Climate 411

Religious Leaders Awaken to Global Warming

This post is by Rev. Sally Bingham, president of The Regeneration Project and the Interfaith Power and Light campaign. She also serves on the Board of Trustees at Environmental Defense.

“…religious, moral and spiritual values are starting to take hold in the climate change discussion.”

I have maintained for years that climate change is the most serious moral issue of our time, but at first few believed me or took it to heart. Having just returned from a week of traveling and giving talks on a religious response to global warming, I’m more encouraged than ever that we will solve this problem before we destroy ourselves.

Things have shifted in the last several months, and it’s a refreshing, hopeful time. More people are coming to events to find solutions, rather than to question the science. The most frequently asked question is, "What can we do?" Now that the religious voice is at the table with other solution seekers, I am very hopeful that we will stop the warming trend.

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