Sen. Warner and the Generals on Climate

Today’s post is by Mark MacLeod, Director of Special Projects for our national climate campaign.

Last month, I wrote about the significance of Senators Warner and Lieberman joining forces to craft global warming legislation. I noted Senator Warner’s view that global warming is a question of national security.

Today, the senators outlined their plan (which Environmental Defense praised). But I also wanted to call out what I thought was the most interesting line in the Washington Post story. In relating the reasons that caused Senator Warner to become a leader in the Senate on climate change, the article states,

Warner said he was also prodded by retired Gen. James L. Jones and other former military officers who urged him to back a bill to slow global warming.

Those military leaders, like the business leaders in US-CAP, and leaders in the faith community, all show the strong and widespread momentum to deal with global warming.

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One Comment

  1. Posted August 6, 2007 at 6:38 pm | Permalink

    Perhaps the greatest challenges to getting skeptical or unsure people to take action in supporting strong governmental and business measures that will aggressively change our laws, standards, tax incentives, and thus dramatically reduce our carbon output are their confusion over (1) the causes of global warming and (2) the “reality” of global warming.

    But what if the causes of global warming and the reality of it happening don’t matter? What if the debate is truly over – and action is the answer?

    Check out this cool short video that I just posted up – check out the argument presented – then see if you agree or if you think there are flaws in the argument. Send me an email if you think there are flaws – because I can’t find any. The video leaves us with only one sane conclusion: We must, as a moral imperative and logical, rational decision for humanity take action, massive action, now!

    Here is the link:

    Check it out. Let me know what you think.

    We are the answer.


    Jonathan W. Logan, Esq.
    Social Entrepreneur
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