Climate 411

Video Highlights Benefits of Cap-and-Trade

This post is by Keith Gaby, Communications Director for the National Climate Campaign at Environmental Defense.

Climate Vote 2007

Part of a series on the work of the Environmental Defense Action Fund to enact an effective climate law. You can help by writing to Congress.


"You don’t need to convince me to fight global warming. I’m already with you. You need to reach others and convince them." We hear that a lot from our online activists and members. We get it and we’re doing something about it.

In the last several years, we’ve deployed scores of on-the-ground organizers and communication specialists in key swing states to recruit unlikely allies. Our new 10-minute video, "Cap. Trade. Grow.", is part of that effort.

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Posted in Climate Change Legislation / Read 1 Response

Our Message to the White House Major Emitters Meeting

The author of today’s post, Keith Gaby, is Communications Director of the climate campaign at Environmental Defense.

Today the White House is hosting a meeting of 15 nations with some of the highest greenhouse gas emissions in the world. They have gathered together to discuss solutions to climate change. The President of Environmental Defense, Fred Krupp, is among a small number of outside speakers who will address the delegates. He decided to attend the conference because – with all those world leaders gathered in one place (not to mention Bush Administration officials) – it’s a chance to push for real action. The White House, which so far has opposed mandatory action on climate change, might not want to hear it, but Fred’s message will be simple and direct:

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Posted in International / Read 1 Response