Energy Exchange

Zeroing in on ports of high potential: Sustainable first mover initiatives are vital for identifying the most suitable locations for future fuel investment

By Dana G. Rodriguez and Dr. Charlie McKinlay

As global policies to advance the decarbonisation of shipping are to be implemented in the coming years, ports will play an important role in the transition, serving as key hubs for transport and energy systems. But ports are also home to large and diverse communities with their own unique local environmental impacts. While we strongly support first mover initiatives, such as green corridors and energy hubs, that are designed to play an important role in unlocking investments and scaling up fuels and technologies, we also want to ensure that the local socio-economic and environmental factors are more intentionally considered in the development of these hubs. If done right, inclusive and sustainable co-benefits for communities and the environment may be achieved, while also delivering emissions reductions globally.

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Why using ammonia in power generation is risky for the climate

Hirono thermal power plant in Hirono, Fukushima, Japan

By Sofia Esquivel-Elizondo and Ilissa Ocko

Companies are announcing plans to use ammonia to decarbonize the power sector, because they view it as a carbon-free fuel that does not emit carbon dioxide and other carbon-based air pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, when combusted.

But there are serious issues with this strategy, primarily because it doesn’t take ammonia production — which often requires fossil fuels — into account. Depending on how it is made, using ammonia for power generation can increase greenhouse gas emissions and be incompatible with temperature targets. And, even when production is clean, co-firing ammonia can be expensive, dangerous and worsen air quality.

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The commitment goes on: MARPOL’s 50th anniversary and EDF’s multi-disciplinary approach to shipping decarbonization

Shipping boat

By Dana Rodriguez

Today marks the celebration of World Maritime Day. This year’s theme — ‘MARPOL at 50 — Our commitment goes on’. This theme spotlights the 50th anniversary of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, and encourages discussions on the next phase of the International Maritime Organization’s work to promote a just transition to sustainable shipping.

The MARPOL Convention was adopted in response to a series of tanker accidents in 1976 and 1977 that caused millions of gallons of fuels to spill into our oceans. Since 1973, MARPOL has evolved into a fundamental aspect of the international framework for protecting oceans, and today, it covers the prevention of pollution from ships to the marine environment.

In keeping with the theme of Maritime World Day, Environmental Defense Fund is reflecting on its global shipping work one year into its consultative status at the IMO. Through engagement, collaboration and an array of scientific research, EDF has been a strong proponent of ambitious decarbonization targets, and of implementing solutions to achieve those targets in an equitable and just manner. The organization also advocates for specific mandates to adopt alternative means of propulsion and non-fossil-based fuels for the shipping sector to contribute to limiting global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels, in alignment with the Paris Agreement.

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Pennsylvanians want climate action; methane offers an opportunity for Gov. Shapiro to deliver

Marcellus shale gas-drilling site along PA Route 87, Lycoming County.

Marcellus shale gas-drilling site along PA Route 87, Lycoming County.
Photo courtesy of Nicholas A. Tonelli

By John Rutecki

As we wrap up a summer of sweltering heat waves and dangerous air quality, new poll results show strong majorities of Pennsylvanians want action to address the climate crisis. The poll from EDF Action, Earthworks Action Fund, Sierra Club and Clean Air Task Force Action found that the majority of Pennsylvanians support one of the best ways to slow the current rate of warming — cutting methane pollution.

Methane from fossil fuel operations, agriculture and other industries is responsible for at least 30% of current warming.

With the U.S. EPA finalizing its nationwide methane rule for oil and gas producers this fall, Gov. Shapiro has the opportunity to give the majority of Pennsylvanians what they want by delivering a strong state implementation plan to reduce methane emissions.

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Interim Solutions needed while New York Public Service Commission moves forward on longer term truck charging infrastructure programs

Electric trucks in charging station

By Pamela MacDougall and Cole Jermyn

UPDATE: Since the publication of this blog post on April 27, 2023, the New York Public Service Commission has made meaningful progress within its new Medium- and Heavy-Duty Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure proceeding. The PSC accepted comments on its initial questions from several dozen parties including EDF, and technical conferences are expected this fall. Despite this, the proceeding will likely continue into next year, leaving many early adopter fleets without sufficient access to charging infrastructure and potentially setting the state behind on its electrification goals. With deadlines from the Advanced Clean Trucks rule and emissions reductions goals from the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act rapidly approaching, now is the time to kickstart the deployment of truck and bus charging infrastructure in New York. The state must implement interim solutions while the PSC continues to move forward. Primarily, changes can be made to the medium- and heavy-duty make-ready pilot program by expanding its eligibility to be more accessible to different types of fleets, depot owners and repair shops. Additionally, the program’s budget can be expanded, as the Commission’s Staff has already proposed. The Commission must also work with its sister agencies including the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority and the Department of Transportation to support near-term deployments of charging infrastructure. Not only will these solutions help provide the charging infrastructure that fleets need now, but the PSC will have the learnings it needs to have a full-scale medium- and heavy-duty charging program in the future. Environmental Defense Fund commends the PSC for the progress made so far on the proceeding and is looking forward to working with the commission to ensure no time is wasted in deploying necessary charging infrastructure improvements.  

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Known Unknown: Current hydrogen leak estimates vary by up to 100-fold. We need to know more before betting the farm

Hydrogen renewable energy production pipeline - hydrogen gas for clean electricity solar and windturbine facility.

Hydrogen renewable energy production pipeline – H2 can leak easily through joints and valves (if they are not correctly tightened).

By Sofia Esquivel Elizondo

Enthusiasm for hydrogen as a climate-friendly fuel of the future is everywhere. Hundreds of hydrogen energy projects worth more than $500 billion have been announced, and The International Energy Agency says hydrogen demand could increase sixfold by 2050.

Scientists, though, are confident that this leak-prone gas can warm the climate when it escapes into the atmosphere. Just how much warming will depend on how much hydrogen is emitted, and that remains a giant question mark. That’s why Environmental Defense Fund set out to identify the climate risks of future hydrogen emissions and help develop technology that can detect how much hydrogen escapes from today’s infrastructure.

EDF’s groundbreaking 2022 study explained how unchecked hydrogen emissions can severely undercut the climate benefit of switching from fossil fuels to hydrogen. We found that if it’s not done right, using hydrogen could be worse for the near-term climate than the fossil fuels it would replace.

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