Energy Exchange

Latest commitment from UN aviation agency holds promise for the future of sustainable aviation fuels

Sunset at the airport. Refueling of the airplane before flight, aircraft maintenance fuel at the airport

Last week, the third Conference on Aviation and Alternative Fuels, also known as CAAF/3, hosted by the International Civil Aviation Organization — the United Nations agency charged with international aviation cooperation — committed to a more sustainable future for global aviation by adopting the new ICAO Global Framework for Cleaner Fuels. This development builds on ICAO 2022 General Assembly’s adoption of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

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Zeroing in on ports of high potential: Sustainable first mover initiatives are vital for identifying the most suitable locations for future fuel investment

By Dana G. Rodriguez and Dr. Charlie McKinlay

As global policies to advance the decarbonisation of shipping are to be implemented in the coming years, ports will play an important role in the transition, serving as key hubs for transport and energy systems. But ports are also home to large and diverse communities with their own unique local environmental impacts. While we strongly support first mover initiatives, such as green corridors and energy hubs, that are designed to play an important role in unlocking investments and scaling up fuels and technologies, we also want to ensure that the local socio-economic and environmental factors are more intentionally considered in the development of these hubs. If done right, inclusive and sustainable co-benefits for communities and the environment may be achieved, while also delivering emissions reductions globally.

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New Environmental Defense Fund Europe report is a roadmap for European cities looking to decarbonize urban freight

Freight transport in Europe accounts for only 2% of vehicles on the road but is responsible for 22% of all road transport climate pollution in the EU. With e-commerce on the rise, construction booming, waste generation increasing and grocery delivery expanding, the need for urban freight plans and policies is growing.

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Robust, reliable data is key to unlocking global methane reductions

Photo from “Romanian Methane Emissions from Oil and Gas” project, part of “Methane Goes Mobile – Measurements and Modeling (MEMO2)” campaign sponsored by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program- to assess context and quantity of Romania’s methane emissions

Amidst all the positive momentum behind reducing global oil and gas methane emissions lies a critical challenge: If we’re going to reduce global methane emissions, we need accurate and trustworthy numbers to define the scope of the problem, assess company and country performance and track emissions over time and against reduction goals.

Because you can’t manage what you don’t measure, accurately.

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Widespread expansion of zero-emission fleets requires proactive grid upgrades – New York can set the stage

Fleets across the country are going electric and utilities and regulators must be prepared for this essential transition.  New York is currently taking on an ambitious medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicle proceeding to address barriers to charging infrastructure and has just conducted a series of technical workshops that brought together fleets, utilities and experts, including Environmental Defense Fund, to share their knowledge, recommendations and needs with the New York Public Service Commission.   

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Three ways EPA’s upcoming methane regulations will help slow climate change and protect public health

In a move that will protect communities across the country, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will soon finalize new rules to reduce methane and other toxic, smog-forming  pollution from the nation’s oil and gas industry.

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that’s fueling much of the climate crisis due to the excessive warming it creates during its lifetime in the atmosphere. Methane makes up about 12% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S., but it’s responsible for over 25% of current warming.

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