Climate 411

Part 4 of 5: Medieval Warming Period

This is the fourth installment of a five-part series by Bill Chameides on How We Know Humans Cause Global Warming.

1. A 175-year-old Puzzle
2. What Chemistry Tells Us
3. Causes of Past Climate Change
4. The Medieval Warming Period
5. The Only Explanation Left

In my previous article in this series, I talked about climate change patterns over geologic time. I showed how today’s spike in temperature and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration breaks patterns and records going back 600,000 years.

This departure can be seen even more clearly when you look at just the last 1000 years (see graph in previous post). So what is this you hear about a Medieval Warming Period?

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Also posted in Basic Science of Global Warming / Read 12 Responses

Part 3 of 5: Causes of Past Climate Change

This is the third installment of a five-part series by Bill Chameides on How We Know Humans Cause Global Warming.

1. A 175-year-old Puzzle
2. What Chemistry Tells Us
3. Causes of Past Climate Change
4. The Medieval Warming Period
5. The Only Explanation Left

An argument I hear frequently from climate change skeptics goes like this: "Climate has undergone warming and cooling cycles for millennia. This is no different. It’s just another naturally occurring warm cycle."

It’s true that climate has undergone warming and cooling cycles for millennia, but it’s not true that this is just another naturally occurring warm cycle. Here’s why.

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Also posted in Basic Science of Global Warming / Read 19 Responses

Part 2 of 5: What Chemistry Tells Us

This is the second installment of a five-part series by Bill Chameides on How We Know Humans Cause Global Warming.

1. A 175-year-old Puzzle
2. What Chemistry Tells Us
3. Causes of Past Climate Change
4. The Medieval Warming Period
5. The Only Explanation Left

There’s no question that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a greenhouse gas that warms the planet, and that CO2 has been increasing. The graph below shows it vividly (the measurements were taken at Mauna Loa, Hawaii).

But how do we know that the increase is due to people burning fossil fuels? One way is by analyzing the chemistry of our atmosphere, since human activities leave an unmistakable "fingerprint".

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Also posted in Basic Science of Global Warming / Read 12 Responses

Part 1 of 5: A 175-year-old Puzzle

This is the first installment of a five-part series by Bill Chameides on How We Know Humans Cause Global Warming.

1. A 175-year-old Puzzle
2. What Chemistry Tells Us
3. Causes of Past Climate Change
4. The Medieval Warming Period
5. The Only Explanation Left

Most people these days accept that our planet is warming, but some find it hard to believe that mere humans could cause such a large-scale global change. How do we know that the warming is due to human activity? How can we be so sure?

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Also posted in Basic Science of Global Warming / Read 21 Responses

Storm Hits Oman

Today’s post is by Bill Chameides, Chief Scientist at Environmental Defense.

The hurricane season began on June 1, and we are all waiting with some dread to see what this year will bring. Will it be a relatively mild season like last year, a devastating one like 2005, or something in between? An ominous sign is that we have already seen two tropical storms in the region: Andrea, which formed almost a month before the season began, and Barry, which formed on the first day of the season.

Last week I read that Oman was hit by Tropical Cyclone Gonu. ("Hurricane", "typhoon", and "cyclone" are all names for the same thing.) I know that Asia and Australia are regularly hit by tropical storms, but the Arabian Peninsula? Is that normal? I didn’t know, so I decided to do a little investigating. Here’s what I learned.

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Also posted in Extreme Weather / Read 4 Responses

Climate News: Geo-engineering, Soot and Deforestation

Guest blogger Lisa Moore, Ph.D., is a scientist in the Climate and Air Program.

There’s always something new in climate change research. This week, scientists described the risks of geo-engineering, proposed an efficient way to reduce Arctic climate change, and discussed options for decreasing deforestation in developing countries.

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Also posted in Arctic & Antarctic, Geoengineering / Read 1 Response