Apple Joins List of Former U.S. Chamber Members

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce continues to make a monkey of itself over its “Scopes trial” comment, as well as its general policy on climate change.

The latest chapter in the ongoing saga comes from high-tech powerhouse Apple, which announced that it is resigning from the Chamber effective immediately. Apple says it objects to “the chamber’s recent comments opposing the E.P.A.’s effort to limit greenhouse gases.” Those comments include threatening litigation.

In a letter to chamber president Thomas Donahue, Apple wrote:

Apple supports regulating greenhouse gas emissions, and it is frustrating to find the chamber at odds with us in this effort.

You can read Apple’s entire letter [PDF] here.

But the bad news for the Chamber doesn’t end there. One of its chapters is now distancing itself from the national organization. That item comes from the San Jose Mercury News editorial “U.S. chamber is a dinosaur on climate change“.

The paper says the San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce has “had discussions with the U.S. Chamber and the California Chamber as well as PG&E and several other members.”

The president of the San Jose Silicon Valley chapter solidly opposed her national counterpart’s comments, saying:

There isn’t anyone who doesn’t realize that climate change is a man-made phenomenon and something we need to address and address quickly.

PG& E, of course, has already resigned from the chamber because of its climate policy — as have PNM Resources and Excelon (and now Apple).

Nike withdrew from the Chamber’s board of directors, but hasn’t given up its membership altogether.

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  1. K.C. Weber
    Posted October 6, 2009 at 3:55 pm | Permalink

    First of all, the following statement from the post above is NOT true:

    “There isn’t anyone who doesn’t realize that climate change is a man-made phenomenon and something we need to address and address quickly.”

    One of the many, many examples of this is the following website:

    I would like to hear someone from the “Fight Global Warming” website debate what is discussed in this “American Thinker” article.

    Thank you,
    K.C. Weber

  2. S Edwards
    Posted October 6, 2009 at 11:30 pm | Permalink

    Yes, and they are people that still believe the earth is flat. That doesn’t mean it is true. Overwhelming evidence from the leading scientists in the world conclude that the earth is warming, and that this is due to human activity. Face the facts. And regardless, what we have been doing to the planet since the beginning of the industrial revolution has done more harm to this planet than the millennia before. We need to change our behavior – for ourselves, for our children and for our children’s children before it is too late.

  3. marchhare
    Posted October 7, 2009 at 6:34 pm | Permalink

    The majority of idiots has recently believed thhat Earth is flat- and now this majority believes in global warming. There is NO WAY IN HELL we can affect the global climate if we are responsible fo about 0.02% of the CO2 emmission- and there is much less way in hell we can change climat by reducing this 0.02 % by 25 % or 50%. The difference beetween scientists who propagate the global-warming-caused-by-humans theory (i wouldt say “believe”, theyre not that stupid) and scientists who doubt it is that the second ones dont want to rob us from billions os dollars for “world saving”. You think your right because your in majority? If you feed 10-years-old children in grade schools this bullshit you can be sure youll have world on your side. the children from HitlerJugend were absolutely sure that Jews arent people. I wonder how much money from the fight-global-warming fund is spent on propaganda? Or just stolen? I hope most. Because if not some day to convince the public opinion those facists may really find a way to cool down the climat. And that would be an ecological catastrophy.