Climate 411

Yesterday’s blog highlights

Climate Progress reports on a new poll which shows that Latinos and African Americans support a bipartisan climate and clean energy bill.  “Overwhelming majorities of Latino voters in Florida (80%), Nevada (67%) and Colorado (58%) say they are more likely to vote for a U.S. Senate candidate that supports proposals for fighting global warming.”

Carol Browner, White House climate advisor, said the “administration backs protecting energy-intensive manufacturing sectors in climate legislation,” according to E2 Wire.

On Treehugger, we learned that the solar industry created 17,000 US jobs in 2009, according to a new report released by the Solar Energies Industry Association.

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Yesterday’s blog highlights

The Financial Times reports that China may be greening its economy. China’s philosophy is moving “from ‘climate change is bad, but development is our first priority’ towards ‘development is our first priority, and climate change may threaten that’.”

The New York Times reported that Obama is hoping the Senate will take on the climate bill after financial reform. “’This is one of these foundational priorities from my perspective that has to be done soon,’ Obama said of the climate bill”

Senator Kerry goes over the fine points of the climate bill in this video posted on Treehugger. Kerry explains that “the bill will put a price on carbon but not through a cap-and-trade system.”

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Blog Snapshot

Grist “Google climate change chief wants price on carbon” Google wants a price on carbon “for lofty reasons like combating global warming, but also because it could be good for business.”

Climate Progress Senate bipartisan climate bill to launch April 26th Senator Graham on why it is not being released on Earth Day – “We don’t want to mix messages here. I’m all for protecting the Earth but this is about energy independence.”

Washington Post “Congress worked out health care. Is climate change next?” Steven Pearlstein shares his balanced and thoughtful perspective on the state of the climate bill. He points out that “While there are still some details to be ironed about, there is a good chance that the bill will gain the support of oil giants BP, Shell and ConocoPhillips, along with major electric utilities and industrial corporations.”

Mother Jones “Another Good Reason to Cut Oil Use” US military is “concerned that there simply won’t be enough oil available in the near future, which could fuel conflict and instability around the world.”

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Climate Video Action Week: Start Your Camera!

Cameras are standard on most cell phones, which has led to a surge in goofy videos of things like co-workers dozing off.  But for one week in March, your camera phone can serve a higher purpose — stopping climate change.

Be a part of Environmental Defense Action Fund’s Climate Video Action Week, a video campaign to connect you directly to your Senators. To participate, create a 30-second video explaining why you want a strong climate bill with a real cap on carbon  — now.

During the first week of March, we’ll send the videos to your Senators, and we’ll also feature the best ones in our next online ad campaign.

My colleague, Erin, explains more in the video below.

Please spread the word and re-post this video for your friends to see! And again, here’s where to get the full details of the video action week.

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