Climate 411

July 1st, 2010 – The voices of a new clean energy future

The Huffington Post“A Knockout Blow to Gulf Production”

By Jeffrey Rubin, economist

“If raining oil on New Orleans doesn’t curb America’s appetite for crude, the resulting price shocks may.”

“The environmental consequences of Deepwater Horizon will take millions of barrels of oil out of future production. But the hurricane season threatens to rob us of even today’s production. Between the two of them, America will no doubt be looking elsewhere to meet its energy needs.”

The Huffington Post“Stuck on Stupid: Big Oil Says NO to Green Jobs”

By Robert Greenwald, Filmmaker, Brave New Films

“We’re trapped in a destructive cycle of cleaning up after Big Oil, and this cycle is hurting our environment and our economy. It’s time we break free and demand Clean Energy and Green Jobs Now!”

 “America has led in innovation before. We went from horse and buggy to the automobile. We went from the telegraph to the telephone. And now we must lead in transitioning from oil addiction to a clean energy economy. The solution to our destructive addiction to oil is clean energy, and Congress must show true leadership in creating it.”

The Voices of a New Clean Energy Future is a series from individuals who understand the importance of passing comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation – business leaders, politicians, policy experts, and concerned citizens like you. EDF is proud to highlight their voices and contributions to the climate and energy debate.

Posted in Climate Change Legislation, Economics, News, Policy / Read 2 Responses

Latest reports on the climate debate

Dot Earth has Nobel Prize winner Burton Richter discussing how President Obama and the Senate should work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

“I would start with those parts of the economy where the way to make progress is clear, the potential gains are large, and the required regulations are relatively simple. To me this says: Start by focusing on cars, electricity generation and efficiency.”

E2 shows President Obama pushing Senators to include a cap on carbon in the final energy package they bring to the floor.

“’The president was very clear about putting a price on carbon and limiting greenhouse gas emissions,’ Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) said outside the White House after the 90-minute meeting between Obama and a bipartisan group of about 20 senators.”

Also on E2, Senator Merkley explains that

“President Obama has stressed the importance of including a “cap and trade” system in forthcoming energy legislation.”

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June 30th, 2010 – The voices of a new clean energy future

The Huffington Post “Climate Backslide! As Public Opinion Moves One Way, Politicians Go the Other”

By Brendan DeMelle, freelance writer and researcher

“Yet there is still reason for hope. In the wake of G20 inaction, visionary leadership is being found at the local level. Increasingly, municipal and state leaders, institutions, individual citizens, and even progressive corporations who have long since been convinced of the need for action are getting to work to lower their carbon impact.”

“People around the world will not tolerate further inaction, as demonstrated by the outrage over BP’s Deepwater disaster and other blatant symptoms of global fossil fuel addiction. And while many are taking matters into their own hands, we still need leaders to lead.” “We’re paying for our oil dependence”

By Indiana Congressman Andre Carson

“No longer is the focus solely on future projections or abstract scientific models. The consequences of our addiction to oil are immediate. They’re real, and they’re on full display with the devastation being wrought by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.”

“This ongoing disaster in the Gulf should be our call to action. It is time to finally enact comprehensive clean energy legislation that will end our dangerous addiction to oil, develop alternative energy sources and kick-start a green economy that will drive job growth and investment.”

The Voices of a New Clean Energy Future is a series from individuals who understand the importance of passing comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation – business leaders, politicians, policy experts, and concerned citizens like you. EDF is proud to highlight their voices and contributions to the climate and energy debate.

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June 29, 2010 – The voices of a new clean energy future“We must change our oil-guzzling ways”

By Aaron Misera of Lower Burrel

“The Gulf of Mexico oil spill is obviously a terrible incident. However, it truly is a metaphor for America and our arrogance toward energy and environmental policy, not to mention the American lifestyle. Our unquenchable thirst for cheap, dirty, limited fuel pushes our ingenuity and technology to create a disaster.”

“Oil is limited, but our ingenuity and drive are endless, so let’s use these for the better of our society and change ourselves.”“China’s solar lead should spur US”

By Bruce Deegan of North Branford

“As the ongoing catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico continues, it’s pretty obvious how badly we need to begin moving away from dependence on oil and toward a future of cleaner, renewable energy. This would not only be a valuable source of desperately needed jobs, but also create a more sustainable future.”

“The time for dithering is over; now’s the time for Congress to enact a transformative energy policy that can sensibly and reliably meet the needs of our nation for the 21st century.”

The Voices of a New Clean Energy Future is a series from individuals who understand the importance of passing comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation – business leaders, politicians, policy experts, and concerned citizens like you. EDF is proud to highlight their voices and contributions to the climate and energy debate.

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A note from our interns-send us your letters!

As interns for the National Climate Campaign, one of our responsibilities is to deliver letters from constituents directly to their senators.  We go to Capitol Hill everyday, carrying hundreds of letters and petitions, hoping to pass on the word to Senators that citizens in their states support comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation.

We all love being a part of this awesome process.   We know that people in the environmental community support a strong, comprehensive clean energy bill but we have been blown away with the influx of letters from Americans from all walks of life calling for clean energy.

Single moms, factory workers and concerned students alike are writing in to tell their senators that clean energy and climate are important to them.  And we’re just happy to be able to pass their sentiments along. Here is just one of the great letters we have come across so far:

Time is running out with the Senate vote set for mid-July.

Please go here for details on how to get your letters into Senators hands ASAP.

-The National Climate Campaign Interns: Olivia Rogan, Lian Han, Kyle Hertzberg and Anna Pickren

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June 28th, 2010 – The voices of a new clean energy future“Climate for change?”


“Despite all the critics, the time is ripe to take comprehensive action on climate and energy.”

“Every day the Gulf of Mexico oil spill continues is a reminder of the perils of our addiction to carbon-based energy sources. Passing a bill will be tough, but doing nothing will be tougher on the nation.”

The Voices of a New Clean Energy Future is an ongoing series that draws attention to thoughtful pieces from individuals who understand the importance of passing comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation – business leaders, politicians, policy experts, and concerned citizens like you. EDF is proud to highlight their voices and contributions to the climate and energy debate.

Posted in Climate Change Legislation, News, Policy / Comments are closed