Climate 411

Video Highlights Benefits of Cap-and-Trade

This post is by Keith Gaby, Communications Director for the National Climate Campaign at Environmental Defense.

Climate Vote 2007

Part of a series on the work of the Environmental Defense Action Fund to enact an effective climate law. You can help by writing to Congress.


"You don’t need to convince me to fight global warming. I’m already with you. You need to reach others and convince them." We hear that a lot from our online activists and members. We get it and we’re doing something about it.

In the last several years, we’ve deployed scores of on-the-ground organizers and communication specialists in key swing states to recruit unlikely allies. Our new 10-minute video, "Cap. Trade. Grow.", is part of that effort.

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US-CAP Targets Capitol Hill with Newspaper Ad

This post is by Elizabeth Thompson, Legislative Director at Environmental Defense.

Climate Vote 2007

Part of a series on the work of the Environmental Defense Action Fund to enact an effective climate law. You can help by writing to Congress.

The US Climate Action Partnership (US-CAP) ran its first newspaper ad [PDF] last week in the widely read Capitol Hill newspapers Roll Call and the Politico. The ad urges Congress to “take prompt action” to reduce America’s global warming pollution and recommends a “cap-and-trade program that achieves emission reductions at the lowest possible cost.”

The ad is a clear signal that the partnership of 27 major corporations and 6 leading environmental organizations is eager to assert itself in the political debate and to push the global warming solutions agenda forward.

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Climate Vote 2007: Why Now, Why Cap and Trade?

This post is by Elizabeth Thompson, legislative director.

Climate Vote 2007

Part of a series on the work of the Environmental Defense Action Fund to enact an effective climate law. You can help by writing to Congress.

As we launch our campaign to demand a vote on a national global warming cap and trade bill this year, some may ask why now? And why cap and trade?

Both good questions. Here’s why.

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Support Building for Mandatory Caps

The author of today’s post, Mark MacLeod, is Director of Special Projects for the national climate campaign at Environmental Defense.

This has been Climate Week in New York and D.C., starting with the U.N. conference on Monday, then the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting Wednesday through Friday, and finally the White House Major Economies Meeting today and tomorrow.

This week’s focus on global warming has prompted a flurry of letters around Washington, D.C. urging President Bush to support mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions.

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The Energy Bills Are Not Enough

The author of today’s post, Sheryl Canter, is an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

The energy bills passed by the House and Senate may have you thinking you can relax about climate change, but think again. These bills have some important provisions and we hope they pass, but a new analysis [PDF] by Environmental Defense shows that they don’t solve the global warming problem. Even if the best fuel-saving and renewable energy provisions in the bills were combined in conference committee, greenhouse emissions would continue to rise for the next three decades.

This underscores the urgent need for this Congress to pass comprehensive climate change legislation that reduces emissions far below today’s levels.

Energy Bills Analysis

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Mankiw's Argument Against Cap-and-Trade

The author of today’s post, Nat Keohane, Ph.D., is Director of Economic Policy and Analysis at Environmental Defense.

In yesterday’s New York Times, Harvard economics professor N. Gregory Mankiw, advisor to President Bush and presidential candidate Mitt Romney, threw his hat into the climate policy ring. Mankiw called for an international carbon tax to address global climate change.

We’re glad that a highly regarded academic economist is calling for serious action to stop global warming. But we part ways with his prescription for what action to take.

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