Climate 411

Insurance Coverage Crumbles in Coastal States

This post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

Hurricane DamageAmericans have a love affair with coastal living. Waterfront property is highly coveted and highly priced. And now may be nearly impossible to insure due to skyrocketing damage costs from hurricanes.

These are some of the findings in a new report from Environmental Defense titled Blown Away: How Global Warming is Eroding the Availability of Insurance Coverage in America’s Coastal States [PDF]. "Across the board, the nation’s largest carriers have declared their intentions to reduce exposure in high-risk areas by raising rates, hiking deductibles, limiting coverage and in many cases, pulling out of risky markets altogether."

Here are some more highlights from the report.

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Landmark Vote Sets Stage for Global Warming Action

This post is by Elizabeth Thompson, Legislative Director at Environmental Defense.

Climate Vote 2007

Part of a series on the work of the Environmental Defense Action Fund to enact an effective climate law. You can help by writing to Congress.

November 1, 2007, may go down as America’s D-Day in the fight to avert the global warming crisis. A key Senate subcommittee just passed the Lieberman-Warner America’s Climate Security Act (S.2191) – a bipartisan bill to cap and reduce America’s global warming pollution.

The full Environment & Public Works Committee is expected to take up the legislation the week of November 12, so it could come to a vote by the end of the month. With this bill we have a real chance of passing a mandatory cap on emissions in this Congress!

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How the IPCC Got Started

This post is by Michael Oppenheimer, Ph.D., the Albert G. Milbank Professor of Geosciences and International Affairs in the Woodrow Wilson School and the Department of Geosciences at Princeton University. He also serves as science advisor to Environmental Defense.

The award of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an important milestone in the journey toward a global warming solution, and it got me thinking about how the IPCC came to be. To some extent, it was thanks to a miscalculation by the Reagan Administration!

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How Global Warming Stokes Wildfires

This post is by James Wang, Ph.D., a climate scientist at Environmental Defense.

The wildfires in California prompted the largest mass evacuation in California history, destroying half a million acres and over 1500 homes. People are saying that global warming may have played a part in the severity of the blazes. But where is the connection? And how can global warming cause both floods and droughts?

Satellite view of California wildfires.
Satellite photo of California wildfires. Source: NASA.

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Weather Channel Takes a Stand

This post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

In Sunday’s New York Times, there was an editorial by Thomas Friedman that (among other things) talked about how the role of the Weather Channel has evolved over time. Weather used to be about "acts of God" – nobody’s fault. But more and more lately we are wondering if extreme weather events are acts of man, not God – our fault. And so, Friedman says, the Weather Channel, formerly a politics-free zone, is "slowly morphing into the news channel."

Towards this end, the Weather Channel has recently launched a new Web site called Forecast Earth. It’s a great resource.

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White House Censors CDC Testimony

This post is by John Balbus, M.D., Chief Health Scientist at Environmental Defense.

Original Testimony [PDF]

Edited Testimony [PDF]

Dr. Julie L. Gerberding, Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), gave written testimony to a Senate committee this week. The statement she gave was a full six pages shorter than originally planned because of deep cuts made by the White House.

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