Climate Week NYC Kicks Off a Critical Window for Climate Action

2030 is six years away! In these next six years, we have to slash greenhouse gas emissions by 45% to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, according to the United Nations.  

To make the most of these essential years, we need to shift into a higher gear and accelerate the pace of action. The next 18 months of climate decisions are pivotal to set ourselves up for success: 

  • A New Climate Finance Goal at COP29: This November, at the UN’s COP29 in Azerbaijan, nations need to agree on a new global finance goal. This decision-point will determine how much money we must dedicate to support developing countries in taking climate action, and how that money will reach the countries and communities that need it most.  
  • Updated Climate Plans in 2025: That crucial conversation on climate finance will lead countries into a ‘moment of truth’ in 2025. Every country is responsible for updating their national climate action plans (called Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs) with more ambitious climate commitments, which will need to be enabled by high-quality climate finance. Simply put, by COP 30 in Brazil, we will need to see stronger climate plans and clear pathways to swiftly shift to clean energy, slash emissions from food production, and end deforestation. 

At Climate Week NYC, Environmental Defense Fund will be driving discussions and dialogues around three key climate priorities to set us on a path to slashing emissions and meeting our climate targets: 

A Just Transition to Clean Energy: It is critical that countries update their national commitments to move rapidly from dirty to clean energy – ensuring a just transition that improves the wellbeing of people and the planet.  

  • At Climate Week NYC, we’re joining policymakers and partners to drive solutions that cut methane emissions in the energy sector. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas, responsible for one-third of the warming we’re already experiencing. Reducing methane emissions from the oil and gas industry is the quickest, simplest and most affordable way to reduce warming now, even as we work to reduce climate pollution across the economy.  

A Just Transformation of Food: Reimagining the way we grow and raise food must be a key priority as countries update their climate commitments next year during COP30. 

  • EDF’s food and agriculture experts will be in NYC convening critical dialogues with farmers, investors, and major food and dairy companies on how to reduce climate pollution—think cow burps—from our food systems. 

No Net Zero Without Nature: Nature—including our forests, lands and oceans—is critical to our climate future and the livelihoods of around the world. Slowing deforestation and restoring damaged forests could deliver a quarter or more of the carbon reductions needed by 2030, and we can only meet that goal by working alongside Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. 

  • At Climate Week NYC, we’re showcasing the critical rainforest conservation work of our Indigenous partners, governments around the world, and climate-committed companies. Discussions will be centered around how we can support large-scale rainforest conservation programs, leveraging high-integrity carbon credits to protect forests and improve livelihoods. 

To achieve a just energy transition, transform our food systems, and conserve climate-critical ecosystems, we will have to also discuss the elephant in the room: money.  We need to increase climate finance by at least fivefold by 2030, reaching $8.1 trillion to $10 trillion annually depending on the scenario [Climate Policy Initiative]. EDF is focused not only on how much money we can gather, but how to boost the quality of climate finance and ensure it is accessible to developing countries and impacted communities who need it most. As we approach climate finance discussions at COP29, participants at Climate Week NYC must make quality climate finance a priority. 

That includes the private sector. We simply won’t be able to achieve our global climate goals without engaging companies in climate action. In New York City, EDF’s +Business team are engaging with leading companies, exploring opportunities to align business strategies with our global climate goals to drive down climate pollution and protect nature.  

Climate Week NYC is a strategic moment to set the tone for the critical climate window ahead of us in the next 18 months. Now is the time to raise our global ambition, ignite strategic partnerships and initiatives, and line up the resources needed for everyone to play their part in creating a vital Earth for all. 

See all of EDF’s Climate Week NYC events and activities here

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