President Obama: Lead America to Clean Energy Now

As far back as Richard Nixon, every American president has called for energy reform and action to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. And for 40 years, not a single one followed through to create real change.

President Obama has expressed his public commitment to passing strong climate and energy reform in 2010. But, with the legislative calendar running out, now is the moment we must turn words into action.

That’s the point of our forceful new video.


We’re calling on all EDF members, activists, and supporters and on all concerned Americans to join us in telling President Obama: We need you to lead America to a clean climate and energy future. We need at least 50,000 signatures before the Senate gets back to work next week.

Go to to add your name. Then forward to your friends and family, share on Facebook and Twitter, and help us recruit as many signers as possible.

We have never been closer to success.

What we have so far is President Obama’s support. What we need is a full court press by White House officials to do what it takes to get the 60 votes needed to secure Senate passage of a bill. Nothing short of that will do.

History will be made this month. Please help us make this a chapter with a happy ending.

Please watch our video and act today.

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  1. Posted July 9, 2010 at 12:57 pm | Permalink

    Powerful video. Important history, especially for the younger activists who didn't live through it all, but also an excellent reminder for those of us who did. Well done.

  2. Posted July 9, 2010 at 2:44 pm | Permalink

    We can create a change in policy by making our voices HEARD! Please sign the petition asking Prez. Obama to make energy reform a REALITY for the sake of our planet and our lives! We cannot afford to let big oil control our destiny any longer! The time for us to as a NATION to stand up for our rights is NOW! Thank you!!!