Climate 411

Live Waxman-Markey Hearing Updates on Twitter

We have some folks from EDF down at the carbon cap bill hearing today.  Follow us on Twitter at to keep up with the good, the bad, and the ugly!

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EPA’s Endangerment Finding: Finish Line in Sight!

Friday, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson officially determined that global warming pollution “endangers” the nation’s human health and well-being.

The “endangerment finding,” as we enviros call it, was required by the Supreme Court during Massachusetts v. EPA, a landmark victory that rejected the Bush EPA’s laundry list of reasons not to address global warming pollution under the federal Clean Air Act.

Since that victory in April of 2007, we have been waiting for the EPA to “determine” what scientists have known for years: that global warming pollution is a danger to America’s health and well-being.

This EPA finding, coupled with the American Clean Energy and Security Act moving out of Chairman Henry Waxman’s committee by Memorial Day, offers us a glimpse at the finish line.

While the determination does not establish national emission standards for the main culprits of carbon pollution, the EPA will begin developing these standards while it finalizes the “endangerment” determination.

See our overview of the case for more about the twists and turns on the road to this determination.

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New TV Ads: Steel Town’s Mayor Asks for a Carbon Cap

Why does John Fetterman, mayor of Braddock, Pa., want a cap on carbon? One word: Jobs.

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Links: How Many Bloggers and MIT Professors Does It Take to Correct a Number?

The House committee’s new draft bill was big news this week, but it threatens to be overshadowed by all the posts flying around about the misuse of a number by prominent Congressmen, notably Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). Some of our favorite rebuttals:

And a shout-out to One Blue Marble, spotlighting what EDF’s Fred Krupp says about the costs of climate action, based on Department of Energy data:

The impact on household utility bills will be about a dime a day, and that dime will be the hardest working dime in America. It will create jobs, reduce our dangerous dependence on foreign oil, and protect the climate.

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Waxman and Markey Fire Starting Gun

This morning, Congressmen Henry Waxman (D-Ca.) and Ed Markey (D-Ma.) released a 600-page draft and put their committee on the path to passing climate legislation this year.  The details will be worked out in the legislative process, but this is great progress.

If Congress succeeds in passing a cap on carbon emissions, we will address global warming and pump billions of dollars into clean energy and new jobs. If we fail — well, let’s not fail.

Here’s the response from EDF’s president, Fred Krupp:

Chairmen Waxman and Markey are experienced legislators who have focused on exactly the right issues to quickly build consensus and allow Congress to pass a strong bill this year.

We applaud the Chairmen for moving forward boldly and deliberately with their proposal for comprehensive legislation, and we look forward to working with them, the congressional leadership, and the Obama administration to help refine and pass a bill this year.

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Obama to Energy Entrepreneurs: “Your Country Needs You”

From an address at the White House yesterday:

We can remain the world’s leading importer of foreign oil, or become the world’s leading exporter of renewable energy. We can allow climate change to wreak unnatural havoc, or we can create jobs preventing its worst effects.

It’s definitely worth reading the news summary and full remarks.

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