Climate 411

Building Trust and Consensus at CBD COP16: A Breakthrough for Biodiversity Finance

COP16.2 plenary in Rome

This blog was authored by Milloni Doshi, Project Manager, Global Engagement and Partnerships and Annie Mark, Senior Director, Global Partnerships.

The 16th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP16) concluded in Rome with what is being hailed as a historic global finance plan to support the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, agreed at COP15 in 2022.  

The first of its kind in the biodiversity space, this financial plan was the subject of tense discussion and remained unresolved after the first session of COP16 in Cali, Colombia. Parties diverged on the funding mechanisms needed to mobilize at least 200 billion USD a year by 2030. Colombia’s COP President Susana Muhamad reconvened the Parties in Rome for a three-day sprint – referred to as COP16.2 – to resolve the outstanding issues from Cali.  

Amid the nuances of the text, EDF sees three key reasons for optimism, and three opportunities to strengthen this endeavor as we look ahead to COP17 and the 2030 targets.  Read More »

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Making Sense of the NCQG Outcome from COP29: A Critical but Insufficient Step Forward for Climate Finance

The UN climate talks in Baku delivered a new agreement on climate finance (the New Collective Quantified Goal, or NCQG), but it falls short of what science and justice demand. The headline target — mobilizing $1.3 trillion annually by 2035, with developed countries providing $300 billion— is only a fraction of what’s needed. For context, developing countries require an estimated $5.1-6.8 trillion through 2030 alone to address the climate crisis. 

Achieving these targets requires immediate action, well before 2035. With climate impacts accelerating and vulnerable nations already facing severe challenges, we need to build momentum quickly toward and beyond these goals. The Baku agreement takes important steps in recognizing critical climate finance quality issues —such as high borrowing costs and limited access— and provides a framework for addressing them. The launch of the “Baku to Belém Roadmap” needs to be a pathway for making near-term progress, particularly on reducing the cost of capital and improving access to finance.  

The work didn’t end in Baku. As we look toward COP30, the international community faces a critical challenge: rapidly scaling up both the quantity and quality of climate finance to unlock urgent climate action. This will require immediate, concrete steps from developed nations, international financial institutions, and the private sector to deliver resources at the speed and scale the crisis demands. Success depends on rapidly translating these commitments into action through strengthened international cooperation and innovative financial solutions.  Read More »

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Loss and Damage Finance: the FRLD and Transforming Climate Finance Quality

B4 FLRD Board meeting opening by Mrs. Maria Antonia Yulo-Loyzaga, Secretary of Environment & Natural Resources of The Philippines. Photo credit: Government of the Philippines

The newly established Fund for responding to Loss and Damage (FRLD) represents more than just another funding mechanism – it’s an opportunity to reimagine how climate finance can work better for countries already experiencing the extreme impacts of climate change.  

As the Fund prepares for its “start-up phase” in 2025, it has the potential to address longstanding quality issues that have kept climate finance from making positive climate impact, which are more important than ever as the international community gets for COP30 and to triple finance to developing countries, from the previous goal of USD 100 billion annually, to USD 300 billion annually by 2035 and secure efforts of all actors to work together to scale up finance to developing countries, from public and private sources, to the amount of USD 1.3 trillion per year by 2035. 

Here’s how:  Read More »

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Effective participation and engagement of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities at COP29

Juan Carlos Jintiach from the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities, speaking on direct access to finanance for Indigenous People at COP29. Photo by Bärbel Henneberger.

Juan Carlos Jintiach from the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities, speaking on direct access to finanance for Indigenous People at COP29. Photo by Bärbel Henneberger.

This post was authored by Bärbel Henneberger, Senior Partnerships Manager at the Environmental Defense Fund. 

On November 21, COP29 celebrated Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IP and LCs) as a thematic day in the Action Agenda of the Azerbaijani COP presidency. The day underscored the essential role of IP and LCs in safeguarding 80% of the world’s biodiversity and preserving 36% of intact forest landscapes.

To succeed in the fight against climate change, we must collaborate with IPs and LCs and respect their principles, culture, and methods while providing the support they need to further our shared conservation goals. We won’t succeed in conserving tropical forests without the partnership and leadership of IPs and LCs.

Climate conferences like COP29 offer a platform for IP and LCs to amplify their voices, and shape negotiations. It’s an opportunity for them to show the world how their efforts to conserve and sustainably manage their territories, which are some of Earth’s most important ecosystems, are critically important in the climate fight.

At COP29, IP and LC delegates spotlighted examples of effective participation in negotiations, policy frameworks, and innovative climate finance mechanisms. These efforts, though diverse, share a common goal: to embed Indigenous rights and knowledge systems into global climate action. Below are a few examples of Indigenous approaches to conservation efforts showcased during COP29. Critically, the world must continue to support, and learn from, these approaches well after the negotiations in Baku have ended.

Spotlight on LCIPP and the IP Caucus

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Climate Finance and Accountability at COP29

COP29 sign in Baku

COP29 sign in Baku. Photo by UNclimatechange via Flickr


Today, November 14, is Finance Day at COP29. We caught up with Leslie Labruto, EDF’s Managing Director for Sustainable Finance, about what she’s watching for at COP29, the United Nations’ climate change talks in Baku, Azerbaijan. Follow Leslie on LinkedIn.

Q: You’re in Baku for COP29. What key issues are on your radar?

A: The spotlight here this year is on scaling up climate finance for developing countries, and a need for redoubled global cooperation to achieve our shared climate goals. My team and I, along with the rest of the +Business team at EDF, are laser focused on working with the private sector to ensure climate and nature wins. A major focus at COP will be the establishment of a climate finance goal, called the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG), which will replace the $100 billion annual commitment that high-income countries pledged to deliver under the Paris Agreement. The NCQG could reach at least $1 trillion a year—a figure that better aligns with the financial gap that needs to be closed to address the climate crisis.

Developing countries need these funds to tackle climate change, transition to clean energy, and adapt to the impacts of climate change, and it’s crucial that the finance be provided in a way that’s just, equitable, and effective. Let’s not forget that those ‘wins’ in developing countries are good for everyone everywhere, since climate impacts are felt globally. Successful climate finance means more forests still standing, a larger climate workforce, more resilient food systems, more methane abated, and greater global renewable energy capacity. Because climate-related investments are needed to meet global goals and address inequitable impacts from past emissions, low-income borrowers should have access to concessional finance. The NCQG will not only scale up ambition but also support countries as they prepare to submit their updated climate commitments in 2025.

Q: You’ve emphasized both the quantity and quality of climate finance. What do you mean by “quality”?

A: While the amount of climate finance is essential, its effectiveness — its quality — is equally important. When we talk about quality, we mean ensuring that climate finance is structured to be concessional, accessible, and impactful. In the private sector, finance is tracked with metrics like profits and losses that communicate shareholder value. In climate finance, however, there is less accountability in terms of impact metrics.

Climate finance should leverage public and private investment to make rapid progress toward net zero emissions and benefit local communities. To make sure financing achieves this, we need a system that is accountable for being easy to access, impactful in tackling climate-related challenges, and affordable for borrowers.

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