Global Clean Air

NJ state legislators and residents talk new legislation to limit warehouse and truck pollution at virtual town hall

A map from a presentation by Dr. Gaige Kerr of George Washington University showing recent research that he led earlier this year on the rise of warehouses across the United States.

A map from a presentation by Dr. Gaige Kerr of George Washington University showing recent research that he led earlier this year on the rise of warehouses across the United States.

What’s new: A coalition of environmental and community groups, including EDF, Clean Water Action and EarthJustice, held a virtual town hall last month with New Jersey state lawmakers and residents to promote pending legislation that would limit harmful truck pollution near warehouses, ports and other high-traffic facilities. Attendees heard from state Assemblymembers Andrea Katz and Carol Murphy, researchers and policy experts as they detailed the growth of the state’s warehouse and truck pollution, its health impacts and how the the Warehouse and Port Pollution Reduction Act (A4679/S3546) would help alleviate it.

Why it matters: The proliferation of the e-commerce industry in recent years has contributed to a steady rise in warehouses and other high-traffic facilities across the United States. Densely populated states like New Jersey have been disproportionately affected, with residents of color and of lower incomes more likely to have a warehouse sited near their homes. In New Jersey, freight trucks make up 11% of the on-road fleet but emit 56% of the transportation sector’s nitrogen oxides (NOx) and 33% of its fine particulate matter (known as PM2.5). In 2023, PM2.5 from on-road diesel vehicles led to 340 deaths, nearly 3,000 cancer cases, 164 heart attacks, 3,921 asthma flareups and 110 asthma emergency room visits in the state.

What would the new bill do? The bill centers around a regulation known as an Indirect Source Rule (ISR). California’s South Coast Air Quality Management District enacted a similar rule in 2021, and it is already driving down truck pollution in Southern California. It combines “carrot” and “stick” measures that create incentives for operators to reduce on-site pollution. These include an emissions reduction mandate and a flexible menu of investments that facilities can choose to come into compliance, including zero emissions trucks, charging equipment and solar panels. Grants and other financial incentives are available at the national, state and utility levels to help lower the costs of these investments. The bill would also mandate more transparency around emissions, increase community involvement in the permitting process for new facilities, and impose fines for noncompliance.

What they’re saying: Proponents of the bill expressed an urgent need to reduce the health harms posed by freight truck air pollution. Assemblywoman Katz, co-sponsor of the bill, acknowledged the benefits of e-commerce while calling on warehouse operators to do more to protect people’s health: “I’m not categorically opposed to warehouses. I like to get my Amazon deliveries the next day—that’s nice! I just want them to be responsible neighbors.”

Assemblywoman Murphy stressed the role of regulation, adding “When we have trucks that are projecting emissions through diesel and things of that nature, we’re also starting to talk about how that impacts our breathing…now we have to start turning out the regulations for those trucks.”

What’s next: EDF and partners will continue to assist legislators as they refine the bill and build support for it in the state, with To learn more about the bill and get updates on its progress, visit this page on the state legislature’s website.

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New Air Quality Data Directory connects advocates with crucial data to advance clean air goals

The Air Pollution Data Directory is a filterable and searchable database of air pollution emissions datasets and associated tools intended to help demystify the process of finding and using relevant air quality data.

By Adrienne Parks, Analyst, Community Engagement

What’s new: A new tool from Environmental Defense Fund and partners is making it easier to connect clean air advocates with data to drive action. The Air Quality Data Directory is a filterable and searchable database of air pollution emissions datasets and associated tools intended to help demystify the process of finding and using relevant air quality data.

Why it matters: Air quality data is a powerful tool for driving change and validating communities’ lived experiences with pollution exposure. However, it isn’t always clear which datasets best answer specific questions or what data the public can access.

This data directory is a central hub that can help orient users to the world of air emissions datasets and tools. By applying filters to narrow down the many available datasets, advocates can identify which data source(s) can help advance a goal or solve a problem.

The aim of the directory is to help get the right data into the hands of advocates working to protect our health and climate. See below for an example of how a community-based organization in Texas uses databases that are found in our directory to inform and amplify their advocacy.

Data in Action – Air Alliance Houston’s AirMail Tool: Air Alliance Houston (AAH) is an advocacy organization working to reduce the health impacts of air pollution and advance environmental justice in the Houston area. AAH developed AirMail, a permit-tracking tool designed to help advocates monitor and take action on polluter permit notices in their communities.

What does AirMail do? AirMail tracks industrial permits as soon as they are submitted to the state regulator and triggers bilingual direct-mail campaigns to notify local residents. The tool helps fill gaps in the state’s community engagement efforts by calling attention to industrial polluters’ plans to expand operations.

What data does AirMail use? AAH developed a prioritization process that determines which permits AirMail focuses on by pulling in several datasets on air emissions: EPA data on facility-level greenhouse gas emissions, releases of toxic chemicals, modeled risk from toxic chemicals, facility compliance with environmental laws and more.

In addition to prioritizing facilities based on these datasets, AAH included qualitative data not already captured. It answered questions like:

  • Has a facility’s pollution caused well-publicized harms to a community?
  • Has it been in the news for fires, accidents, or other disasters? and
  • Are people paying attention to the health risks of added pollution?

How does AirMail inform advocacy? AirMail automatically generates postcards notifying residents of the potential pollution harms—and ways they can take action. Examples of these include submitting public comments and contacting state representatives to request a public meeting.

What’s next: EDF and partners will continue to build out this directory as new datasets and tools come online. If you’d like to see a specific resource added to our list, please reach out via this form or by email.

We would like to thank our partners and contributors who helped put this resource together. We could not have done it without your helpful feedback and advice along the way.

  • Air Alliance Houston
  • Tulane Environmental Law Clinic
  • The Data Center
  • WE ACT for Environmental Justice
  • The Climate Reality Project
  • Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Beyond Petrochemicals
  • Earthjustice
  • Healthy Gulf
  • Environment Texas
  • Environmental Integrity Project
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Video: EDF and partners release report finding one in three New Jersey residents lives near a mega-warehouse

What’s new: EDF released a new report tracing the growth of mega-warehouses and associated diesel truck pollution in New Jersey, building upon recent research in New York and Illinois. The launch event, held on June 18 and co-hosted by the Coalition for Healthy Ports NY/NJ, included a report overview from EDF, remarks by two state legislators and personal accounts from advocates all over the state (view the full recording above). The report found roughly one in three New Jersey residents lives within half a mile of a large warehouse of at least 50,000 square feet—the highest rate among states examined so far. Here are other key findings:

  • The report identified 3,034 warehouses in the state of New Jersey. 56% of those exceed 100,000 square feet (about the size of a standard big box retailer). Together, they generate at least 380,000 truck trips every day.
  • These warehouses collectively comprise 527 million square feet – up 35% in the last two decades.
  • 2.7 million people – about one in three – live within a half mile of these warehouses. Some 178,000 are under age five and 350,000 are over age 64.
  • Limited English populations are 1.9 times more likely to live within half a mile of these warehouses than expected, compared to statewide demographics. This group composes 0.02% of the total state population and 0.04% of warehouse neighbors.
  • Hispanic/Latino populations are 1.8 times more likely to live within half a mile of these warehouses than expected, compared to statewide demographics. This group composes 20.2% of the total state population and 36.7% of warehouse neighbors.
  • Low-income populations are 1.5 times more likely to live within half a mile of these warehouses than expected, compared to statewide demographics. This group composes 9.8% of the total state population and 14.8% of warehouse neighbors.
  • Black populations are 1.4 times more likely to live within half a mile of these warehouses than expected, compared to statewide demographics. This group composes 14.8% of the total state population and 21.1% of warehouse neighbors.
  • Indigenous American populations are 1.1 times more likely to live within half a mile of these warehouses than expected, compared to statewide demographics. This group composes 0.07% of the total state population and 0.08% of warehouse neighbors.

Why it matters: Although they play a vital role in the supply chain, diesel trucks emit significant pollution around warehouses while idling and traveling at low speeds. Regulations to protect health haven’t kept up. Research shows traffic-related air pollution increases childhood asthma risk. Asthma causes missed school days and is linked to poorer school performance. In the US, black children are nearly nine times more likely to be hospitalized and five times more likely to die from asthma compared to non-Hispanic white children. Diesel truck pollution also raises risks of preterm birth, low birth weight, dementia, heart disease, and stroke.

What’s next: policy solutions

The report arrives as state legislators consider the Warehouse and Port Pollution Reduction Act, a bill that would curb pollution at warehouses, ports and other truck attracting facilities by requiring them to implement concrete emission reduction measures. The bill would direct the state’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to establish flexible compliance options alongside permitting requirements to achieve these reductions, with higher thresholds for environmental justice communities.

Go deeper: Download the full report.

The New Jersey Warehouse Boom report builds on recent similar EDF analyses in New York and Illinois, as well as a 10-state report published in 2023. Please explore these resources to learn more.

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New EDF report reveals more than 2 million Illinois residents live near a mega-warehouse

What’s new: EDF released a report this week, Illinois Warehouse Boom, which examines the growth of mega-warehouses and their health impacts in communities across Illinois, building on its recent research in New York. The launch event featured a report overview by EDF authors, personal accounts from community advocates and remarks from three state legislators (see full recording above). The report finds that at least one in six Illinois residents now lives within half a mile of a large warehouse of at least 100,000 square feet. Other key findings include:

  • More than 2 million Illinois residents – at least one in six – live within half a mile of a leased warehouse of at least 100,000 square feet.
  • Of those, 127,000 are under age five and 251,100 are over age 64.
  • At least 525,000 freight truck trips per day service a total of 2,401 leased mega-warehouses across the state.
  • Hispanic/Latino populations are 195% more likely to live within half a mile of a warehouse than would be expected, based on statewide statistics.
  • Black populations are 137% more likely to live within half a mile of a warehouse than would be expected, based on statewide statistics.
  • Low-income populations are 125% more likely to live within half a mile of a warehouse than would be expected, based on statewide statistics. This population composes 12.2% of the total population but makes up 15% of warehouse neighbors.

Why it matters: Diesel trucks emit significant pollution around warehouses while idling and while traveling at low speeds, and regulations to protect health haven’t kept up. A growing body of peer-reviewed research shows that exposure to traffic-related air pollution increases the risk of childhood asthma. Asthma is a leading cause of missed school days and has been linked to diminished school performance. Black children are nearly nine times more likely to be hospitalized for asthma and five times more likely to die from asthma, compared to non-Hispanic white children. Air pollution from diesel trucks is also associated with increased health risks at other stages of life. It raises the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, dementia, heart disease and stroke. 

What’s next: policy solutions

The report arrives as Illinois state legislators consider the Warehouse Pollution Insights Act, a bill that would bring greater transparency around mega-warehouses by requiring truck-attracting facilities to report information on warehouse ownership, truck trips and associated emissions to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). The bill would also expand IEPA’s truck and air quality monitoring capacity with a focus on high-impact communities, and require new facilities to include charging infrastructure to support electric freight vehicles.

Other policy responses have also been proposed, such as the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule, which would require truck manufacturers to sell an increasing percentage of zero-emission trucks and school buses. If implemented by 2027, the ACT rule could see approximately half of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles becoming zero-emission vehicles by 2050, according to a Northwestern University analysis supported by EDF.

Go deeper: Download the full report.

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Collaborative insights: Empowering health advocacy on methane in Mexico

A panel discussion hosted by the Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (CEMDA) on the Health impacts of the oil and gas sector on communities across Mexico. Photo by Veronica Southerland.

A panel discussion hosted by the Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (CEMDA) on the health impacts of the oil and gas sector on communities across Mexico. Photo by Veronica Southerland.

What’s new: EDF’s Global Clean Air team was proud to launch the Sall Methane and Health project in March of 2024, a new collaboration funded by the Sall Family Foundation to track the health impacts of methane emitted by the oil and gas industry in Mexico. Key partners in the project include:

  • The Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (CEMDA), a civil society organization that works to strengthen legal protections for the environment in Mexico.
  • El Observatorio Mexicano de Emisiones de Metano (Obmem), a coalition that advances national and global agreements to reduce methane emissions in the oil and gas industry.

At the launch, EDF and CEMDA connected with community groups and journalists, highlighting relevant EDF findings about methane emissions in Mexico. One such finding is that methane emissions could be up-to 2.5 times higher than reported by government sources.

Why it matters: By raising awareness, fostering collaborations with diverse stakeholders and building rapport with impacted communities, policymakers and journalists in Mexico, EDF is not only enhancing scientific knowledge of methane’s impacts but also laying the groundwork for concrete policies aimed at addressing environmental and health concerns.

The details: The March 13 panel presentation with CEMDA titled “¿Huellas invisibles? Cómo impacta el metano a las comunidades,” shed light on methane’s effects on communities. Sergio Sánchez and Veronica Southerland presented on methane sources, EDF’s past research work and forthcoming efforts to highlight health impacts and strengthen methane regulations.

The EDF team also met with CEMDA and Obmem, who were instrumental in solidifying diverse cross-sector partnerships for the project. Discussions revolved around project goals, potential roles, and the formulation of a $50,000 subgrant that would enable CEMDA to convene Mexican methane policy experts to help build consensus and momentum toward solutions.

What’s next: As the project gets underway, key focus areas will include:

  • Disproportionate impacts on vulnerable demographics like women and children
  • Replicating previous US studies in Mexico
  • Expanding research avenues to encompass broader air pollutant attributable health burden studies in Mexico.

As the project moves forward, strengthening collaboration between EDF, CEMDA, Obmem and other groups will prove pivotal in shaping future insights generated and policy solutions. The EDF team will continue to share updates on the Sall Methane and Health project here on the Global Clean Air blog as they unfold—stay tuned!

Veronica Southerland is an environmental health scientist with expertise in the health impacts of air pollution.

Learn more about the health impacts of methane here

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EDF partners with Brazil’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change on strategy to update air quality standards

EDF’s Global Clean Air team examines local air quality management data with local government partners in Brazil. Photo by Sergio Sanchez.

EDF’s Global Clean Air team examines local air quality management data with local government partners in Brazil. Photo by Sergio Sanchez.

What’s new: EDF’s Global Clean Air (GCA) team met earlier this month with a working group within Brazil’s national government charged with updating the country’s air quality standards. EDF is providing technical support to the group, led by Brazil’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MMA), to overhaul the country’s air quality management strategy, aiming to establish stricter standards. The purpose of the new strategy is to align Brazil’s air quality standards with World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines by 2024, following a recent Supreme Court mandate.

The partnership grew out of EDF’s regional initiative with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The purpose of that initiative is to support and connect senior leaders as they pursue innovative clean air actions in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

Why it matters: The largest and most populous country in the LAC region, Brazil witnesses 60,000 premature deaths each year due to air pollution. Further, the country loses 2-3% of its annual GDP in health and livelihood related costs. By improving its air quality management, Brazil will not only have an opportunity to significantly improve the health of its nearly 220 million inhabitants and boost its economy, but to also set an example for the rest of the region and the world while driving progress on its climate goals.

The details: Key components of Brazil’s new air quality management strategy on which EDF is providing support include:

  • Setting up-to-date air quality standards, climate pollution reduction targets and an implementation roadmap
  • Supporting advanced air quality monitoring systems and guides for effective implementation
  • Initiatives to center and public health as a key focus of air quality management
  • An emphasis on best practices, tools and community-led solutions

The strategy will also introduce cutting edge technologies and robust tools for ensuring compliance, with a focus on cross-sector partnerships and policy innovation. It further proposes innovative financing mechanisms that would enable cities and states to independently mobilize additional funds for enhanced source identification and cross-sector efforts.

What’s next: Once the new air quality standards and monitoring system are set up, EDF aims to continue providing support as Brazil moves toward implementation, working to unlock major investments in solutions that cut emissions, such as transport electrification, clean energies and sustainable agricultural practices.

EDF’s LAC-focused Global Clean Air team includes Senior Policy Director, Sergio Sanchez, Senior Economics and Policy Analyst, Abhinand Krishnashankar and consultant Armando Retama. For more on EDF’s partnership on air quality management with Brazil, check out this blog from October, 2023.

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Report: One in four New York State residents lives within half a mile of a mega-warehouse

One in four New York State residents lives within half a mile of a mega-warehouse.What’s new: A new report released today by EDF and ElectrifyNY traces the growth of mega-warehouses–and their health impacts–in communities across New York State, driven in-part by the e-commerce boom. One in four New York State residents now lives within half a mile of a large warehouse of at least 50,000 square feet. Click here to read the full report. Other key findings include:

  • 4.8 million state residents in total live within half a mile of a leased warehouse of at least 50,000 square feet.
  • Of those, 315,000 are under age five and 649,000 are over age 64.
  • Black, Hispanic/Latino and low-income populations live near warehouses at rates that are more than 59%, 48% and 42% higher, respectively, than would be expected based on statewide demographics.
  • New York mega-warehouses attract hundreds of thousands of freight truck trips daily, making them top sources of air pollution in communities where they are located.

Why it matters: Diesel trucks emit significant pollution around warehouses while idling and while traveling at low speeds, and regulations to protect health haven’t kept up. EDF research shows that nitrogen dioxide – one of the main pollutants released by these trucks – contributes to more than 21,000 new childhood asthma cases every year in the New York City metropolitan region alone. In areas with worse pollution, it contributes to more than 30% of new asthma diagnoses.

Asthma is a leading cause of missed school days and has been linked to diminished school performance. Black children are nearly nine times more likely to be hospitalized for asthma and five times more likely to die from asthma, compared to non-Hispanic white children. Air pollution from diesel trucks is also associated with increased health risks at other stages of life. It raises the risk of preterm birth, low birth weight, dementia, heart disease and stroke. 

Go deeper: Download the full report.

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New interactive data story highlights air pollution and health impacts in the South Bronx

South Bronx Unite's new interactive data story clearly maps the concentration of warehouses and other truck-attracting facilities in the South Bronx and other parts of New York City. It also maps the associated disproportionate health burden borne by the community, including higher childhood asthma rates.

South Bronx Unite’s new interactive data story clearly maps the concentration of warehouses and other truck-attracting facilities in the South Bronx and throughout New York City. It also maps some of the health impacts associated with the air pollution emitted by the facilities and large diesel trucks that often come with them.

What’s new: EDF partner, South Bronx Unite, has just launched an interactive data visualization that’s mapping what residents of the South Bronx have long experienced—that air pollution from industrial facilities is taking a disproportionate toll on the health of residents in their community and across New York City. For the last year, a multi-disciplinary team at EDF has been collaborating with South Bronx Unite to improve local air quality monitoring and create engaging tools that tell the stories found in monitoring data.

Why it matters: Every city relies on large industrial facilities, and New York City is no exception. Think waste transfer stations, power plants, printing facilities and warehouses that support in-time delivery services. Many of these facilities are major air polluters in the neighborhoods where they are placed. Beyond the facilities themselves, the heavy-duty vehicles that they attract, such as large delivery trucks, are among the leading polluters on the road.

What we know: For decades, South Bronx residents have faced disproportionately high air pollution and asthma rates. Leveraging recent EDF research that describes air pollution’s burden of childhood asthma, the new webpage now backs up residents’ lived experiences with even more quantitative information, presented as a narrated interactive visualization that helps tell the story.

How the work has been used: Presenting this additional data in an easy-to-understand format will help advance tangible policy change that can improve health outcomes in the South Bronx and beyond. South Bronx Unite leaders recently participated in NYC Climate Week events where they used this tool to tell the story of their air quality monitoring efforts and what they will mean for public health.

Moving forward: South Bronx Unite will continue to use the air quality and health insights from this new tool to advance their advocacy goals. They have begun working closely with the EDF New York State team to build consensus with local coalitions.

Real policy actions are already taking shape in New York that could help alleviate the health impacts of warehouses and other polluting facilities in the South Bronx and across the state. In November 2023, state lawmakers introduced the Clean Deliveries Act, which would require the state to review the negative impacts of so-called “mega-warehouses” and establish emissions reduction plans.

South Bronx Unite brings together neighborhood residents, community organizations, academic institutions and allies to improve and protect the social, environmental and economic future of the South Bronx. Learn more about their work and how you can support it at

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Efforts to fight air pollution are severely underfunded. Leaders in Latin America and across the Global South are calling for change at COP28 and beyond

The Forum of Ministers of the Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean convenes in Panama City, Panama in October 2023. The Forum plays a crucial role in shaping environmental policies and achieving consensus across the region.

The Forum of Ministers of the Environment of Latin America and the Caribbean convenes in Panama City, Panama in October 2023. The Forum plays a crucial role in shaping and building consensus around environmental policies.

What’s new: The ministers of environment representing 33 countries in the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region recently issued a joint declaration calling out the yawning gap between the funds needed to address the global air pollution crisis and the funds currently committed. The declaration is noteworthy because it has set a tone for influential global dialogues happening this week at COP28 and in February at the 6th session of the United Nations Environmental Assembly (UNEA-6).

Why it matters: 99% of the world’s population now breathes unhealthy air. As a result, more than 8 million people die prematurely each year due to fossil fuel-driven air pollution, making it the 4th leading cause of death worldwide. Despite the staggering human costs, currently only 1% of development funding goes to programs aimed at improving air quality each year.

The LAC region is one of the most underfunded when it comes to air quality. Expanding investments in air quality would help the region reach its climate goals and improve health outcomes. It could also set the stage for scaling investments in air quality in underfunded regions across the Global South.

The details: In the declaration, ministers stressed the need for regional and global coordination. They also called upon the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)—which is responsible for leading implementation—to provide technical support to countries as they enact key policies, like air quality standards and management plans. Specific actions requested of UNEP include:

  • Leading the implementation of the Regional Action Plan on Air Quality and mobilizing the resources needed to support it;
  • Helping countries strengthen legal frameworks to prevent and reduce air pollution by adopting air quality standards and developing plans for crucial sectors;
  • Encouraging countries to act boldly to abate emissions of short-lived climate pollutants;
  • Promoting best practices, infrastructure and sustainable transport initiatives that can ensure a just transition in hot spots, especially large cities.

What they’re saying: Senior Policy Director of Global Clean Air, Sergio Sanchez, spoke of the declaration: “This declaration marks a bold step toward realizing the vision of a thriving LAC region. When we act collectively to cut air pollution, we act to meet the climate crisis, strengthen our economy and dramatically improve health. We will continue to support the regional and global partnerships needed to mobilize this action at COP 28, UNEA-6 and beyond.”

What EDF is doing: In September 2022, EDF and UNEP launched a joint initiative to help LAC countries develop funding-ready clean air projects. Since then, EDF has continued to grow that effort by:

  • Helping UNEP implement the Regional Action Plan to coordinate strategic investments.
  • Convening two major international workshops to reactivate the region’s Intergovernmental Network on Air Pollution. These workshops have fostered new partnerships and high-impact projects backed by participant governments and global partners, such as the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) and the OECD.
  • Hosting a side event at the 2023 LAC Climate Week, focused on mobilizing greater financing for air quality in the region. The event debuted a new video that lays out how such actions could transform population health and power economic growth.
  • Serving on the Climate and Clean Air Coalition task force, which is dedicated to designing the Clean Air Flagship, set to launch at COP28. The purpose of the Flagship is to enhance funding and cooperation efforts globally.

What’s next: As leaders from all sectors gather at COP28, LAC leaders have an opportunity to take their call to the global stage. It’s a chance to join with governments from across world—especially other neglected regions—to demand that the air pollution crisis receives the funding it requires.

Leaders will have a second opportunity at UNEA-6 to secure greater investments in air quality by having the global assembly ratify regional calls for broader support. If ratified, UNEP would be tasked with implementing the declaration of the global assembly. Ratification would give UNEP some additional budget—and a stronger mandate to take to donor governments and agencies.

Learn more about our clean air partnership with UNEP and LAC countries at

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Collaborating on clean air in Latin America and around the world

Many Latin American and Caribbean countries are implementing clean air solutions, but much more must be done to protect public health and slow climate change. An intensive two-day clean air workshop in Bogotá, Colombia made one thing clear: cooperation and collaboration are critical to scaling clean air solutions in Latin America, the Caribbean and the world. 

Professionals from 15 countries attended the workshop, co-hosted by Environmental Defense Fund and the United Nations Environment Programme’s Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Participants shared best practices for clean air strategies aimed at improving public health and advancing climate action goals. 

Key workshop themes:  

  • Sensors, satellites and other advances in air quality technology are improving our ability to understand where pollution is coming from and who is being most harmed by it, which is critical for developing targeted clean air solutions. 
  • Strengthening air quality management is key to supporting LAC climate, health, biodiversity and sustainable development goals. 
  • Government leadership—supported by commitments from industry, academia, and civil society—is necessary for delivering cleaner, healthy air for the LAC region. 
  • In order to secure the funding and public support needed to prioritize clean air solutions, more must be done to make the benefits of reducing air pollution more explicit. 

Why it matters: Air pollution is the biggest environmental health threat in Latin America and the Caribbean. The UN has declared access to clean air a human right, but more than 500 million people in the LAC region breathe air that exceeds the World Health Organization’s guidelines for pollutants like nitrogen dioxide, fine particle pollution and ground-level ozone.  

What’s next: A paper to be published in February highlights priorities for integrated air quality management in 33 LAC countries.  

EDF and UNEP are collaborating to develop clean air solutions in LAC. In April, EDF, UNEP and the Climate & Clean Air Coalition will co-host a workshop in Bogotá on actions to reduce short-lived climate pollutants that harm people’s health and warm our planet. Later this year, EDF will select 10 projects to provide with technical assistance and will facilitate a resource mobilization effort to support their implementation. As the selected projects are developed and implemented, ongoing collaborative activities will be held across the region. 

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