Monthly Archives: July 2009

Four Reasons to Use Cap and Trade to Fight Global Warming

Michael Oppenheimer and I have a post up on Huffington Post that explains why cap and trade is more effective than a tax at slowing and eventually halting global warming.

Here are just the highlights:

  1. Environmental certainty. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize: avoiding dangerous climate change. A legally binding cap is the only way to assure that this objective will actually be attained.
  2. International opportunity. The atmosphere is indifferent to where carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, is emitted. The ultimate goal, once countries like China and Brazil have adequate systems for monitoring their emissions, is a global carbon market — benefiting both the developing countries and the industrialized countries.
  3. The market, not the government, sets the price. Cap and trade is a smart division of labor: Congress sets the cap, and the market sets the price on carbon needed to achieve it.
  4. Political viability. In our view, cap and trade is the best policy on the merits. But it is also the politically viable path. A recent survey shows that of all regulatory approaches, the public likes taxes least.

Each of these reasons are explained in more detail on Huffington Post. Take a look and add to the comments!

Posted in Economics, Policy / Read 1 Response

Tea Bagger Fringe Continuing to Mobilize Against Climate Action

The Dittohead and Tea Bagger crowd are piling on in opposition to Congressional action to address global warming.

Taking cues from daily tirades from Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin and the gang, the radical right has been organizing an intensive phone-banking operation targeting members of Congress.

According to, callers are even being instructed to use phony home addresses and to call member offices multiple times to manufacture the impression that constituents are against climate action.

These underhanded efforts have skewed results so much that some offices are reporting a 100:1 ratio of calls against climate action.

Check out the Grist story.

What you can do:

First, call your real members of Congress to express support for global warming action. The Capitol Hill switchboard is (202) 224-3121.

Second, spread the word online. Email this story to your friends and family. Post this on Facebook and/or on Twitter. Let everyone know that the radical right is manufacturing false opposition to climate action and that we need to fight back.

Finally, engage in the debate online and off. When you see a story about climate action online, be sure to share your views by commenting on the story. If possible, send letters to the editor of your local paper. Help make sure your community knows that it’s critical we act. We can solve the climate crisis in a way that is affordable and that will create jobs and free America from our dependence on foreign oil.

Thanks for all you do.

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