Energy Exchange

Corpus Christi is Borrowing from Peter to Pay Paul

The old adage of Peter and Paul comes from the notion that if you borrow from one person to pay another, in the end, you are right where you started. You can spend time trying to convince Peter to loan you some money or just take the time to save up the money and pay off Paul all together. The first choice just leaves you owing somebody a big wad of cash. The second choice creates independence and sustainability, a debt-free life.

The city of Corpus Christi has a similar decision to make. The city council, and city leaders, must decide how to keep the city’s water supply sufficient for future users. Corpus has two choices, and they are choosing the wrong one. Read More »

Posted in Energy Efficiency, Texas / Read 46 Responses

Texans Could Save Billions Through Efficiency

Jamie Fine is an economist with EDF who recently completed a study about the costs and benefits of energy efficiency investments in Texas. Read the summary.

Old wisdom says don’t spend a dollar to save a dime. Even better? Spending dimes to save dollars. There’s a real opportunity in Texas for every home and business to spend dimes on energy efficiency to save dollars and to combat climate change at the same time.

I recently helped develop a computer model that tells us how much money Texas residents and businesses can save through energy efficiency, and the results were impressive.

With just a handful of simple efficiency investments, Texans could save more than $15 billion by 2030 – this is $760 per year for an average household and $11,000 per year for an average commercial building.

But implementing energy efficiency measures provides more than cash in the pockets of hard-pressed households and small businesses, it fights climate change too.   If these same measures are used broadly throughout Texas on existing and new buildings between 2010 and 2030, they will avoid over 760 million metric tons of global warming pollution from the electricity sector.

So what’s the next step? Read More »

Posted in Energy Efficiency, Texas / Read 6 Responses

Ready, Set, Blog

TX FlagTexas Energy Exchange invites you to an online conversation about all things energy – as they pertain to the great Lone Star State. Everything from renewable energy to cleaner air quality (because we all know they’re interconnected) will be covered with hopes of encouraging interested parties to share their thoughts, ideas and concerns about the many challenges facing our state and nation.

Feel free to respond, engage or simply lurk as Texas EDF takes on the task of addressing Texas energy issues.

Posted in General, Texas / Read 5 Responses