Climate 411

A Carbon Cap Would Revitalize Our Economy

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

Fareed Zakaria has a great editorial in today’s Washington Post. It describes how the U.S. economy would be revitalized by a carbon cap that spurs clean energy development. Here’s an excerpt:

Washington’s inaction also stands in contrast to intense activity in the private sector, fascinatingly described in Fred Krupp and Miriam Horn’s new book, “Earth: The Sequel.” Krupp heads the Environmental Defense Fund, but this is not a gloomy global warming tirade. It’s an optimistic account of the progress being made by American industry in renewable energy. The authors explore every new technology, from solar to wind to geothermal, and introduce the men and women who are inventing the future.

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We’re On Treasury & Risk‘s Top 100 List

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

The June 2008 issue of Treasury and Risk lists Gwen Ruta, vice president for Corporate Partnerships at Environmental Defense Fund, as one of the year’s 100 most influential people in finance, along with movers and shakers like Al Gore and Carl Icahn:

Gwen Ruta, Director of Corporate Partnerships, Environmental Defense Fund
Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts put the nonprofit group on the corporate map when it asked EDF to assess the environmental performance of its U.S. companies. It’s Ruta’s job to help business partners create best practices when it comes to protecting the earth.

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The Problem with the Pew Poll

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

According to a poll conducted in June by the Pew Research Center, soaring gas prices have caused a significant shift in American attitudes in just four months. American priorities, they say, have shifted strongly towards energy exploration and drilling, and away from conservation.

Is environmentalism dead, or is this result mainly due to how Pew framed the survey questions? I think the latter.

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Picturing U.S. Carbon Emissions

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

How much do different sectors of the U.S. economy contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, and how much does this vary by region? That’s a complicated question, but you can see the answer at a glance through a nifty, interactive map on the New York Times Web site.

A bar across the top gives the overview by sector – electric, transportation, industrial, residential, and commercial. Click on a bar to see the breakdown by state, shown on a map of the U.S. via proportionally-sized circles. When you hover your mouse on a circle, you see text with the state name and million metric tons of emissions.

If you’d like to dig into the numbers in full, gory detail, check out the latest U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report.

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Easy Recycling of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) use 75 percent less electricity than incandescent light bulbs for the same amount of light. (For why, see Bill’s post "Why Switch to Compact Fluorescents".) But some people fear CFLs because of the tiny amount of mercury they contain. The risk from a broken CFL is extremely small, but CFLs should be disposed of properly so landfills aren’t polluted. Sealing used bulbs in plastic bags before placing them in the trash can slow the release of mercury if the bulb breaks. But recycling is ideal.

The problem, until now, has been that recycling CFLs was inconvenient for post people. That’s about to change, thanks to Home Depot. The New York Times reported this week that Home Depot will offer CFL recycling at all of its nearly 2000 U.S. stores. That puts 75 percent of Americans within 10 miles of a CFL recycling location.

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Drilling for More Oil Is Not the Solution

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

Gas prices are sky high, as everybody knows, and the main reason is increased demand. But the solution is not to resume offshore drilling in the U.S., as the current administration suggests.

Environmental Defense Fund President Fred Krupp discussed this issue in a PBS interview last week with Charlie Rose, and again in a guest post on Grist. Here’s an excerpt from Grist:

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