Environmental Defense President Testifies Before Congress

This post is by Sheryl Canter, an Online Writer and Editorial Manager at Environmental Defense.

Yesterday, Environmental Defense President Fred Krupp testified before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works about America’s Climate Security Act (ACSA). "There is no more important legislation that this Committee will ever consider than comprehensive climate change policy," said Krupp in his written remarks [PDF].

Krupp focused on four main points:

  1. Time is of the essence; we must not delay.
  2. This bill has all the essential elements needed to tackle climate change.
  3. We have the technology we need to get started.
  4. The bill’s system of carrots and sticks will prompt international action.

He also recommended some improvements the Senate can make going forward, and alerted Senators to amendments that we would oppose. The bill is scheduled for “mark-up” on December 5 (more on the legislative process in upcoming posts).

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