Some Cool Tools and Links

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.


Sex and the Socket – Hilarious video on why CFLs are better. View below, or click link for hi-res version.

EPA Power Profiler – Most carbon footprint calculators, including ours, rely on averages to estimate your carbon footprint. But you can get a more accurate picture if you know how your power company generates electricity – coal? hydro? nuclear? The Power Profiler can tell you; just enter your zip code. If there’s more than one power company in your area, it can help you choose between them.

Divorce Harms the Environment – Researchers at Michigan State University have discovered the obvious – living separately not only costs more, it puts more stress on the environment. People living separately take up more space, and use up more energy and water. Love really is the answer to everything.

Kangaroo Flatulence – People had fun talking about farting this week, but really it’s more about burping. Farm animals like cows and sheep belch out methane gas as a natural part of ruminant digestion – a significant contributor to global warming. But kangaroo flatulence contains no methane, thanks to special bacteria in their stomachs. Scientists are working on isolating the bacteria so it can be transferred to cattle and sheep.

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  1. Posted December 15, 2007 at 4:02 pm | Permalink

    I’ve been aware of Global Warming since Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth came out (which I have yet to see). I recently bought my first book on the subject (Global Warming Survival Handbook, by David de Rothschild) and I’m about half way through it. I have noticed lately that since my perception towards garbage is more heightened, I’m aware of every little thing that goes into my garbage can. I can’t help but get mad at my husband for throwing away the red plastic cups he loves so much. And I’m harder on myself as well-this is changing what I’m buying. When I’m in the grocery store, the only thing I can think about is:

    -How much room is this going to take up in the garbage can?
    -Is there someplace that recycles these thin un-corrugated cardboard boxes?
    -How can I reuse this container once it’s empty?

    I feel very depressed about this, because it makes me wonder how many people don’t think about these things. I feel like I have to make up for my neighbors’ insensibility to how much waste they are producing.

    I’ve switched one bulb in my apartment to a CFL and it felt nice to know that I was contributing a little less to greenhouse gasses emitted. And I’ve made a resolution that in 5 months time, I will have all of my light bulbs switched. I have a few questions that hopefully you will be able to answer to ease my mind about these matters.

    (1)How does the amount of water I use contribute to Global Warming, or negatively impact the Earth?
    (2)Are there any types of biodegradable razors on the market? Or is there a certain type that I should buy that would constitute less waste? Or-if I use Nair, would the empty plastic bottle amount to more waste than 2 months worth of razors?
    (3)How should I approach and convince my not-so-perceptive-of-the-waste-he’s-producing husband that this is important to me and to the Earth, if we ever want our kids to see the world the way we do?
    (4)We (I) recycle plastic, glass, and aluminum cans, but is there a way to recycle thin cardboard cereal and beer boxes?
    (5)And what is a “carbon offset” and what does it mean to “buy” it?

    My e-mail address is mklipfel(at)radford(dot)edu or you can post as a comment on my blog:

    Thank you!

  2. Posted December 17, 2007 at 4:41 pm | Permalink

    Hi sewvain. Here are some answers to your questions:

    1. The water issue is big, actually. See our earlier post, “Save Energy by Saving Water – and Vice Versa”.

    2. I don’t think there’s such a thing as biodegradable razor blades. The chemicals in Nair are another issue – both for you and the environment. I’m not sure there’s a way around having a footprint here, so I’d focus on other areas. There are many other things you can do.

    3. Send your husband over to this blog. Search on “Chameides”. Bill Chameides – member of the National Academy of Science and science advisor to Environmental Defense – wrote some great background posts on the science of global warming. They’re very clear and accessible.

    Educating children about climate change is extremely important. It’s going to be their world.

    4. You can recycle all paper. Earth 911 has more info.

    5. Here’s a previous post that explains carbon offsets.

    Please browse around this blog. There’s a ton of good information buried here!