Climate 411

Global Warming Action = Global Conspiracy


“Why all of a sudden is there so much money for, like, global warming? Why is that so high on the president’s agenda? Why are they trying to shut down every coal plant? Have you checked the temperature lately? The new budget contains a cap-and-trade program that is supposed to limit carbon dioxide emissions. Oh, the trees will love it. But if it performs anywhere near as well as the one in Europe — because that one’s great — it will likely limit nothing except corporate profits and economic growth.

“…So, if we’re worried about the economy, why is that there? Remember one thing: The problem is the solution. The answer to why we’re talking about global warming is contained right there in the name — global. Global warming fits perfectly with a global New Deal, because they’re both focused on solving everyone’s problems all at once — controlling your life globally — while ensuring that America takes on the majority of the world’s burden.”

— Glenn Beck, the Glenn Beck show on Fox News, March 3, 2009


The conspiracy theorists are out in force when it comes to global warming action, and Glenn Beck’s quote captures the sentiment perfectly.

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We are cooling. We are not warming.


“We are cooling. We are not warming. The warming you see out there, the supposed warming, and I am using my finger quotation marks here, is part of the cooling process. Greenland, which is now covered in ice, it was once called Greenland for a reason, right? Iceland, which is now green. Oh I love this. Like we know what this planet is all about. How long have we been here? How long? Not very long.”

– RNC Chairman Michael Steele, guest-hosting Bill Bennett’s Morning in America radio show, March 6, 2009


If you looked up “Train Wreck” in the dictionary, do you think this quote would appear?

Hard to know where to begin with this.

As we’ve posted before, the planet is not cooling. Yes, 2008 was cooler than 2007, but it was still one of the top ten warmest years on record. And, the warmest decade on record is the last ten years.

Here is a graphic from our Climate 411 blog that shows the extent of the current warming trend:

global warming trends chart graphic

Folks who claim that the planet is cooling simply don’t know what they’re talking about.

Oh, and as for why Greenland is called Greenland when it’s mostly covered in ice, it’s an interesting historical story. It turns out that Viking settlers used the inviting name to entice more settlers to join them. In reality, Greenland’s ice cap is hundreds of thousands of years old and covers more than 4/5 of the land.

The rest of Steele’s quote kind of loses, um, focus. Not sure how to politely respond.

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Code for Killing Jobs


“‘Cap-and-trade’ is code for increasing taxes, killing American jobs and raising energy costs for consumers.”

– Rep. John Boehner (R-OH), House Minority Leader, March 9, 2009


Opponents of global warming action certainly have their sound bites down.

For style and efficiency, Rep. Boehner gets an A (in 17 words, he certainly makes his point). For truth-telling, he gets a big fat F.

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Vote for Your Favorite 30-Second Video

The Environmental Defense Action Fund just launched the Climate Activist’s Choice Award. Watch the videos and vote now, and help pick the winner of $1,000.
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