agrifood systems even though the sector contributes nearly one-third of global emissions and has a pressing need for adaptation.

UNEP finds that the world needs $350 billion per year by the end of this decade to close the funding gap for transforming food systems and meeting climate mitigation and adaptation targets. Agriculture is critically underfunded when it comes to climate finance, and an urgent increase in dedicated funding is essential to safeguard our food system.

Farmers also need higher quality climate financing

As the global community works to finalize a new climate finance goal, boosting the quality of climate finance is just as important as scaling the quantity of climate finance. We need to ensure money is accessible to the countries and communities that need it the most without creating more financial burdens on them.

EDF’s new report, Quality Matters: Strengthening Climate Finance to Drive Climate Action, further outlines why strengthening the quality of international climate finance is essential.

Agriculture has unique financing needs, and the transition to climate-smart agriculture at scale will require transformative investment from both the public and private sectors. For farming systems to shift, the market, finance and insurance systems that are the bedrock of farm businesses must also change. Yet, at present, these systems leave many farmers locked in the status quo and increasingly vulnerable to devastating financial losses. In addition, many other farmers do not have access to basic finance and market services.

High-quality climate finance, which considers the criteria below, can bridge these gaps.

  • Accessibility: Finance should directly reach farmers when they need it to help them invest in on-farm practice changes and technology for climate adaptation. Funding should be easy for farmers to access by reducing application burdens and delays and, ideally, distributing it through trusted local partnerships.
  • Impact: Finance should be targeted toward practices, technologies and system changes that reduce emissions or improve climate resilience. Systems for measuring, monitoring, reporting and verifying environmental impacts must be both accurate and practical for farmers and their partners.
  • Concessionality: Given the thin margins of most farming systems, finance providers should expect that below-market rate returns will often be required to achieve desired environmental and social impacts. Finance should address inequities in farmer access, while not increasing the burden of unsustainable debt at either the country or farmer level. Concessional finance should be leveraged to encourage more private sector finance to participate in solutions, helping to improve climate finance quantity and quality.

As the global community strives to set and meet ambitious climate finance targets, both quantity and quality must remain at the heart of discussions. Climate finance providers need to increase the total amount of financing available for investing in agriculture’s climate transition. At the same time, finance providers must assess how the structure of the financing they offer measures up against indicators of quality — accessibility, impact and concessionality.

The only way to ensure that both quantity and quality priorities are met is by listening to and learning from farmers, farmer organizations and their supporting partners.

By strengthening our collective focus on delivering sufficient high-quality climate finance, we can turn ambition into action — enabling farmers to build a low-carbon, resilient and abundant food system.


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PACE Crop Insurance helps an Illinois farmer improve conservation and save money

Co-authored by Pinion

The use and production of fertilizer in agriculture is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and a major cause of pollution in the nation’s rivers and lakes. Agriculture is the largest global source of nitrogen pollution, and annual damages from nitrogen pollution are estimated to exceed $200 billion in the US. Enhancing nitrogen use efficiency and optimizing application techniques is essential to reducing these impacts.

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Lenders want to support farmers’ conservation efforts. Here’s how their executives can help.

corn plants in a conservation practice field in the midwest

Low angle view of young corn plants in a field after the rain


A new survey of agricultural lenders in the upper Midwest reveals important insights about their perceptions and support for farmers’ conservation efforts. As the first of its kind, the survey can inform agricultural lending institutions’ climate and sustainability strategy development.

Farmers rely on agricultural lending institutions for loans to cover equipment, land and operating expenses. In particular, loan officers at these institutions hold relationships with farmers and are often seen as trusted advisers and sources of information. Their perspectives and knowledge of conservation agriculture can significantly influence farmers’ progress in adopting conservation practices.

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Increasing extreme heat is hurting Kansas farmers’ bottom line

Grain silo over a golden wheat field

During the summer of 2023, Kansas endured a historic heat wave with temperatures soaring above 110°F in some areas. As climate change continues to intensify, the frequency and severity of extreme heat are projected to increase. Are Kansas farmers at risk of losing money in the face of these extreme growing conditions? A new study by EDF, Kansas State University and Cornell University aimed to answer this question by examining the impacts of extreme heat over the last four decades.

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Trends to scale collective impact at the 2023 Sustainable Agriculture Summit and beyond

hand in soil showcasing cover crop growth.

Establishing a cover crop during the cool season.

In early December, the EDF climate-smart agriculture team will join hundreds of farmers, food and agriculture companies, university experts and other conservation organizations at the 2023 Sustainable Agriculture Summit, “Scaling Collective Impact: Collaborating to Accelerate Agricultural Sustainability.” This conference is one of the largest annual gatherings of people working to improve sustainability in U.S. agriculture, and the discussions held in the conference sessions and hallways reflect the major trends, opportunities and challenges facing those who share this goal.

Here are some expected “hot topic” discussions at the conference and throughout the agricultural sustainability movement as we approach 2024.

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Farmers see value in agriculture loans that reward stewardship

In January 2022, global farmer-to-farmer network and ag tech company Farmers Business Network®, launched a new rebate program for farm operating loans. The Regenerative Agriculture Finance Operating Line program includes a 0.5% interest rate rebate for farmers who achieve climate and water quality benchmarks established by Environmental Defense Fund. Both farmers who already meet the benchmarks, as well as farmers who improve practices to do so, are eligible.

The $25-million pilot fund filled up quickly, with 48 farmers enrolled and a growing waitlist to participate in an expanded fund. With the initial pilot underway, FBN plans to scale the fund to $500 million over the next three years and access public markets to securitize and sell these loans to investors seeking liquid, environmentally friendly investments.

Over the first year of the program, we are sharing what we are learning with others in the agriculture sector. EDF had the chance to sit down with two participating farmers about their experiences — Joel Uthe, operator of Uthe Farm in Chariton, Iowa, and David Iverson, operator of Iverson Farm in Astoria, South Dakota. Read More »

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Small North Carolina farms find profitability in climate resilience

Farms across North Carolina are experiencing more variable and extreme weather associated with climate change, including hotter nights and more frequent and severe rainfall. Small farms are adapting to these changes by adopting climate-resilient practices that help buffer weather extremes and improve soil health.

Measuring and communicating the financial costs and benefits of these practices is important to help more farmers adopt them profitably and find financial support for the transition. Cooperative extension agents — small farms’ closest technical advisers — will increasingly need to inform farmers about climate-resilient practices and their financial impacts.

Environmental Defense Fund and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Cooperative Extension collaborated with three small North Carolina farms to measure the financial impacts of adopting reduced tillage, high tunnels and cover crops. The results are summarized in a new report and set of case studies. Read More »

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