Infographic: Carbon Cap Leads to Jobs

As readers of this blog are well aware, capping carbon pollution will help create jobs, make the U.S. energy-independent, and fight global warming. A carbon cap is a crucial step towards a safe and prosperous American future — but many Americans don’t have a clear idea of how a carbon cap will work.

So we designed this graphic, illustrating how capping carbon pollution stimulates the economy and creates jobs.

It’s designed to be easy for reporters, editors, and bloggers around the country to use. We’re hoping it will help them explain the concept to readers, even while they’re busy covering the the political story of the Waxman-Markey Bill working its way through Congress.

Please post or link to it from wherever you want to! (We also have a bigger web-friendly version and  files meant for printing.)

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  1. VE
    Posted May 25, 2009 at 1:21 pm | Permalink

    I’m always curious about how much polution is created by the manufacturing and transportation of the wind turbines and other solutions.


  2. Curt Gilbert
    Posted May 28, 2009 at 2:44 pm | Permalink

    All of this euphoria is nice, but there are two serious problems facing the environmental movement at this time. They are:

    1. In the real world, (Spain which is well ahead of us in implementing green technologies, etc.), they found that they eliminated about 2.5 jobs for every green job created. Do we have a solution for this?

    2. Right now the biggest obstacle to implementing green technologies is the environmental movement. There are now 65 major green projects challenged in the courts by environmentalists. Typical is the one in Oregon where a planned mountain ridge, (where the wind is), wind farm is opposed as unsightly. Environmentalists there want to move it to the low lands near a city, (where the wind isn’t). Another is the establishment of solar collectors in the southwest, near national parks, etc. Solar collectors need to be where the sun shines, not where it doesn’t.

    What is the program? Wind generators work only about 28% of the time in more or less ideal locations. Changing the the,location can double, triple or even quadruple the number of wind farms needed. What land will be taken? Is there a concerted plan, or will environmentalists continue to fight each other, one side pushing a project, the other fighting it in court?

  3. Posted January 22, 2010 at 8:38 pm | Permalink

    Hey very nice blog!! Man .. Attractive .. Remarkable .. I will bookmark your blog and take the feeds also…