Climate 411

Call-in Show Debating Climate Change Bill

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

Our own Steve Cochran was on C-Span’s Washington Journal this morning with David Kreutzer of the Heritage Foundation (a conservative think tank), debating the Climate Security Act under consideration by the Senate this week. The hour-long call-in show got pretty animated at times. You can watch it on C-Span’s Web site.

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New Report: Staggering Cost of Doing Nothing

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

A new report by researchers at Tufts University (commissioned by NRDC) presents two ways of estimating the costs of inaction on climate change. Both lead to staggering totals – far more than the cost of addressing the problem:

New research shows that if present trends continue, the total cost of global warming will be as high as 3.6 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Four global warming impacts alone – hurricane damage, real estate losses, energy costs, and water costs – will come with a price tag of 1.8 percent of U.S. GDP, or almost $1.9 trillion annually (in today’s dollars) by 2100.

This report on the cost of inaction is a good companion to our own report on the low cost of an effective policy to fight climate change.

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Save Money on Gas this Memorial Day Weekend

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

Memorial Day is the start of the summer travel season. With gas prices approaching $4 per gallon across the country, you might want to think carefully about how you get where you’re going. Should you take one, big, packed car, or two smaller, half-empty cars? How much gas can you save by driving slower and making sure your car engine is properly tuned?

For answers to all these questions and more, check out our Eight Ways to Green Your Road Trip.

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Floridians Who Are Part of the Solution

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

Last week I posted links to some ads we’re running on the importance of passing climate change legislation. We have a new group of ads running now in Florida, and they’re really interesting to watch.

Each of the nine new ads features a different business person in Florida who is either manufacturing something green or using green technology in his or her business. The spots are interesting and encouraging – and short (it won’t take you long to look). What do you think?

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New Report on Innovative Green Business Solutions

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

Ideas for businesses, and hope for everyone concerned about global warming – that’s what you get with our just-published, first annual Innovations Review. This new report highlights innovative processes, products, and technologies in a range of different industries.

Green business practices can drive cost savings and create new markets, giving companies a competitive advantage. But what’s next after the basics, like switching to energy-saving light bulbs and printing double-sided?

Here’s one example that caught my eye – a southern California Web hosting company powered entirely by the Sun.

AISO Solar Panels

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Top 5 Reasons Why the Senate Must Act

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an online writer and editorial manager at Environmental Defense Fund.

Operation Climate Vote

This post is part of a series on the work of the Environmental Defense Action Fund to enact an effective climate law. You can help by writing to Congress.

The Senate is set to vote on landmark global warming legislation in early June – just a few short weeks away. Here are our top five reasons why they must act now.

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