Energy Exchange

Recommendations for New CCS Task Force

Scott Anderson, EDF Senior Policy Advisor

EDF welcomed today’s announcement by President Obama establishing an Interagency Task Force on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

In the next six months, the Task Force is charged with proposing a plan to “overcome the barriers to the widespread, cost-effective deployment of CCS within 10 years, with a goal of bringing 5 to 10 commercial demonstration projects online by 2016.”

“By 2016?” a reporter asked me. “Is that doable?” I responded yes, absolutely. CCS as a technical matter is ready for deployment now. Read More »

Posted in Climate, Washington, DC / Read 17 Responses

Green Jobs in Texas: More Than Just Talk

When I started working on the Texas Green Jobs Guidebook last spring, talking to community college and workforce development folks around the state quickly made it clear that there was serious lack of information on what a green job is and what a person needs to find one. Read More »

Posted in Energy Efficiency, Jobs, Texas / Read 43 Responses

Las Brisas: Strike two!

Jim MarstonThe  proposed $3 billion petroleum coke-fired Las Brisas power plant in Corpus Christi suffered another setback Friday when the executive director of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) said two significant environmental questions were not adequately answered by the plant’s permit application.

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Posted in Climate, Texas / Read 226 Responses

Corpus Christi is Borrowing from Peter to Pay Paul

The old adage of Peter and Paul comes from the notion that if you borrow from one person to pay another, in the end, you are right where you started. You can spend time trying to convince Peter to loan you some money or just take the time to save up the money and pay off Paul all together. The first choice just leaves you owing somebody a big wad of cash. The second choice creates independence and sustainability, a debt-free life.

The city of Corpus Christi has a similar decision to make. The city council, and city leaders, must decide how to keep the city’s water supply sufficient for future users. Corpus has two choices, and they are choosing the wrong one. Read More »

Posted in Energy Efficiency, Texas / Read 46 Responses

Las Brisas: Friends in Unexpected Places


Fans of clean air gained an important ally Monday against the proposed $3 billion Las Brisas petroleum coke-fired power plant in Corpus Christi – and it came from inside the state’s own Texas Commission on Environment Quality!

December 14 was the deadline for legal briefs in TCEQ’s permitting process for the enormous “pet coke” plant, and EDF attorneys filed our extensive brief against the permit, as did other interested parties. But we were pleasantly surprised by another brief against the plant filed by TCEQ’s own Office of Public Interest Counsel (OPIC). Read More »

Posted in Texas / Read 11 Responses

Not All Smart Grids are Green Grids

psp-logo-150pxNow we’re talkin’.  Austin is already known as one of the “greenest” cities in the nation, and it looks like we’ll soon be even greener – and smarter, too.

The U.S. Dept. of Energy’s Nov. 24 announcement of $620 million in “smart grid” demonstration and energy storage projects included $10.4 million for the Austin-based Pecan Street Project. The grant will be used to fund an advanced smart grid project at the Mueller development in central Austin. The Mueller neighborhood – a public-private joint venture between the City of Austin and the Catellus Development Group – is located at the site of Austin’s former airport.

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Posted in Climate, Energy Efficiency, Grid Modernization, Renewable Energy, Texas / Read 12 Responses