Climate 411

The Vampire that Won't Die

The author of today’s post, Sheryl Canter, is an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

The cover story in the current issue of Newsweek is about the bizarre persistence of the global warming deniers, in the face of overwhelming evidence that global warming exists ("Global Warming Is A Hoax – Or so claim well-funded naysayers who still reject the overwhelming evidence of climate change").

Who is funding the doubt machine, and how should science-based organizations respond?

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Ozone Alert For Plants

The author of today’s post, Lisa Moore, Ph.D., is a scientist in the Climate and Air Program.

If you’re in or near a big city, you’ve probably heard your local news give ozone alerts. Those warnings mean that smog levels are high enough to affect your lungs. Even moderate pollution causes respiratory problems for kids with asthma. Really high levels of ozone make it dangerous for even the healthiest adult to be outdoors.

Now scientists are warning that smog could make global warming worse because of its effects on plants.

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The Amazing YearlyKos Convention

The author of today’s post, Sheryl Canter, is an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

I attended the YearlyKos Convention in Chicago last week, and what an amazing event it was! I expected to learn ways to blog more effectively, and to meet some of my fellow bloggers. All that happened. The sessions were great, and I met many people I’d previously known only by their writing.

But I didn’t know when I signed up that I’d also get to interact with the Democratic presidential candidates.

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Sen. Warner and the Generals on Climate

Today’s post is by Mark MacLeod, Director of Special Projects for our national climate campaign.

Last month, I wrote about the significance of Senators Warner and Lieberman joining forces to craft global warming legislation. I noted Senator Warner’s view that global warming is a question of national security.

Today, the senators outlined their plan (which Environmental Defense praised). But I also wanted to call out what I thought was the most interesting line in the Washington Post story. In relating the reasons that caused Senator Warner to become a leader in the Senate on climate change, the article states,

Warner said he was also prodded by retired Gen. James L. Jones and other former military officers who urged him to back a bill to slow global warming.

Those military leaders, like the business leaders in US-CAP, and leaders in the faith community, all show the strong and widespread momentum to deal with global warming.

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Making the Invisible Visible

The author of today’s post, Sheryl Canter, is an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

They say knowledge is power. That’s the idea behind an interesting innovation in the U.K. called "smart meters" which tell people in real time how much energy their appliances are using, and how much carbon is being emitted as a result. The goal is to change usage patterns by giving immediate feedback.

Energy usage feedback devices are starting to appear in the U.S., as well.

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Mercury Risk in CFLs: The Facts

The author of today’s post, John Balbus, M.D., is Chief Health Officer at Environmental Defense.

Compact Fluorescent Light BulbCompact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) use dramatically less energy than incandescent bulbs and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. But they also contain mercury – a dangerous toxin.

What if you drop a CFL and it breaks? How much trouble are you in?

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