Sarah Vogel highlights health benefits of cutting methane at Health Forum during UN General Assembly

What’s new: Foreign Policy magazine hosted a Health Forum during the UN General Assembly last month in New York, where EDF’s Sarah Vogel explained how methane connects to health impacts. During her conversation with journalist Maggie Lake, Sarah discussed methane’s major sources–agriculture, oil and gas and waste–and its impacts on the climate. She also explained the connection between reducing emissions and improving health. 

Why it matters: While many may understand how methane harms the climate, the significant health benefits of reducing emissions remain less known. Companies and governments are making commitments to reduce methane emissions, while new tools like MethaneSAT are coming online to help identify emissions hotspots. By linking health benefits to cutting these emissions, we can accelerate clean air action and even increase our ambition. 

Go Deeper: Learn more about the health impacts of methane here.

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