EDF Health

Selected tag(s): Risk assessment

Stating the Obvious: Nano Cosmetics Risk Assessment is Inadequate

Richard Denison, PhD, is a Senior Scientist.

Just after publishing my last post, I learned that the European Commission’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Products has released a new Scientific Opinion that concludes current risk assessment procedures and methods applied to cosmetics, in particular sunscreens, are insufficient. Read More »

Posted in Health science, Nanotechnology / Also tagged | Authors: / Read 1 Response

Wishful Thinking ≠ Safety

Cal Baier-Anderson, PhD, is a Health Scientist.

In the current regulatory environment, where there are no regulations that specifically take into account the unique properties of engineered nanomaterials, industry has by default the primary responsibility for their safe production and use. Is industry taking this responsibility seriously?

Two recent studies, one in Europe and one in the U.S., shed light on this question and reveal some reasons to be concerned. Read More »

Posted in Health science, Nanotechnology / Also tagged , | Authors: / Comments are closed

NNI’s new strategy: Not quite

Richard Denison, Ph.D., is a Senior Scientist.

Just when you thought it might never emerge, the National Nanotechnology Initiative’s (NNI) Strategy for Nanotechnology-Related Environmental, Health and Safety Research (PDF, 2.2 MB ) finally hit the streets last week.

It’s got good, bad and ugly. The good news is that here, at last, is a report from NNI that actually reads more like a strategy and less like yet another laundry list of research needs. The bad news is that key elements of a full strategy are still nowhere to be found. Read More »

Posted in Health policy, Nanotechnology / Also tagged , | Authors: / Read 1 Response