Climate 411

Picturing 21 Million Barrels of Oil

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.


Site member border2 posted this idea to our Suggestion Box:

I think it could be useful/interesting to have some sort of a comparison or perspective of how much oil is being consumed by the U.S. and the world. … Like every x number of minutes the U.S. consumes x number of Olympic-size swimming pools of oil. I really don’t have a concept of the massive amount of oil we are using – x barrels of oil doesn’t translate into something I can plug into my world.

I put this question to one of our numbers experts, Noah Greenberg, and here’s what he told me.

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Tips for Green Living

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

Are you thinking about climate-related New Year’s resolutions? In addition to this list of ideas from our Web site, here are some articles we’ve posted on green living that can give you some ideas.

Your Home:

Your Car:

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We Need Your Help to Fight Global Warming

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

As 2007 draws to a close, we also approach the end of our blog’s first year. Well, okay, it started in February, but it’s close. We’ve tried to bring you a blend of the science and policy of climate change, and be a resource for you in explaining these issues to others. How’ve we been doing? We want your feedback!

We also need your help in another quarter. The end of the year means fundraising for non-profits like ours. We rely on you to fund the important work we do.

Please donate now, and here’s wishing for a cool, green New Year for us all!

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Global Warming Policy 2007: Ten Victories

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

Sometimes it can seem like we’re not making any progress at all on the global warming front, but we are! Here are ten important policy victories from 2007.

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Green Gifts for the Holidays

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

If you need some last minute gift inspiration, check out our annual round-up of earth-friendly ideas.

We’ll be off for a few days, so we won’t be posting again until next Thursday. Have a great holiday.

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Some Cool Tools and Links

Sheryl CanterThis post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.


Sex and the Socket – Hilarious video on why CFLs are better. View below, or click link for hi-res version.

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Posted in What Others are Saying / Read 2 Responses