EDF Calls on EPA to Withdraw Censored Science Proposal

Experts for Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) called on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today to withdraw the “censored science” proposal – a proposed rule that would bar the agency from considering some of our most important public health studies in making decisions about vital protections for human health and the environment.

EPA held an all-day public hearing on its proposal at its Washington, D.C. headquarters today. EDF Senior Health Scientist Jennifer McPartland was among the more than 100 Americans who were expected to testify.

“EPA’s proposed rule represents a total disregard for the agency’s core mission: protection of human health and the environment,” said McPartland in her testimony. “If finalized the rule will erode critical public health protections, and with them, the scientific integrity and public trust of the agency.”

You can read McPartland’s full testimony here.

EPA’s proposed rule closely resembles federal anti-science legislation that has been stalled in Congress for years, and has been widely criticized by leading scientific organizations and public health organizations. The legislation was drafted by House Science Committee Chairman Rep. Lamar Smith and is misleadingly labeled the Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment (HONEST) Act.

Before he left office, former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt began attempting to create a rule based on Rep. Smith’s unsuccessful legislation – without seeking input from the agency’s Scientific Advisory Board or other scientific bodies. EPA agreed to hold a public hearing on the proposal only after EDF and hundreds of others demanded an opportunity to voice their views.

At the hearing today, McPartland called on acting EPA chief Andrew Wheeler to retract the proposal.

EDF Legal Fellow Surbhi Sarang also testified about the dangers of the censored science proposal at today’s hearing. You can read her full testimony here.

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