Clean Energy Conferences Roundup: November 2014

rp_Source-National-Retail-Federation-Flickr-300x200.jpgEach month, the Energy Exchange rounds up a list of top clean energy conferences around the country. Our list includes conferences at which experts from the EDF Clean Energy Program will be speaking, plus additional events that we think our readers may benefit from marking on their calendars.

Top clean energy conferences featuring EDF experts in November:

Nov 3-4: Smart Cities Conference, San Diego, CA
Speaker: Kate Zerrenner; Project Manager

  • Featuring presentations from innovative utilities, advanced solution providers, and insights from leading experts, Smart Cities attendees will walk away with a roadmap to shape the convergence of energy infrastructure and public services. The conference will also focus on maximizing utility plans, people, and processes to evaluate the performance of grid investments and evolving revenue streams.

Nov 3-6: Texas Renewables 2014, Dallas, TX
Speaker: Marita Mirzatuny, Project Manager, Clean Energy

  • At Texas Renewables 2014 we will explore today’s energy landscape, give a nod to how we got here, acknowledge the significant contribution the  renewable energy industry is making, and discuss the very real role it will play and challenges it will face in shaping Texas’ energy future. Attendees, in the company of hundreds of colleagues old and new, will have the opportunity to hear and meet dozens of distinguished and accomplished speakers who are deep in the fray. Their experience and perspectives will matter as we continue the pursuit of a critical and ever-growing share of this state’s energy mix.

Nov 4-6: BSR Conference 2014, New York City, NY
Speaker: Diane Munns, Senior Director, Clean Energy Collaboration

  • Our increasingly transparent world is accelerating sustainability progress and raising new dilemmas. At the same time, it is clear that transformative change is needed to deliver a sustainable economy: Incremental progress is not enough. Join us at the BSR Conference 2014 to discover how new technologies, business models, partnerships, and financial valuations can help us create a just and sustainable future. Conference tracks include climate, hot topics, inclusive economy, transformation, and transparency.

Nov 6-8: Net Impact Conference, Minneapolis, MN
Speaker: John Finnigan, Attorney

  • The Net Impact Conference is the leading forum for students and professionals who want to tackle the world’s toughest social and environmental problems. This year, we’re ready to break boundaries—leaving limits behind, forging unexpected alliances, and exploring creative solutions—to transform the world. Join us to tap into the energizing, collaborative spirit of the Twin Cities – and our global network. Come and experience how one weekend immersed in our powerful community can give you the inspiration, learning, and connections to set positive change in motion.

Nov 7: 6th Annual Climate and Energy Law Symposium, San Diego, CA
Speakers: Jamie Fine, Senior Economist

  • At the University of San Diego’s Sixth Annual Climate & Energy Law Symposium, academic and policy experts will analyze and assess three core aspects of this complex issue. First, experts will explore the topic of regulatory changes. What regulatory changes will be needed to accommodate advancing technologies and the economic realities of the future? Second, there is the need for an effective and functional utility business model. What utility business models could accommodate the projected changes? Third, Symposium speakers will address market structures.

Nov 11-13: Defense Energy Summit, Austin, TX
Speakers: Stephanie Kline, Program Associate, Energy Program; John Finnigan, Attorney

  • Join the stakeholders and working groups building the foundation for a new Defense Energy Center of Excellence. The summit’s focus will center on this proposed initiative and how to accelerate clean energy and infrastructure solutions for the Department of Defense.

Nov 12: Energy Thought Summit @Research Triangle, Raleigh, NC
Speaker: Greg Andeck, North Carolina Senior Manager, Clean Energy

  • Held at the Fletcher Opera Theater in Raleigh, Energy Thought Summit will unite North Carolina thought leaders together for one day to debate the state and future of energy. Duke Energy and Zpryme welcome executives to witness panels such as: Grid of the Future, Consumer Engagement, Research Triangle Energy Ecosystem, Big Data & Analytics, New Energy Ventures, and Education on Energy.

Nov 17: Decarbonizing California, Los Angeles, CA
Speaker: Lauren Faber, West Coast Political Director; Tim O’Connor, Attorney & Director, California Climate

  • California is leading in the fight against climate change. Yet, despite our efforts, California is warming. California’s landmark climate law, AB32, was designed to reduce our state’s contributions to climate change. And it’s working. Our first target will be reached: we will stabilize greenhouse gas emissions at 1990 levels by 2020. However, the law’s second target—reduce emissions to 80% below 1990 levels by 2050—will require determination and innovation. Fortunately, Californians possess both attributes in abundance. The Decarbonizing California conference will demonstrate how our state can meet our 2050 targets while simultaneously improving our lives and growing the economy.

Nov 17-19: 31st Annual National Association of Energy Services Companies (NAESCO) Conference, Carlsbad, CA
Speaker: Matt Golden, Senior Energy Finance Consultant

  • This year’s NAESCO conference theme is “Selling Energy Efficiency Products and Services Amidst Increased Market Competition and a Changing Landscape.” We will be celebrating over three decades of industry growth and achievements and will be toasting the magnitude of what NAESCO members have accomplished in changing the way energy efficiency is created and delivered. The conference program reflects the changing marketplace and focuses on the challenges and opportunities of successfully attracting and retaining customer interest in pursuing energy efficiency strategies.

Other top clean energy conferences across the U.S. in November:

Nov 2-4: Transmission & Distribution Summit 2014, Las Vegas, NV

  • The 13th Transmission & Distribution Summit is the premium forum bringing executives from the largest transmission and distribution companies together. As an invitation-only event, taking place behind closed doors, the Summit offers an intimate environment for a focused discussion of key new drivers shaping the transmission and distribution industry.

Nov 4-6: 1st ACM International Conference On Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Buildings, Memphis, TN

  • The world is increasingly experiencing a strong need for energy consumption reduction and a need for efficient use of scarce natural resources. Official studies report that buildings account for the largest portion of the world’s energy expenditure and have the fastest growth rate. Clearly, energy-saving strategies that target energy use in buildings and surroundings can have a major impact worldwide, driving the current energy market toward self-sufficiency and self-sustainability. This calls for effective techniques and methods that enable accurate carbon footprinting, monitoring, control of appliance activity, energy auditing, and management in buildings and surroundings. BuildSys is a venue for incubating these new and exciting directions.

Nov 16-18: ACEEE Intelligent Efficiency Conference, San Francisco, CA

  • Intelligent efficiency holds the promise of substantially reducing energy use while transforming many energy-using markets. To achieve this outcome will require collaboration among the efficiency, technology, and user communities. ACEEE’s first Intelligent Efficiency Conference intends to convene these diverse communities to facilitate the sharing of ideas and forming of partnerships that can advance adoption of intelligent efficiency in the marketplace. The Intelligent Efficiency Conference will provide an opportunity to hear from thought leaders and innovators to learn what is happening in this rapidly evolving world, and to serve as a crucible for the formation of new policies, program strategies, and commercial ventures.

Nov 17-18: International Green Bank Summit, New York City, NY

  • The first day of the summit, hosted by NY Green Bank, will be a discussion among representatives of existing Green Banks that will also serve as the Second Annual Green Bank Congress, a forum initiated in 2013 by the UK Green Investment Bank. Discussion will address issues Green Banks collectively face – first focusing on regulatory issues and approval processes, and then focusing on various approaches to engaging the private sector. The second day will focus on the role of Green Banks within emerging clean energy financing markets. Attendees will include representatives from Green Banks around the world and leaders from the private sector and non-governmental organizations who have been active in driving the development of clean energy finance worldwide.

Nov 18-20: 3rd National Conference on Demand Response and Ancillary Services, Dallas, TX

  • Demand Response is considered to be one of the smart grid’s emerging killer applications for utilities, grid operators, and power generators. But, demand response can do more than help meet peak load. It can help provide ancillary services such as contingency reserves, regulation and load following. This event will examine the global smart building managed services market trends, along with opportunities and challenges for demand response. Also, special sessions will be included on the exciting new role Transactive Energy will play in smart grid modernization.

Photo source: Flickr/National Retail Federation

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