The Huffington Post– “A Knockout Blow to Gulf Production”
By Jeffrey Rubin, economist
“If raining oil on New Orleans doesn’t curb America’s appetite for crude, the resulting price shocks may.”
“The environmental consequences of Deepwater Horizon will take millions of barrels of oil out of future production. But the hurricane season threatens to rob us of even today’s production. Between the two of them, America will no doubt be looking elsewhere to meet its energy needs.”
The Huffington Post– “Stuck on Stupid: Big Oil Says NO to Green Jobs”
By Robert Greenwald, Filmmaker, Brave New Films
“We’re trapped in a destructive cycle of cleaning up after Big Oil, and this cycle is hurting our environment and our economy. It’s time we break free and demand Clean Energy and Green Jobs Now!”
“America has led in innovation before. We went from horse and buggy to the automobile. We went from the telegraph to the telephone. And now we must lead in transitioning from oil addiction to a clean energy economy. The solution to our destructive addiction to oil is clean energy, and Congress must show true leadership in creating it.”
The Voices of a New Clean Energy Future is a series from individuals who understand the importance of passing comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation – business leaders, politicians, policy experts, and concerned citizens like you. EDF is proud to highlight their voices and contributions to the climate and energy debate.